
VS2017 Web http://www.timecockpit.com Mail rainer@timecockpit.com - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

VS 2017 News for C# Devs Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh VS2017 Web http://www.timecockpit.com Mail rainer@timecockpit.com Twitter @rstropek C# Dev News Saves the day. Installation and Configuration Need for Speed Image

  1. VS 2017 – News for C# Devs Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh VS2017 Web http://www.timecockpit.com Mail rainer@timecockpit.com Twitter @rstropek C# Dev News Saves the day.

  2. Installation and Configuration Need for Speed Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/milchcow_peng/28746609584

  3. VS Installer VS 2017 Side by side install of preview and prod Install performance Install while downloading Tips Language packs independent of OS language Change install location (15.7)

  4. Config Import/Export VS 2017 15.9 Preview 2 Move VS config between installations

  5. Startup Performance Manage VS Performance Performance warnings

  6. Editor Improvements Navigation, writing code

  7. Multi-Caret Edit VS 2017 15.8 Ctrl + Alt + Click Tips Shift + Alt + . → Add additional selections that match current selection Ctrl + Shift + Alt + . → Skip over match Ctrl + Shift + Alt + , → All matching selection in document

  8. Expand/Contract VS 2017 15.5 Shift + Alt + + → Expand to next logical block Shift + Alt + - → Contract

  9. using System; Go to Last Edit using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Threading.Tasks; VS 2017 15.8 namespace IntelliCode_Hello_World { class Program { Demo static async Task Main(string[] args) { Cursor on reader[0] using (var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(localdb)\\dev;Database=master")) { Shift + Alt + + until using await conn.OpenAsync(); const string query = "SELECT 1 AS x"; Ctrl + . to generate method using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { Rename to ExecuteQueryAsync cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; F12 (Ctrl + Click) on cmd.CommandText = query; var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); ExecuteReaderAsync while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { Discover DbDataReader Console.WriteLine(reader[0]); } Ctrl + Shift + Backspace } } Go to last edit } Extract loop with Ctrl + . } } Functional programming…

  10. using System; Go to Last Edit using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Threading.Tasks; VS 2017 15.8 namespace IntelliCode_Hello_World { class Program { Final solution static async Task Main(string[] args) { using (var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(localdb)\\dev;Database=master")) { await conn.OpenAsync(); const string query = "SELECT 1 AS x"; await ExecuteQueryAsync(conn, query, ProcessReaderAsync); } } private static async Task ExecuteQueryAsync(SqlConnection conn, string query, Func<DbDataReader, Task> processor) { using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = query; var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); await processor(reader); } } private static async Task ProcessReaderAsync(DbDataReader reader) { while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { Console.WriteLine(reader[0]); } } } }

  11. Navigation Ctrl+click for Go To Definition VS 2017 15.4 Ctrl+F12 for Go To Implementation Example: IBoardContent in T etris sample Filter Go To All ( Ctrl+, ) Shortcut syntax Recent files, current document Example: Board in T etris sample New features in Find All References (Shift+F12) Structure results Lock results Syntax coloring

  12. Code Cleanup VS 2017 15.8 Respects .editorconfig Details follow later

  13. Keyboard Schema VS 2017 15.8 Visual Studio Code ReSharper

  14. IntelliCode Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikemacmarketing/30212411048 Image via www.vpnsrus.com

  15. AI-Assisted Coding Experimental preview extension for VS2017 Currently available for C# and Python Replace static rules with AI Trained with high-profile OSS projects from GitHub No user-defined code is sent to Microsoft for analysis Assisted IntelliSense Sort completion lists Inferred code styling and formatting Creates .editorconfig from codebase Just the beginning… Read more at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/services/intellicode/

  16. using System; Demo using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Threading.Tasks; IntelliCode namespace IntelliCode_Hello_World { class Program { Assisted IntelliSense static async Task Main(string[] args) { using (var conn = new SqlConnection("Server=(localdb)\\dev;Database=master")) { Infer .editorconfig await conn.OpenAsync(); const string query = "SELECT 1 AS x"; using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { BTW: async main cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = query; var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { Console.WriteLine(reader[0]); } } } } } }

  17. Async Main C# 7.1 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/whats- new/csharp-7-1#async-main

  18. Settings

  19. EditorConfig Consistent coding styles between editors and IDEs https://editorconfig.org/ Tip: EditorConfig Language Services See also https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/create-portable-custom-editor-options?view=vs-2017

  20. Identity VS 2017 Roam settings Roaming extension manager Fewer sign-in prompts Server-side fix

  21. Profiling and Debugging Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/28208534@N07/4047355843

  22. CPU Usage VS 2017 15.8 CPU Usage Tools can be enabled/disabled https://github.com/rstropek/Samples/blob/master/ProfilingWor kshop/SimpleCpuProfiling/Program.cs

  23. Allocation Tracking VS 2017 15.8 Collection of stack trace for every object allocation https://github.com/rstropek/Samples/blob/master/ProfilingWor kshop/MemoryProblem/Program.cs

  24. Live Unit Testing VS 2017 15.3 (Enterprise Edition) https://github.com/rstropek/htl-csharp/tree/master/csharp- recap/0010-tetris

  25. Snapshots VS 2017 15.5 Complete snapshot on breakpoints and exceptions Backwards and forward in time without restarting debugging session https://github.com/rstropek/htl-csharp/tree/master/csharp- recap/0010-tetris

  26. Docker

  27. Docker Support VS 2017 15.5 Updated Docker images Docker Hub Alpine images .NET Core 2.2 Preview Images ASP .NET Core Images Multi-step Build Dockerfiles

  28. Live Share VS 2017 15.7 Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cogdog/8188824613

  29. Live Share (Preview) VSCode >= 1.22 and VS >= 2017 15.7 MacOS and Linux support with VSCode Collaborative editing and debugging Not screen sharing Via internet Secure End-to-end encryption → no publishing of code Read-only mode available Supported languages and platforms…

  30. Live Share VS → VSCode

  31. Other Improvements Image source: http://www.thebluediamondgallery.com/wooden-tile/i/improve.html Alpha Stock Images - http://alphastockimages.com/

  32. Other Improvements Accessibility Improvements In VS 2017 15.3 More details… YAML Build Example… More details… Many new refactorings More details…

  33. Visual Studio Roadmap…

  34. VS 2017 – News for C# Devs Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh Q&A Mail rainer@timecockpit.com Web http://www.timecockpit.com Twitter @rstropek Thank your for coming! Saves the day.
