Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German- and Management (FDIBA) Web-based Customization of Modular Product Design Prof. Dr. Ilia Boyadjiev Ass. Prof. Angel Bachvarov Ass. Prof. Dimitar Bojkov 1
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Outline � Product Customization � Design by the Customers � Case Study DriveSets � Conclusions 2
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Outline � Product Customization � Design by the Customers � Casestudy DriveSets � Conclusions 3
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Product Customization Traditional Product-to-Market Business Cycle - not enough responsive to the specific needs of today’s dynamic and competitive markets - risk of misjudging the real customer needs 4
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Product Customization Traditional Product-to-Market Zyklus But customers are the initiation point of the whole product value chain ! What should be done? Customization ! 5
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets New Product-to-Market Business Cycle - active involvement of the customer in the product development - reduces effort and saves time - extends existing knowledge base 6
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Outline � Product Customization � Design by the Customers � Case Study DriveSets � Conclusions 7
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Methods for Identifying theCustomers Needs � Voice of the Customer ( VoC) � Quality Function Deployment � Kano Diagram � Kansei Engineering 8
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Design by the Customers Structuring the Customers Needs 9
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Design by the Customers 10
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets Systematic Approach •a web-based assistant for identification, structuring and mapping the customer requirements; •an architecture frame describing the parameters and features of each product family member derived on the ground of analysed customer requirements; •a functional structure and UML-model of the product family; •an algorithm for generation the possible product variants; •a procedure for adaptive selection of the optimal configuration; •an algorithm for automatic generation of 3D-models, etc. 11
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Outline � Product Customization � Design by the Customers � Case Study DriveSets � Conclusions 12
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets 13
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets Network Model of DriveSets (Functional Properties) 14
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets Identification of DriveSets 15
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets UML-Component Diagram of DriveSets -Family 16
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Case Study DriveSets System Architecture Data General 17
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Outline � Product Customization � Design by the Customers � Case Study DriveSets � Conclusions 18
Technical University - Sofia Faculty for German Engineering and Management (FDIBA) Conclusions • Consumers’ knowledge and direct participation in the design process reduces the effort and saves time; • Costs within design stage are cut off; • Competition enhancement trough transformation toward design-sell-make business cycle; • Approach is innovative and possesses improving potential and wide application field; • It was successfully verified by solving of real-world problem. 19
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