
Welcome! Thank you for joining us Prelude Wade in the Water T - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome! Thank you for joining us Prelude Wade in the Water T raditional African-American folk song arr. by Samuel T aylor-Coleridge Call to Worship Adapted from Holy T rinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff There are signs of the

  1. Welcome! Thank you for joining us

  2. Prelude Wade in the Water T raditional African-American folk song arr. by Samuel T aylor-Coleridge

  3. Call to Worship Adapted from Holy T rinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff

  4. There are signs of the presence of the Spirit: when there is enthusiasm in the work of the community; when there is courage to devise new approaches to new problems; when there is resistance to all oppression;

  5. when there is a will to liberation that begins with justice for the poor; where there is hunger and thirst for God and tender feeling in the heart. Welcome to this place of these things and more. Come, let us worship together.

  6. . Opening Hymn NCH #386 The Church’s One Foundation

  7. The church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ our Lord; we are Christ’s new creation by water and the word; From heaven Christ came And sought us in love to set us free; with precious blood Christ bought us for all eternity.

  8. Elect from every nation, yet one o’er all the earth, One charter of salvation, one God, one faith, one birth, One name together blessing, one holy food we share, To one hope we are pressing, at one in work and prayer.

  9. ‘Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of our war, we wait the consummation of peace forevermore, till with the vision glorious, our longing eyes are blessed, and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest.

  10. Yet we on earth have union with God, the Three-in-One, and mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won. O happy ones and holy! God, give us grace that we, Like them, the meek and lowly, may live eternally.

  11. Please be seated

  12. Unison Prayer Adapted from “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West”

  13. “Every time, Boq thought: ‘Would that Galinda were here.’” For the casual camaraderie that grew up among them during these weeks was so refreshing —a model of ease and wit. They interrupted one another and laughed and felt bold

  14. and important because of the secrecy of their mission. Some cared little about the mission of helping and knowing the animals— but the passionate belief in the work of their friend enlivened even those with no interest. .

  15. One exclaimed, “Before this, I thought I knew all the shapes of passion! ” Not so. There is always more…

  16. Assurance of God’s Love

  17. Passing of the Peace

  18. Please be seated

  19. First Reading Ephesians 4: 1-16 (modified)

  20. Musical Praise Soloist, Susan Ryan

  21. Gospel Reading John 6: 24-35

  22. Provocation “Wonderful, Watery World!”

  23. Hymn NCH #44 Beautiful Jesus

  24. Beautiful Jesus, Head of all creation, God and the blessed Mary's child: I want to love you, praise and adore you, joy of my soul, so long desired.

  25. Beautiful springtime, lovely, green, and hopeful, all earth exhales its sweet perfume: Jesus is sweeter, Jesus is purer, sad hearts at this, rejoice and bloom.

  26. Beautiful sunshine, clear, so lovely, moonlight, stars shine like angels, ranked through space: Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines clearer, in perfect beauty, love, and grace.

  27. All earthly beauty, all celestial radiance fade when compared to Jesus' face. Let me not cherish beauties that perish; let me this lovely good embrace.

  28. Please be seated

  29. Prayer for Others and Ourselves

  30. The Prayer of Jesus

  31. Invitation to Give

  32. Offertory ”

  33. We praise thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before thee, we come and adore thee, We bless thy holy name, glad praises we sing. Amen.

  34. Please be seated

  35. Communion Prayer

  36. God be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to God. Let us give thanks to God Most High. It is right to give God thanks and praise .

  37. Invitation to the T able

  38. Pastor: Jesus said: I am the bread of life. You who come to me shall not hunger; You who believe in me shall never thirst. All: In company with all who hunger for spiritual food, we come to this table to know the risen Christ in the sharing of this life-giving bread.

  39. Church Covenant In response to God’s love, we covenant with each other to be faithful to the demands and inspiration of the eternal spirit, revealed in the event of Jesus Christ;

  40. to accept and respect each other with love and concern in our worship and witness; to reach out with the courage of our convictions in the cause of justice, liberation and equality for all;

  41. In this, we covenant to keep the ultimate promise; “I care, I am with you.”

  42. Sharing of the Elements

  43. Please take a piece of bread and move to the cups. Dip your bread and consume it immediately. The cups with ribbons contain wine. The cups without ribbons contain grape juice.

  44. Communion Responses The Bread of Life ~The Cup of Blessing

  45. Communion Music Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring by JS Bach T rumpet- James Cesare

  46. Prayer of Thanksgiving

  47. Thank you God, for inviting us to this table remembering your active presence in our lives. We are grateful and continuously thirst for the new and right spirit of this communion with you

  48. today, tomorrow and every day. Guide us always, as we embrace you and all those who have gone before us. Amen.

  49. Closing Hymn NCH #18 Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer

  50. Guide me, O my great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with your powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more, feed me till I want no more.

  51. Open now the crystal fountain, where the healing waters flow. Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, ever be my strength and shield, ever be my strength and shield .

  52. When I reach the River Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside. Death of death, and hell's destruction, land me safe on heaven's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever sing to you, I will ever sing to you.

  53. Please be seated

  54. Benediction and Sending Forth

  55. Postlude What a Wonderful World by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss

  56. Have a blessed week!


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