web application fault classification an exploratory study

Web Application Fault Classification An Exploratory Study Yuepu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Web Application Fault Classification An Exploratory Study Yuepu Guo, Sreedevi Sampath University of Maryland Baltimore County presentation by Daniel Kellenberger 01.06.2010 Why Do We Need (Another) Fault Classification? Fault-based

  1. Web Application Fault Classification — An Exploratory Study Yuepu Guo, Sreedevi Sampath University of Maryland Baltimore County presentation by Daniel Kellenberger 01.06.2010

  2. Why Do We Need (Another) Fault Classification? • Fault-based software testing • Other classifications are… — Not based on empirical data — Not designed for web applications • ODC was used as guideline for the paper 2

  3. Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) • Opener section — Activity — Trigger — Impact • Closer section — Target — Defect type — Qualifier — Age — Source 3

  4. Web Applications • Large user group • Heterogeneous… — Components — Technologies — Programming languages — etc… • Multiple entry points 4

  5. Build a Taxonomy • Select a dimension • Specify baseline • Add/adjust categories 5

  6. Dimension • Traditional ODC categories • Web specific categories — server platform — web browser — etc… Physical location of a fault 6

  7. Baseline • Data store faults • Logic faults • Form faults • Appearance faults • Link faults 7

  8. Criteria of the selected Applications • From sourceforge.net • Web-based Java application • More than 10K LOC • Activity index greater than 70% 8

  9. Roller Weblogger 9

  10. qaManager 10

  11. Selected Applications Roller Weblogger qaManager Developers 5 9 Activity Index 79.1% 99.9% LOC 32848 49030 Open bugs 3 12 Total bugs 104 161 Domain Communications Business 11

  12. Fault Analysis Procedure • Analyze the bugs — Look at the bug report — If necessary look into the code • Try to assign to a existing category — Create new category — Split category into sub categories 12

  13. Results Fault Category Number of Faults Roller Weblogger qaManager Data Store 12 11.5% 19 11.8% Appearance 13 12.5% 24 14.9% Link 13 12.5% 9 5.6% Form 1 1.0% 4 2.5% Compatibility 3 2.9% 6 3.7% Logic 62 59.6% 99 61.5% Total Faults 104 100% 161 100% 13

  14. Results cont. Fault Category Number of Faults Roller Weblogger qaManager Browser interaction 4 6.4% 4 4.0% Paging 3 4.8% 3 3.0% Session 5 8.1% 2 2.0% Server-side parsing 6 9.7% 0 0.0% Encoding/decoding 4 6.4% 2 2.0% Locale 5 8.1% 3 3.0% Other 35 56.5% 85 86.0% Total Logic Faults 62 100% 99 100% 14

  15. Discussion • They say — Hope that other researchers will use their fault classification — Plan to do larger study (other than java) • My opinion — Just a proposition — Only 2 applications (and only java) — Only little content — Security aspect (no category for that) 15

  16. Questions?


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