wearable electronics collaboration

Wearable Electronics + Collaboration Making Wearables with Little - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wearable Electronics + Collaboration Making Wearables with Little Dada Hi! Were Little Dada + Make Art + Hold Community Events + www.littledada.ca Lindy Wilkins (left) Hillary Predko (right) Little Dada: conferences, meet ups,

  1. Wearable Electronics + Collaboration Making Wearables with Little Dada

  2. Hi! We’re Little Dada + Make Art + Hold Community Events + www.littledada.ca Lindy Wilkins (left) Hillary Predko (right)

  3. Little Dada: conferences, meet ups, hackathons, art installations

  4. What is a wearable? Clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies.

  5. We all have bodies!

  6. Steve Mann - Evolution of Wearable Camera

  7. Wearability is defined as the interaction between the human body and the wearable object. Dynamic wearability extends that definition to include the human body in motion. However, simply shrinking down computing tools from the desktop paradigm to a more portable scale only makes them into mini PC’s. It does not take advantage of the opportunities presented by a whole new context of use. It does not regard the human body as a context. -Design for Wearability by Francine Gemprele

  8. Placement Design for dynamic wearability requires unobtrusive placement. Placement is determined by editing the extensive human surface area with the use of criteria.

  9. Form Language Design for the human body also requires a humanistic form language. This works with the dynamic human form to ensure a comfortable, stable fit.

  10. Human Movement Human movement provides both a constraint and a resource in the design of dynamic wearable forms. Human movement is useful in determining a profile or footprint for wearable forms, as well as to shape the surface of forms. Consider the many elements that make up any single movement. Elements include the mechanics of joints, the shifting of flesh, and the flexing and extending of muscle and tendons beneath the skin.

  11. Proxemics Design for human perception of size. The brain perceives an aura around the body that should be considered to determine the distance a wearable form projects from the body. Forms should stay within the wearers intimate space, so that perceptually they become a part of the body.

  12. Sizing Size variation provides an interesting challenge when designing wearable forms. Both the build of a body and the ways in which it will gain and lose weight and muscle are important. Wearables must be designed to fit as many types of users as possible. Listen to On Average from 99 Percent Invisible

  13. Comfort Comfortable attachment of forms can be created by wrapping the form around the body, rather than using single point fastening systems such as clips or shoulder straps.

  14. Finding Affordances ● Pockets ● Seams ● Linings

  15. Some Beautiful Circuits Wei Chieh Shih (and another video)

  16. Anu Koski

  17. Becky Stern

  18. kanai.tetsuo

  19. Push_rest on instructables

  20. Tory Franklin High Low Tech Lab

  21. Jennifer Broutin

  22. Coralie Gourguechon

  23. Coralie Gourguechon

  24. Coralie Gourguechon

  25. Akira Segawa

  26. The Tinkering Studio

  27. The Fine Art of Electronics

  28. Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee

  29. Lyn Bruning

  30. Lyn Bruning

  31. Lyn Bruning

  32. Lyn Bruning

  33. Meg Grant

  34. Push_rest on Instructables

  35. Rad Lab

  36. Hannah-Perner Wilson

  37. Hannah-Perner Wilson

  38. Laura Dempsey

  39. Laura Dempsey

  40. Becky Stern

  41. Becky Stern

  42. Bare Conductive

  43. Bare Conductive

  44. Bare Conductive

  45. Tai Studio

  46. Izzie Colpitts-Campbell

  47. howumakeit.ru

  48. E-textiles Summer Camp

  49. Annouk Wipperecht

  50. Alicia Sarah

  51. Angella Mackey

  52. Spectrum.ieee

  53. E-textiles summer camp diffus.dk

  54. Ants on a Melon Artifice Clothing

  55. Badger Gear

  56. Nike Back to the Future Shoes

  57. Cool Components

  58. Gemio

  59. Luma Helmet

  60. SEIL Backpack

  61. Emily Steel

  62. Engineer Girl

  63. Hussien Chayalan

  64. Natalina

  65. Mikaela Holmes

  66. Nemen

  67. Utope Project

  68. Ying Gao

  69. DIY soft circuit projects of all kinds, including switches and analogue sensors

  70. Despite how it appears to the culture at large, technology doesn't just happen . It doesn't emerge spontaneously, pulling us helplessly toward some inevitable destiny. Revolutionary technology comes out of long research, and research is performed and funded by inspired people. And this is my plea — be inspired by the untapped potential of human capabilities. Don't just extrapolate yesterday's technology and then cram people into it. -Bret Victor, A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design

  71. How does an object communicate with the world or an environment?

  72. Inputs is any way of listening to the world. Light sensor, heartbeat sensor, muscle sensor, heat sensor, noise sensor, gas sensor, motion sensor, flex sensor, stretch sensor, buttons, switches, knobs

  73. Output is any way of talking to the world Lights, sounds, signals, vibrations, movements

  74. Arduino is a robot brain. It can talk to and listen to electronic components.

  75. Arduino uses PINS as a method of communication. Each pin has a different function and name, and can be hooked to inputs and outputs .

  76. We talk to each using Code, download the IDE at Arduino.cc

  77. We talk to each using Code, download the IDE at Arduino.cc


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