welcome rams policies

Welcome RAMS Policies Arrival / Dismissal Absences After School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome RAMS Policies Arrival / Dismissal Absences After School Activities Tardies No Food or Drink Busses Hall Passes Dress Code Seating Chart Mobile Devices Warm - Up ID Procedures Rights /

  1. Welcome

  2. RAMS Policies • Arrival / Dismissal • Absences • After School Activities • Tardies • No Food or Drink • Busses • Hall Passes • Dress Code • Seating Chart • Mobile Devices • Warm - Up • ID Procedures • Rights / Limits / Responsibilities • Additional Policies are located in your Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Transportation Handbook, and Information Packet. • Teachers will also have additional policies and guidelines for their classrooms .

  3. Arrival e • Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:30 am. • All students report to the morning holding areas at 7:35. • 6th and 7th graders will report to the gym and sit with their grade. Boys and girls will be separated. • 8th graders will report to the cafeteria and sit boys to one side and girls to the other. • Students will be dismissed from their holding areas by the teachers on duty. • Students arriving after 8:10 must report to office first.

  4. Dismissal e • School dismisses at 3:25 pm. • Students must be picked up by 3:45 pm. • Bus riders will remain in HR or bus room until their busses are called. • Car riders will exit the building at their designated grade level exit and will remain with their grade level in front of the building.

  5. After School Activities e • If you stay after school for any activity (sports, arts, clubs, detention etc.), you must be picked up at the designated time. • Only students participating in the activity may stay on campus. – Siblings, friends, or relatives may not stay after school with you or stay to watch the activity.

  6. No Food or Drink Only drink allowed at RAMS is WATER! (exception lunchtime in lunch room) It must be in an actual water bottle with clear bottle and screw on cap.

  7. Hall Passes d • Students must have a hall pass to travel anywhere on campus during class time. • Students may only be in approved areas on campus. • If you are in an unauthorized area or without a hall pass, you will receive an office referral for being out of area.

  8. Seating Chart • Each classroom will have an assigned seating chart. • You are required to enter the room quietly and sit only in your assigned seat.

  9. Warm-Up Assignment • The Warm-Up assignment or Bell Ringer will be on the board each day (or where your individual teacher has designated.) • Upon arriving to class, you should go directly to your seat and begin the Warm-Up assignment. • The Warm-Up allows the teacher time to take attendance and retrieve materials for students who were absent earlier in the week. Consequently, there should be no talking as you enter the classroom. • Talking during the Warm-Up is considered classroom interference.

  10. Warm-Up Assignment • If you have a question upon arriving to the classroom, wait until the Warm-Up is completed. • You are not allowed to enter the room, drop off your books, go to the bathroom, and reenter the classroom. Use the bathroom and drink from the water fountain according to your grade level policy. • Typically the Warm-Up will take two to five minutes. • When you finish the Warm-Up, you may read any chapter in your textbook or activity/ procedure as directed from your teacher. • The Warm-Up will be collected each day and graded.

  11. Absences • Students are responsible for making up missed work within three days. • Students are responsible for meeting with teacher to discuss/obtain missing work. • Students need to bring a written excuse from home and/or medical professional and turn it at the front office to Ms. Gale or Ms. Boggs.

  12. Tardies - Students must be responsible for arriving to school and to each class ON TIME. • School starts at 8:10 am. • Arrive in time to prepare for your day. • You must be in your HR seat ready to start at the 8:10 bell. • If you arrive late, you must report to the office for a tardy pass.

  13. Tardies and Early Pickup - Students must be responsible for arriving to school and to each class ON TIME. Tardy & Early Pickup Policy (Tardy and Early Pickup incidents will be combined for consequences. It will be recorded by semester.) : • 5th Tardy – Office conference with student and letter to parent. • 10th Tardy – 1 day administrative detention 3:30 -4:30 • 15th Tardy - 1 day ISS • Every 5th tardy will result in ISS.

  14. Buses • All school rules apply on the bus. • The transportation handbook has additional rules for your safety and the safety of others. • ID’s must be worn on the bus at all times. • Riding the bus is a privilege that may be revoked if students do not adhere to the bus and school rules.

  15. Dress Code Dress Code is strictly enforced! Boys: Sagging Pants Girls: Cleavage and length of shirt, dress, skirt etc. Review Dress Code Policy in Your Code of Conduct booklet. Sign and return Dress Code Contract!

  16. Dress Code Items that CAN be worn in middle school… . 1. Pants, shorts, and skirts that are worn at the waist 2. Dresses, skirts, shorts, or pants that are knee length or longer without touching the floor and worn at the proper waist level. Exceptions to length of shorts may be made for physical education, Special Olympics, etc 3. Clothing that fits the wearer appropriately, covers all types of underclothing, and is designed for wear outside the home 4. Pants that are worn with equal pant lengths 5. Shirts, tee shirts, blouses, or dresses that have sleeves and do not show cleavage, backs or midriffs during the course of normal movement. 6. Shoes or sandals 7. Accessories or clothing that does not pose a safety threat to self or others. 8. Clothing that is not see-through 9. Leggings, jeggings, yoga or exercise pants may be worn with a blouse, sweater or top that comes to the midthigh

  17. Dress Code Prohibited items include…. 1. Hats and/or other head covering including hooded sweatshirts, bandanas, sweatbands, stocking caps, do-rags, etc. worn inside the building 2. Items advertising alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics, profane language, weapons, suggestive slogans and/or pictures, and/or offensive materials 3. Sunglasses worn inside buildings 4. The wearing of any item(s) displaying any gang symbols 5. Accessories or clothing that could pose a safety threat to self or others. These include chains, fishhooks, multi-finger rings, studded bracelets or collars, nose/lip to ear chains, etc. Also to include oversized clothing of any type or garments that may be determined could conceal dangerous articles or items 6. Sleeveless tops/shirts 7. Clothing that is see-through 8. Provocative and suggestive clothing

  18. Dress Code Dress Code is strictly enforced! • 1st Violation - student will receive a warning. If student is unable to remedy the problem, the student will be placed into ISS. Student completes Dress Code Violation form. • 2nd , 3 rd , 4 th Violation – Administrative Referral , ISS, Dress Code Violation Form. • 5th Violation - Administrative Referral , ISS, Dress Code Violation Form, Parent Conference. • Subsequent Violations may result in OSS or Expulsion.

  19. Mobile Devices P

  20. Mobile Devices P • Must be in silent mode while on school campuses. • May not be used to cheat on assignments or tests, or for non- instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls and text/instant messaging). • May not be used to record, transmit, or post photographic images or video of a person, or persons on campus during school activities and/or hours unless related to an academic assignment. • May only be used to access files on device, network, or internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum with teacher supervision.

  21. Mobile Devices Mobile Devices should not be seen or heard during school. 1 st Offense – Device confiscated, and student retrieves at the end of the day. 2 nd Offense – Device confiscated, and parent/guardian (not friends, cousins, neighbors, etc.) can retrieve cell phone. 3rd Offense – Device confiscated, and parent/guardian can retrieve cell phone student receives afterschool detention. 4th Offense – Device confiscated, and parent/guardian can retrieve cell phone student receives one (1) day ISS.

  22. Mobile Devices Refusal to give the device to a RAMS staff upon request will result in a discipline referral.

  23. ID’s • All students must wear their ID. • Must be worn around neck on break free lanyard. • May not be defaced in anyway - written on, colored, chewed, cut, etc. It will count as a violation, and you will need to purchase a new one. • Each time you do not have an ID – you receive a violation. • You can receive multiple violations in one day!

  24. Robert Anderson Middle School Rights Everyone has the right to attend Robert Anderson Middle School in a positive, safe environment free from interference. Limits No one has the right to ● p hysically injure himself or herself, injure others, or threaten injury ● discriminate against others ● damage or destroy materials ● steal from others ● impose on others ● lie, cheat, or falsify information ● interfere with school routines or the learning environment Responsibilities Everyone is responsible for being ● ● Respectful A Team Player ● ● Courteous A Hard Worker ● ● Responsible A Good Citizen ● ● Cooperative A Good Friend

  25. Rights Everyone has the right to Attend Robert Anderson Middle School in a positive, safe environment that is free from interference.


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