
WAR CORRESPONDENTS What if journalists never come back... Based on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WAR CORRESPONDENTS What if journalists never come back... Based on true story WHO ARE THEY? War Correspondents are reporters or commentators assigned to send news or opinions directly from battle areas Embedded Journalists are news

  1. WAR CORRESPONDENTS What if journalists never come back... Based on true story

  2. WHO ARE THEY? War Correspondents are reporters or commentators assigned to send news or opinions directly from battle areas Embedded Journalists are news reporters who are attached to a military unit involved in an armed conflict; also called embed.

  3. Domestic and International EXAMPLES War Correspondent Cases

  4. REBELLION "Neil Davis was the greatest overall journalist of the in Thailand Vietnam War," said Jim Pringle, a former Reuters and Newsweek correspondent. “Rebellion in Thailand on September 9, 1985” The coup, led by Colonel Manoonkrit Rupekachorn, and General Serm Na Nakorn, tried to take over the former government of Prem Tinsulanonda, Prime minister of Thailand at that time. After that, an NBC cameraman correspondent, Neil Davis , and a soundman, Bill Latch , went to report the situation in the capital of Thailand to NBC and they were killed by a military fire while working. Thai soldiers who controlled the tank suddenly shot them. The shrapnel from the big bullet of the tank killed both of them. Before Neil died, he turned on his camera and filmed himself until his last breath. http://bobwurth.com/gallery/g1/images/

  5. World War II ● ● ● “ In this war I have known a lot of officers who were loved and respected by the soldiers under them. But never have I crossed the trail of any man as beloved as Capt. Henry T. Waskow of Belton, Texas, ” said Ernie Pyle.

  6. Syrian Civil War Marie Catherine Colvin ● She was a brave American war correspondent. ● She covered on reporting Siege of Homs and effects of war on civilians in Syria. She died in February 22, 2012 because she ● could not escape from a building targeted by the snipers in time.

  7. Journalists who were killed by ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Example Cases

  8. James Foley He is a freelance American war video reporter covering the Syrian Civil War. He went to the war zone to become a war correspondent. On November 2012, he was captured by ISIS in Syria. ISIS offered a negotiation of $132 million ransom. However, the American government did not agree with this redemption. After Foley had been captured for over 2 years, he was beheaded by ISIS on August 2014. For the reason of his death, the execution video entitled “A Message to America” implied that the execution was a retaliation for U.S. airstrikes targeting ISIS in Iraq.

  9. KENJI GOTO was a Japanese veteran freelance reporter covering the suffering of civilians in a war zone. Moreover, the Japanese He went to Syria with government expanded its an attempt to save the supports to countries other Japanese hostage , fighting ISIS. Haruna Yukawa, who had also showed up in As a result, another the earlier video by apparent beheading video ISIS. of ‘Kenji Goto’ was released and a militant However, he was speaking with an English captured by militants in accent named Jihadi John the Middle East on appeared to kill him. October, 2014. Then, ISIS offered a negotiation with the government of Japan by exchanging 200 million dollars with two captured journalists (Goto and Yukawa) but it failed.

  10. RUQIA HASSAN The first female Kurdish citizen journalist who was killed by ISIS She wrote articles against ISIS about the frequent coalition-led airstrikes and Internet space taken over by ISIS in a tone of resistance on her Facebook. She bravely went to the risky area, in which social media was taken over by ISIS. She expressed all of her disgust for the terrorist via many posts on July 2015. Later on, ISIS noticed her movement and arrested her at that place. On September 2015, she was killed by ISIS. Ruqia has never been afraid to die. “I have Dignity. It’s better than I live in Humiliation with ISIS,” Hassan said.

  11. A WAR CORRESPONDENT’S significant roles in journalism “ If human let their emotion frozen and stuck with the war incident, they may end up living far away from a normal life and suffering from the phobia without realizing. Unless human beings obtain more factual information about the situation, they will not gain the immunity against fear , irrational anger, depression and skepticism as a result of the wars.

  12. Behind the scene: A war correspondent's passion

  13. According to Page One: Inside The New York Times, David Carr said that he did not wish Tim a good luck because he might never come back if he probed too much in the war.

  14. Hannah Storm, director of the International News Safety Institute, said, “It feels like now in places like Syria there are more and more people in their early or mid-20s with little or no experience - but with an overriding enthusiasm which makes them want to go out there and make a name for themselves, without taking the realities on board.”

  15. “You feel small in the presence of dead men, and ashamed at being alive, and you don’t ask silly questions,” said Ernie Pyle.

  16. References The definition of embedded journalist. (2016). Dictionary.com. Retrieved 29 March 2016, from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/embedded-journalist The definition of war correspondent. (2016). Dictionary.com. Retrieved 29 March 2016, from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/war-correspondent "In Thailand, Remembering Neil Davis, Bill Latch - Committee To Protect Journalists". Cpj.org. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from https://cpj. org/blog/2010/09/in-thailand-remembering-neil-davis-bill-latch.php Journalism, World War II. 1st ed. Bill Mauldin & Ernie Pyle, 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://j387mediahistory.weebly. com/uploads/6/4/2/2/6422481/25_mauldin-pyle-wwii.pdf "Archive » The Death of Captain Waskow » Ernie Pyle." Ernie Pyle RSS . N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2016, from http://mediaschool.indiana. edu/erniepyle/1944/01/10/the-death-of-captain-waskow/ Greenslade, Roy. "Marie Colvin Obituary". the Guardian. N.p., 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/feb/22/marie-colvin "Journalist Marie Colvin Died Trying to Get Her Shoes, Her Paper Reports." CNN . Cable News Network, 27 Feb. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2016, from http: //edition.cnn.com/2012/02/26/world/syria-marie-colvin Packer, George. "Why ISIS Murdered Kenji Goto - The New Yorker". The New Yorker. N.p., 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/isis-murdered-kenji-goto

  17. "Death Of Kenji Goto, Journalist Killed By ISIS, Sends Japan Into Shock And Mourning - World". Haaretz.com. N.p., 2015. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from Newsweek.com. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://www.newsweek.com/isis-executes-first-female-journalist-syria-ruqia-hassan-412105 Gani, Aisha, and Kareem Shaheen. "Journalist Ruqia Hassan Murdered By Isis After Writing On Life In Raqqa". the Guardian. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/05/journalist-ruqia-hassan-killed-isis-raqqa-syria Ng, Kate. "Isis Just Murdered The First Female Journalist To Report Inside Its Territory". The Independent. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, from http://www. independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/ruqia-hassan-isis-executes-first-female-citizen-journalist-in-raqqa-confirmed-by-raqqa-is-being-a6797036.html "Journalists Killed Since 1992 - Committee To Protect Journalists". Cpj.org . N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2016, form https://cpj.org/killed/ When a Journalist Goes to War. (2002). Poynter. Retrieved 29 March 2016, from http://www.poynter.org/2002/when-a-journalist-goes-to-war/4295/ Unprepared, inexperienced and in a war zone. (2012). College of Journalism. Retrieved 29 March 2016, from http://www.bbc.co. uk/blogs/collegeofjournalism/entries/3f92e07a-602f-3f19-bfef-52b24be254bf

  18. Group members Nannapat Purod 5807640049 Sarita Kaewkamla 5807640676 Chomphukarn Oprasert 5807640353 Pangbaramee Srichai 5807640379 Thritsawan Sangchotchuangchai 5807640296
