welcome introductions

Welcome Introductions MQO Research Department of Transportation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome Introductions MQO Research Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Government of Nova Scotia CBCL Limited Consulting Engineers Consultation Process Presentation by TIR to give an overview of the Highway

  1. Welcome

  2. Introductions • MQO Research • Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Government of Nova Scotia • CBCL Limited Consulting Engineers

  3. Consultation Process • Presentation by TIR to give an overview of the Highway Twinning Project to date (5 mins) • Presentation by CBCL on the Highway Twinning Feasibility Study (15 mins) • Individual review of questions (10 mins) • Round table discussions (20 mins) • Open dialogue (40 mins) • Q and A (30 mins) • Wrap up (5 mins) Note: Copies of the presentation available upon leaving

  4. Questions 1. What is your opinion of the current condition of the province’s 100 -series highways included in the study? (consider safety, traffic congestion, travel time) 2. Do you think twinning is the only option to improve the province’s 100 -series highways? 3. If twinning is the preferred option to improve the condition of the 100-series highways, do you support using tolls to twin highways sooner than would otherwise be possible given our current budget? 4. Do you have any other comments or questions?

  5. Nova Scotia Highway Twinning Feasibility Study

  6. Nova Scotia’s Highway System • 23,000 kilometres of provincial roads and highways • 4,100 bridges • 90% of all roads in Nova Scotia are maintained by the Province • Nova Scotia has some of the oldest highways and bridges

  7. Provincial Highway Spending 2016/17 Expenditure Versus Revenue ($ millions) Operations Capital Gas Tax RMV Revenue 450 $397 Million 400 $367 Million $30 Million Gap 350 $200M $95M Highway Construction Vehicle Registration 300 And License Fees 250 200 150 $197M $272M Summer and Winter Gas Tax 100 Maintenance and Operations 50 0 Expenses Revenue

  8. Nova Scotia Highway Construction Nova Scotia Highway Construction Current Highway Projects Need and Demand Under Consideration Baddeck Sydney Baddeck Sydney Amherst Antigonish Amherst Antigonish New Port 104 Glasgow Hawkesbury New Truro Port 104 Glasgow Hawkesbury Truro Middleton Middleton Digby Halifax Digby Halifax Bridgewater Bridgewater Yarmouth Yarmouth $400 Million $2.4 Billion

  9. Current Safety Initiatives • Safety studies on Highways 101,103,104, and 105 • Rumble Strips • Wider paved shoulders • Better signage • Improved guardrails • Resurfacing rutted sections • High visibility pavement markings • Speed feedback signs

  10. Nova Scotia Highway Construction Nova Scotia Highway Construction Current Highway Projects Need and Demand Under Consideration Baddeck Sydney Baddeck Sydney Amherst Antigonish Amherst Antigonish New Port 104 Glasgow Hawkesbury New Truro Port 104 Glasgow Hawkesbury Truro Middleton Middleton Digby Halifax Digby Halifax Bridgewater Bridgewater Yarmouth Yarmouth $400 Million $2.4 Billion

  11. Highway Twinning Feasibility Study Detailed Feasibility Study Project Summary Audrey Muir, Project Manager January, 2017

  12. Study Obje jectives • The Provin ince is is exam aminin ing th the feasib ibili ility of of tw twin innin ing 30 300 0 km km of ou of our 10 100-serie ies hig ighways • This is project could ld be deliv livered via via a a par artnership ip ap approach simil si ilar to th that of of th the Cob obequid id Pas ass an and in inclu clude toll ollin ing on on hig ighway se sections • This is wou ould ld resu sult in in th these tw twinned hig ighways bein ing availa ilable decades ear arlie lier th than cou ould ld be ach achie ieved usi sing conventional l approaches ap 2

  13. Hig ighway Corridors Examined Potentially new Baddeck Sydney highway Amherst Antigonish New Port Glasgow 104 104 Hawkesbury Truro Middleton Corridors identified Digby Halifax Hwy wy 101 1 - Three ee Mile e Plai ains s to Falmouth, 10.8 8 km Hwy wy 101 1 - Hortonville e to Coldbrook, 23.7 7 km Bridgewater Hwy wy 103 3 - Exit 5 at Tant ntal allon on to Exit 12 Bridg dgew ewat ater er, 68.1 1 km Hwy wy 104 4 - Suther herlan ands s River er to Antigon onish sh, 37.8 8 km Yarmouth Hwy wy 104 4 - Taylors Road to Auld’s Cove, 39.5 km Hwy wy 104 4 - Port Hast sting ngs to Port Hawk wkes esbu bury, 7.0 0 km Total length = 304.1km Hwy wy 104 4 - St. Peter’s to Sydney, 83.9 km Hwy wy 107 7 - Porter’s Lake to Duke Street, Bedford, 33.3 km 3

  14. Summary of Tasks Completed for Study Safety - examin ine red eductions in in th the e number of of colli ollisions Examination of of en envi vironmen ental l con onstraints Esti timate th the cos ost to o build ild tw twin inned high ighways Calc Ca lcula late th the e reven enue e gen enerated by fu futu ture toll olls Calc Ca lcula late/compare range of of tolls olls req equired to o fu fund tw twin inned high ighways Undertake e matrix asses essment of of ea each ch cor orrid idor 4

  15. Safety 5

  16. Safety 6

  17. Travel dis istance and travel l tim ime savin ings 7

  18. Construction Costs Cos ost Estimates Class C Construction Estimate (+/- -15% to +20%) Total Corridor Highway Description 1 101 Exit 5 Windsor to West of Exit 8 $131,600,000 2 101 Hortonville to Coldbrook $168,500,000 3 103 Tantallon to Bridgewater $448,000,000 4 104 Sutherland's River to Antigonish $285,100,000 5 104 Taylor Road to Auld's Cove $279,200,000 6 104 Port Hastings to Port Hawkesbury (Major Arterial) $87,100,000 7 104 St. Peters to Sydney (Major Arterial) $491,300,000 8 107 Duke Street Bedford to Porters Lake $331,600,000 Total $2,222,400,000 8

  19. Corridor Hig Highway 101 101 - Three Mile ile Pl Plain ins to to Falm almouth Constr Con truction Cos Cost $131,600,000 Corrid Corr idor Len Length 10.8 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $0.65 to $1.08 14,000 ADT 14,0 ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 9

  20. Corridor Hig Highway 101 101 - Hor Hortonville le to to Col Coldbrook Constr Con truction Cos Cost $168,500,000 Corrid Corr idor Len Length 23.7 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $1.42 to $2.37 12,0 12,000 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 10 10

  21. Corridor Hig Highway 103 103 - Exit Exit 5 5 at at Tan antall llon to to Exit Exit 12 12 Brid Bridgewater Constr Con truction Cos Cost $448,000,000 Corr Co rrid idor Len Length 68.1 km 10,5 10,500 ADT Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $4.08 to $6.81 8,50 8,500 ADT 8,90 8,900 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 11 11

  22. Corridor Highway 104 Hig 104 - Su Suth therlands s Riv River to to Antig igonish Constr Con truction Cos Cost $285,100,000 Corrid Corr idor Len Length 37.8 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $2.27 to $3.78 8,00 8,000 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 12 12

  23. Corridor Highway 104 Taylors Road to Auld’s Cove Con Constr truction Cos Cost $279,200,000 Corr Corrid idor Len Length 39.5 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $2.37 to $3.95 8,00 8,000 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 13 13

  24. Corridor Hig Highway 104 104 - Por ort t Ha Hastin ings s to to Por ort t Ha Hawkesbury Constr Con truction Cos Cost $87,100,000 Corrid Corr idor Len Length 7.0 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range $0.42 to $0.84 8,00 8,000 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 14 14

  25. Corridor Hig Highway 104 104 - St. Peter’s to Sydney Con Constr truction Cos Cost $491,300,000 Corr Corrid idor Len Length 83.9 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ran Range 3,50 3,500 ADT $5.03 to $21.81 ADT = = Average Dail Daily 2,000 ADT 2,00 Traffic 15 15

  26. Corridor Hig Highway 107 107 - Porter’s Lake to Duke Street, Bedford Con Constr truction Cos Cost $331,600,000 Corr Corrid idor Len Length 33.3 km Poss ossib ible Toll oll Ra Range 13,000 ADT 13,0 $2.00 to $3.33 15,000 ADT 15,0 8,50 8,500 ADT ADT = = Average Dail Daily Traffic 16 16

  27. Proje ject Revenue • We esti timated fu futu ture tr traffic ic volum lumes for r each corr rrid idor usin sing 5 year r increments over inc r th the 30 year li life of f th the projec ject • We estim imated future revenue usi sing a range of f toll ll rates betw tween 6 and 10 cents per r kil ilometre 17 17

  28. “Willingness to Pay” Survey Results • 1,0 1,027 No Nova Sc Scotia ians su surveyed • The estimated median toll oll rate people le were will illin ing to o pay y was 6 6 ce cents per kil kilometre 18 18

  29. Break even toll ll requir ired for each corrid idor 6 Poor financial viability Good financial viability 19 19

  30. Crit iteria used for Assessment Matrix • Safety Sa • 8th 8th Traffic volu olumes • Cost Cos t vs s Revenue • Travel Tim ime an and Travel Cos Cost t Sa Savin ings Baddeck 3rd 3rd Sydney • En Environmental Con Concerns • La Land Acq cquisitio ion Amherst Antigonish 7th 7th New Port 2n 2nd Glasgow Hawkesbury Truro 5th 5th Middleton 6th th Digby Halifax 4th 4th Bridgewater Ranki king Yarmouth 1st 1st 20 20


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