Is It Just Me Or Is There More Construction Than Usual? Linear Feet of City Construction 14000 Large Diameter Sewer/Drain Small Diameter Sewer/Drain 12000 Water Main Replacement 10000 Water Main Clean & Line 8000 Streetscape 6000 Sewer/Drain Rehbilitation This does not include 4000 work done by utility companies or for the 2000 Green Line Extension. 0 2015 2016 2017 2018
Somerville is an old city, with some old infrastructure. S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R Water & Sewer Pipes Installed Per 20 Years C O N S T RU C T I O N 1400 Why now? • 1200 • How does this work fit 1000 with the Somerville 800 community’s values? 600 400 • Living through 200 construction 0 • What about small businesses? Is there anything I can do to help? Some infrastructure work has been kicked down the road. We would need to do this work now, regardless of anything else happening in Somerville.
Knowing there are a lot of infrastructure needs to be addressed, we’ve gone after a variety of funding S O M E RV I L L E sources to help with the cost. U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N Source T otal (since FY04) Why now? • Housing and Urban • How does this work fit $9.7 million Development with the Somerville Metropolitan Planning community’s values? $65.1 million Organization (transit) • Living through construction State and Federal Grants $21.7 million • What about small Massachusetts School businesses? Is there $48.3 million Building Authority anything I can do to help? Chapter 90 (streets and $15 million sidewalks) $159.7 million
Collecting data about the conditions of our buildings, roads, and sidewalks will help us better S O M E RV I L L E prioritize future work and invest in less expensive, U N D E R less disruptive preventive maintenance. C O N S T RU C T I O N Why now? • • How does this work fit with the Somerville community’s values? Base rehabilitation • Living through of a road construction costs nearly 7 times more • What about small than businesses? Is there preventive anything I can do to maintenance. help?
Although many of these infrastructure projects would need to happen anyway, they also help S O M E RV I L L E reach Somerville’s SomerVision goals. U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N Progress as of Goal % Why now? • July 1, 2018 • How does this work fit Housing Units 6,000 1,743 29% with the Somerville community’s values? Affordable Housing 1,200 363 30% Units • Living through Housing Commercial construction Space (square 7.8 million 1.7 million 22% • What about small footage) businesses? Is there anything I can do to New Jobs 30,000 6,517 22% help? New Useable Open Space 125 17 14% (acres)
We reevaluate these goals as time goes on and use new data to shape priorities. S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N Somerville Open Space Climate Why now? • Master Plan Forward • How does this work fit with the Somerville Neighborhood SomerVision Plans community’s values? • Living through Housing construction • What about small Goals & Sustainable Vision Zero businesses? Is there Priorities Neighborhoods anything I can do to help? Get SomerVision updates at somervillema.gov/somervision
S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N Why now? • • How does this work fit with the Somerville community’s values? • Before work starts, projects teams • Living through look at issues like traffic and noise. construction • They need to balance mitigating • What about small businesses? Is there impacts to residents and businesses anything I can do to help? with completing projects on time and within budget.
S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N Why now? • • How does this work fit with the Somerville • We’ve set up a central email address for any construction community’s values? concerns or questions: – construction@somervillema.gov • Living through construction • Get updates through our construction newsletter – Email construction@somervillema.gov and ask to be put on the • What about small list businesses? Is there • Three new positions were created to help get construction anything I can do to information out and to address resident and business owner help? concerns: – Erica Mace, Construction Public Information Officer – Jesse Moos, Construction Liaison and Compliance Manager – Viola Augustin, GLX Project Liaison
Rat Sightings Reported to Somerville 311 800 733 721 RO D E N T R E P O RT S 700 622 We monitor 311 data New trash 594 initiatives and target rodent 560 Mild 600 521 winter control resources based 450 otal 311 Rat Calls 500 on constituent reports. Mild winter 348 400 We know that weather 300 T changes and proper waste management can 200 affect the number of 100 rodent sightings. 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* * 2018 data is through October 21
T R AC K I N G C H A N G E This map shows areas where rat reports have increased in 2018 compared to 2017. The data aren’t perfect, but they can give indications of problem areas. ISD is coordinating with the MBTA and SHA to Known issue with address a known MBTA and SHA problem area in Ward 2.
E N H A N C I N G O U R RO D E N T C O N T RO L TO O L K I T I N 2 0 1 8 We conducted a baseline assessment of rodent activity at major Dr. Corrigan and Mayor Curtatone discuss construction projects. rodent control along Somerville Ave. We funded a new staff position, the Environmental Health Coordinator, devoted to rodent control. Hiring is in process. Dr. Corrigan with GLX staff assessing rodent conditions in the rail corridor
• 84% of businesses in the Boston metro area have fewer than 20 employees. Small businesses are a BIG S O M E RV I L L E part of our economy. U N D E R • A New York City study found that businesses in areas C O N S T RU C T I O N of streetscape improvements had in increase in sales (up to 50%). Why now? • • Despite later benefits, construction can be tough on • How does this work fit small businesses. Some local businesses have reported with the Somerville losing between 20% and 50% of business when there’s community’s values? construction nearby. • Living through construction • What about small businesses? Is there anything I can do to help?
• Economic Development does S O M E RV I L L E targeted outreach U N D E R to businesses in C O N S T RU C T I O N construction areas. Why now? • • We’ve holding • How does this work fit events to bring with the Somerville people into affected community’s values? neighborhoods and • Living through introduce them to construction local businesses. • What about small • New assistance businesses? Is there programs and Loyal anything I can do to 2 Local campaign to help? help businesses weather construction.
• Ultimately, local businesses need customer support: S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R – Patronize them and encourage others to do the C O N S T RU C T I O N same – Use the #Loyal2Local hashtag on social media to Why now? • spread awareness and remind others that • How does this work fit businesses are open with the Somerville – Go to events in different squares and business community’s values? districts – If you can, park farther away or use public • Living through transportation so that nearby spaces are available construction to those who need them most • What about small businesses? Is there anything I can do to help?
P R O J E C T S I N A N D A R O U N D WA R D 5
WA R D 5 S T R E E T S C A P E WO R K Cherry Street: • New crosswalks at Highland Avenue
WA R D 5 S T R E E T S C A P E WO R K Cherry Street: • New crosswalks at Highland Avenue • Cherry Street: New stop sign at Summer Street
WA R D 5 S T R E E T S C A P E WO R K Cherry Street: • New crosswalks at Highland Avenue • Cherry Street: New stop sign at Summer Street • Safety Zones: New 20mph regulations adopted for entire neighborhood from Morrison Ave. to Broadway
G L X O U T R E AC H & E N G AG E M E N T: 2 0 1 8 C A L E N DA R
S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N • Ward 5 Streetscape Work • Green Line Extension • Broadway Bridge • Traffic Calming • Cedar St. Sewer Separation • Somerville Ave. Scheduled to be closed Utility & Streetscape January 2019 – January 2020
Potential Vehicle Detours S O M E RV I L L E U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N • Ward 5 Streetscape Work • Green Line Extension • Broadway Bridge • Traffic Calming • Cedar St. Sewer Separation • Somerville Ave. Utility & Streetscape
Potential Pedestrian and Bike S O M E RV I L L E Detours U N D E R C O N S T RU C T I O N • Ward 5 Streetscape Work • Green Line Extension • Broadway Bridge • Traffic Calming • Cedar St. Sewer Separation • Somerville Ave. Utility & Streetscape
T R A F F I C C A L M I N G : R E C E N T S U C C E S S I N / A R O U N D WA R D 5 Central Street: • 14% FEWER vehicles exceeding 25mph
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