we lc ome

We lc ome ! July 24, 2020 10:00 a .m. to 11:30 a .m. Zo o m Me e - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ca mpa ig n fo r Co mmunity We llne ss We lc ome ! July 24, 2020 10:00 a .m. to 11:30 a .m. Zo o m Me e ting Me e ting Pro to c o ls Ple a se use the mute b utto n o n yo ur pho ne o r in Zo o m to e limina te b a c kg ro und

  1. Ca mpa ig n fo r Co mmunity We llne ss We lc ome ! July 24, 2020 10:00 a .m. to 11:30 a .m. Zo o m Me e ting

  2. Me e ting Pro to c o ls  Ple a se use the mute b utto n o n yo ur pho ne o r in Zo o m to e limina te b a c kg ro und no ise . Mute and unmute mic if using computer audio

  3. Me e ting Pro to c o ls  Start your Video so we can see you!

  4. Me e ting Pro to c o ls  Please speak up – unmute, “wave your hand”, or type into the Zoom chat box. We will recognize you as soon as possible. To see participants and “raise hand”

  5. Me e ting Pro to c o ls  Please speak up – unmute, “wave your hand”, or type into the Zoom chat box. We will recognize you as soon as possible. To go to chat box and message “everyone” or specific participant

  6. Me e ting Pro to c o ls  T his me e ting is a lso b e ing re c o rde d a nd will b e distrib ute d a fte rwa rd a lo ng with the Po we rPo int slide s.  Who is o n the c a ll to da y?  F irst, ide ntify tho se jo ining b y pho ne o ne b y o ne to sa y the ir na me & a g e nc y.  I f yo u jo ine d b y c o mpute r, ple a se type yo ur na me a nd a g e nc y in the c ha t b o x.

  7. Ag e nda 10:00 We lc o me & Zo o m Me e ting Pro to c o ls 10:10 L ive d E xpe rie nc e Spe a ke r: Cassie Ge lly 10:40 WE T Upda te : Mic he le I rwin 10:50 COVI D-19 I mpa c t Upda te s: Plac e r Co unty 10:55 MHSA Upda te s: MHSA Co o rdinato r 11:05 MHSA Da ta Po rta l & Da ta Dive 11:25 Clo sing Co mme nts

  8. Plac e r County MHSA Budge t Update

  9. MHSA State wide F or e c ast

  10. MHSA State wide F or e c ast 2,500,000,000 24% 8% 29% 2,000,000,000 -4% -17% 1,500,000,000 -25% 1,000,000,000 500,000,000 - 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 % Chg

  11. Plac e r County MHSA Pr oje c te d F unding FY CA % of State* PLACER % Chg CSS (76%) PEI (19%) INN (5%) 1,975,000,000 18/19 0.7% 13,665,594 8% 10,385,851 2,596,463 683,280 1,645,300,000 19/20 0.7% 11,517,100 -17% 8,752,996 2,188,249 575,855 2,032,400,000 20/21 0.7% 14,226,800 24% 10,812,368 2,703,092 711,340 1,944,500,000 21/22 0.7% 13,611,500 -4% 10,344,740 2,586,185 680,575 1,457,900,000 22/23 0.7% 10,205,300 -25% 7,756,028 1,939,007 510,265 *Ba se d o n histo ric a l

  12. What would this look like if we don’t make adjustme nts? CSS Prudent FY PEI INN TOTAL % Chg Includes: Reserve WET/CFTN 18/19 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 10,056,132 1,724,311 935,570 12,716,014 4,399,471 19/20 -17% Plus: Estimated Funding 8,752,993 2,188,249 575,855 11,517,097 (1,579,807) Less: Estimated Expenditures 16,667,239 2,524,398 966,000 20,157,637 add PR = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 3,721,693 1,388,163 545,425 5,655,281 2,819,664 20/21 24% Plus: Estimated Funding 10,812,368 2,703,092 711,340 14,226,800 Less: Estimated Expenditures 13,645,009 3,072,465 775,000 17,492,474 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 889,052 1,018,790 481,765 2,389,608 2,819,664 21/22 -4% Plus: Estimated Funding 10,344,740 2,586,185 680,575 13,611,500 Less: Estimated Expenditures 12,504,774 2,934,412 190,852 15,630,038 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall (1,270,982) 670,563 971,488 371,069 2,819,664 22/23 -25% Plus: Estimated Funding 7,756,028 1,939,007 510,265 10,205,300 Less: Estimated Expenditures 12,329,774 2,934,412 0 15,264,186 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall (5,844,728) (324,842) 1,481,753 (4,687,817) 2,819,664 *MHSA e xpe nditure s a c c o unt fo r pro g ra m g e ne ra te d Me di-Ca l re ve nue s (F F P) a nd o the r funding so urc e s

  13. Conside r ations... T his is a F ORE CAST - a djustme nts will b e ma de in Annua l Pla n a s • fo re c a sting b e c o me s mo re a c c ura te Me di-Ca l g e ne ra te d re ve nue to o ffse t c o st to MHSA • Po ssib le a dditio na l MHSA le g isla tio n fle xib ilitie s (Aug ust – use o f I NN • fo r o the r c o mpo ne nts? ) Utilize Prude nt Re se rve to ke e p CSS # o f c lie nts se rve d ma inta ine d • a s muc h a s po ssib le I mpa c ts CSS tra nsfe r to CF T N & WE T • De c re a se c o unty a nd c o ntra c te d pro g ra m e xpe nditure s – e nsuring • ma nda te d a c tivitie s CSS sta rting in 20/ 21; PE I in 22/ 23 • Ag a in, ma ke a djustme nts in Annua l Pla n •

  14. MHSA F Y 20- 23 T hr e e Ye ar Plan L ook for it late r today!

  15. Campaign Development & Community Next m meeting: Outreach Meets as needed Septem ember er 2 25, Claire Buckley, Jennifer Price, & Janice LeRoux 2020 Clairebuckley2@yahoo.com jleroux@placeroe.k12.ca.us 10:00 a a.m. jprice@amihousing.org Via Z Zoom oom Workforce Education and Training Meets every 4 TH Monday 1:00-2:30 PM Michele Irwin No A August t mirwin@pirs.org Meeting Sue Compton, MHSA Coordinator O (530) 889-7222; M (530) 308-3238 scompton@placer.ca.gov


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