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Webinar Presenter 2 A NEW ADOLESCENT SBIRT TOOLKIT Tracy - PDF document

3/17/2016 Webinar Presenter 2 A NEW ADOLESCENT SBIRT TOOLKIT Tracy McPherson, PhD FOR EDUCATORS Senior Research Scientist Public Health Department SBIRT Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation Lead NORC at the University of Chicago

  1. 3/17/2016 Webinar Presenter 2 A NEW ADOLESCENT SBIRT TOOLKIT Tracy McPherson, PhD FOR EDUCATORS Senior Research Scientist Public Health Department SBIRT Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation Lead NORC at the University of Chicago Tracy McPherson, PhD 4350 East West Highway, 8th Floor Danielle Noriega Bethesda, MD 20814 esap1234@gmail.com March 17, 2016 Produced in Partnership… Access Materials 3 4  PowerPoint Slides  Materials and Resources  Recording www.sbirteducation.com http://hospitalsbirt.webs.com/adolescent-sbirt-toolkit Ask Questions 5 Part One 8 Ask questions through the “Questions” Integrating Adolescent SBIRT into Social Work, Pane Nursing, and Inter-professional Education Will be answered live at the end 1

  2. 3/17/2016 Overview Acknowledgements 7 8  What is SBIRT? Why Adolescent SBIRT? Funded by:  Overview of Project  Challenges and Gaps in Education  Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum Partners:  Instructor’s Toolkit  Interactive Simulation Platform  Q & A and Wrap-Up www.sbirt.webs.com What is SBIRT? Why Adolescent SBIRT? 9 10  SBIRT is a comprehensive, integrated, public health approach to the SBIRT Aims To: delivery of early intervention and treatment services for people with  Increase early identification of adolescents at-risk for substance use substance use disorders and those at-risk for developing them. problems.  Build awareness and educate adolescents on U.S. guidelines and risks associated with substance use.  Motivate adolescents at-risk to reduce unhealthy, risky substance use; and adopt health promoting behavior.  Motivate adolescents to seek help and increase access to care for adolescents with (or at risk for) a substance use disorder.  Foster a continuum of care by integrating prevention, intervention, and treatment services. Addressing substance use as part of addressing the whole health of adolescents. Importance For Adolescents SBIRT In The Current Workforce 11 12  Endorsed by leading associations, organizations and government agencies:  Alcohol can have lasting  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) effects on brain  American Medical Association (AMA) development  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)  Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)  Age of first use inversely  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) correlated with lifetime  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) incidences of developing  World Health Organization (WHO) substance use disorder  Slow uptake among health professionals serving adolescents and young  Associated with other adults. unhealthy behaviors  Fewer than 50% AAP-affiliated providers systematically screen  Often goes undetected adolescents.  Only 14% of young adults who reported exceeding alcohol consumption guidelines and visiting a doctor were asked about their alcohol use. 2

  3. 3/17/2016 SBIRT In The Future Workforce Where Adolescent/Young Adult SBIRT Happens 13 14  Primary care  Community Youth Programs  Health professional education efforts have been slow  Juvenile Justice, Drug Courts  Trauma but growing.  Employee Assistance Programs  Emergency Department  Support from federal agencies to educate pre-service  Peer Assistance Programs  Hospital Inpatient  Health Promotion and Wellness professionals and the existing workforce is necessary but Programs  Colleges/Universities insufficient. Need mechanisms for bringing education to  School-based Health  Occupational Health and scale. Safety, Disability Management Centers  Social Work, Nursing and other health professionals need to  Dental Clinics  Federally Qualified Health Centers be prepared to work in a range of settings where  HIV Clinics  Community Mental adolescents/young adults receive health care, and where  Addiction Treatment Health Centers SBI is being implemented.  Faith-based Programs  Counseling Integrating Adolescent SBIRT into Social Aims of the Project Work and Nursing Education Project 15 16  Engage the leading national associations, experts, practitioners, students, researchers, and accrediting organizations for schools of nursing and social work.  Develop and sustain adolescent SBIRT learning collaborative of schools of nursing and social work.  Fostering partnerships, collaboration, technical support, and sharing lessons learned.  Develop, implement, and evaluate adolescent SBIRT curricula with Instructor’s Toolkit and Kognito interactive virtual patient simulations for nursing and social work students.  Offer Stipends and TA to support integration activities and sustainable practice over time. sbirt.webs.com Project Website Web Analytics 17 18  Project Details  Library of Resources Approx. Total 7,500  Meeting Materials for Site Views Learning Collaborative and Steering Committee Approx. 1,500 This calls Past Month  Adolescent SBIRT Traffic spread Curriculum across the U.S. and Internationally sbirt.webs.com 3

  4. 3/17/2016 Learning Collaborative and Steering Committee Common Barriers In Educational Settings 19 20  Lack of time to add “something else” to the curriculum.  Learning Collaborative  70+ schools  Not required to teach substance use education, not an accreditation standard.  150+ educators, field placement supervisors, preceptors, practitioners  Lack of awareness, skills, and knowledge about substance use prevention/early intervention and SBI.  Monthly calls  Don’t know where to start, what to include, what educational  Steering Committee resources and teaching materials are available.  30+ SMEs, nursing and social work educators and practitioners,  Not sure where the education fits – Separate course vs. woven professional associations, BH orgs, researchers, and others throughout multiple courses, addiction specific vs. more general  Bi-monthly calls course, elective vs. required course?  MailChimp Newsletters and Announcements  Lack of engaging, visual learning opportunities to supplement lecture/didactic content. Challenges And Gaps In Health Professions Education 21 Part Two  Substance use education geared towards care of the person 24 with a substance use disorder.  Not prevention or early intervention of risky, unhealthy, excessive (non- Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum dependent) use.  Mainly taught in the psychiatric/mental health courses.  Limited time and exposure of substance use in curriculum.  Even more so with adolescent substance use.  Competing demands and lack of resources, expertise, and materials. Overview Development 25 26  Offers skills-based education on Adolescent SBIRT  Engaged subject matter experts, partners and  Comprised of: Steering Committee Members  Instructor's Toolkit  Learner’s Guide to Adolescent SBIRT  Engaged Learning Collaborative schools during  Companion slide decks and supplemental resources monthly meetings and through individual “walk -  Web-based SBI with Adolescents simulation program  Provide tools to: through” calls  Screen adolescents for alcohol and other drug use using validated tools;  Kognito conducted Online SBIRT Review Group  Deliver effective brief interventions using motivational interviewing skills;  Link adolescents to medical, behavioral or specialty treatment services  Playtesting events at AACN and CSWE conferences as needed;  Work with other health professionals in ongoing care coordination;  Provide follow-up and recovery supports to adolescents. 4


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