Ca mpa ig n fo r Co mmunity We llne ss We lc ome ! July 24, 2020 10:00 a .m. to 11:30 a .m. Zo o m Me e ting
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Me e ting Pro to c o ls Please speak up – unmute, “wave your hand”, or type into the Zoom chat box. We will recognize you as soon as possible. To go to chat box and message “everyone” or specific participant
Me e ting Pro to c o ls T his me e ting is a lso b e ing re c o rde d a nd will b e distrib ute d a fte rwa rd a lo ng with the Po we rPo int slide s. Who is o n the c a ll to da y? F irst, ide ntify tho se jo ining b y pho ne o ne b y o ne to sa y the ir na me & a g e nc y. I f yo u jo ine d b y c o mpute r, ple a se type yo ur na me a nd a g e nc y in the c ha t b o x.
Ag e nda 10:00 We lc o me & Zo o m Me e ting Pro to c o ls 10:10 L ive d E xpe rie nc e Spe a ke r: Cassie Ge lly 10:40 WE T Upda te : Mic he le I rwin 10:50 COVI D-19 I mpa c t Upda te s: Plac e r Co unty 10:55 MHSA Upda te s: MHSA Co o rdinato r 11:05 MHSA Da ta Po rta l & Da ta Dive 11:25 Clo sing Co mme nts
Plac e r County MHSA Budge t Update
MHSA State wide F or e c ast
MHSA State wide F or e c ast 2,500,000,000 24% 8% 29% 2,000,000,000 -4% -17% 1,500,000,000 -25% 1,000,000,000 500,000,000 - 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 % Chg
Plac e r County MHSA Pr oje c te d F unding FY CA % of State* PLACER % Chg CSS (76%) PEI (19%) INN (5%) 1,975,000,000 18/19 0.7% 13,665,594 8% 10,385,851 2,596,463 683,280 1,645,300,000 19/20 0.7% 11,517,100 -17% 8,752,996 2,188,249 575,855 2,032,400,000 20/21 0.7% 14,226,800 24% 10,812,368 2,703,092 711,340 1,944,500,000 21/22 0.7% 13,611,500 -4% 10,344,740 2,586,185 680,575 1,457,900,000 22/23 0.7% 10,205,300 -25% 7,756,028 1,939,007 510,265 *Ba se d o n histo ric a l
What would this look like if we don’t make adjustme nts? CSS Prudent FY PEI INN TOTAL % Chg Includes: Reserve WET/CFTN 18/19 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 10,056,132 1,724,311 935,570 12,716,014 4,399,471 19/20 -17% Plus: Estimated Funding 8,752,993 2,188,249 575,855 11,517,097 (1,579,807) Less: Estimated Expenditures 16,667,239 2,524,398 966,000 20,157,637 add PR = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 3,721,693 1,388,163 545,425 5,655,281 2,819,664 20/21 24% Plus: Estimated Funding 10,812,368 2,703,092 711,340 14,226,800 Less: Estimated Expenditures 13,645,009 3,072,465 775,000 17,492,474 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall 889,052 1,018,790 481,765 2,389,608 2,819,664 21/22 -4% Plus: Estimated Funding 10,344,740 2,586,185 680,575 13,611,500 Less: Estimated Expenditures 12,504,774 2,934,412 190,852 15,630,038 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall (1,270,982) 670,563 971,488 371,069 2,819,664 22/23 -25% Plus: Estimated Funding 7,756,028 1,939,007 510,265 10,205,300 Less: Estimated Expenditures 12,329,774 2,934,412 0 15,264,186 = Unspent Funds or Shortfall (5,844,728) (324,842) 1,481,753 (4,687,817) 2,819,664 *MHSA e xpe nditure s a c c o unt fo r pro g ra m g e ne ra te d Me di-Ca l re ve nue s (F F P) a nd o the r funding so urc e s
Conside r ations... T his is a F ORE CAST - a djustme nts will b e ma de in Annua l Pla n a s • fo re c a sting b e c o me s mo re a c c ura te Me di-Ca l g e ne ra te d re ve nue to o ffse t c o st to MHSA • Po ssib le a dditio na l MHSA le g isla tio n fle xib ilitie s (Aug ust – use o f I NN • fo r o the r c o mpo ne nts? ) Utilize Prude nt Re se rve to ke e p CSS # o f c lie nts se rve d ma inta ine d • a s muc h a s po ssib le I mpa c ts CSS tra nsfe r to CF T N & WE T • De c re a se c o unty a nd c o ntra c te d pro g ra m e xpe nditure s – e nsuring • ma nda te d a c tivitie s CSS sta rting in 20/ 21; PE I in 22/ 23 • Ag a in, ma ke a djustme nts in Annua l Pla n •
MHSA F Y 20- 23 T hr e e Ye ar Plan L ook for it late r today!
Campaign Development & Community Next m meeting: Outreach Meets as needed Septem ember er 2 25, Claire Buckley, Jennifer Price, & Janice LeRoux 2020 10:00 a a.m. Via Z Zoom oom Workforce Education and Training Meets every 4 TH Monday 1:00-2:30 PM Michele Irwin No A August t Meeting Sue Compton, MHSA Coordinator O (530) 889-7222; M (530) 308-3238
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