vision vision external forces external forces s trategies

Vision Vision External Forces External Forces S trategies S - PDF document

10/1/2016 Vision 1 4 Tracy S. Hunter, RPh, MS, PhD Prepare UNM S tudent Pharmacists to be Assistant Dean, Experiential Education Leaders in Pharmacy Practice UNM College of Pharmacy Today & Tomorrow October 2016 Vision 2 5 Design

  1. 10/1/2016 Vision 1 4 Tracy S. Hunter, RPh, MS, PhD Prepare UNM S tudent Pharmacists to be Assistant Dean, Experiential Education Leaders in Pharmacy Practice UNM College of Pharmacy Today & Tomorrow October 2016 Vision 2 5 Design experiences that benefit both the preceptor and student pharmacist. I do NOT have, nor does my family have, financial interests to disclose. Organization of Discussion 3 Organization of Discussion 6 Vision Vision External Forces External Forces S trategies S trategies 1

  2. 10/1/2016 Converging Forces Forces on Education: ACPE Outcomes: 2016 7 10 Health Care Environment Health Care Environment The curriculum prepares all students to The curriculum prepares all students to provide entry-level, patient-centered care in provide entry-level, patient-centered care in ACPE 2016 Standards ACPE 2016 Standards a variety of practice settings as a contributing a variety of practice settings as a contributing member of an interprofessional team. member of an interprofessional team. ASHP Residency Standards ASHP Residency Standards Team exposure includes prescribers as well as Team exposure includes prescribers as well as NAPLEX Blueprint NAPLEX Blueprint other healthcare professionals. other healthcare professionals. EPAs EPAs Changes in Health Care Environment The ACPE Outcomes: 2016 8 11 Expanding role of Pharmacists on Health Care Expanding role of Pharmacists on Health Care Team Team Practice- Practice- • Provide direct patient care in a Reimbursement Changes Reimbursement Changes ready ready variety of healthcare settings Patient expectations & access to information Patient expectations & access to information • Contribute as a member of an Aging of the population Aging of the population Team-ready Team-ready interprofessional collaborative patient care team Bottom line Bottom line Changes in Health Care Environment 9 Focus on Experiential learning 12 Expanding role of Pharmacists on Health Care Expanding role of Pharmacists on Health Care Team Team Reimbursement Changes Reimbursement Changes Doing is primary focus Patient expectations & access to information Patient expectations & access to information Aging of the population Aging of the population All doing more with less All doing more with less Knowing 2

  3. 10/1/2016 IPPEs: Pre-Advanced Pharmacy Experience 13 Design and Conduct of the Residency Program 16 Curriculum • NEW statement: 3.3.a.(6) Prepares for APPE Prepares for APPE • “ Residents must spend two thirds or more of the IPPE exposure to contemporary practice models: IPPE exposure to contemporary practice models: program in direct patient care activities” • NEW preceptor qualifications (“ 6 of 6” vs. “ 4 of 7” ) • Interprofessional shared patient care decision making • NEW designation of “ Preceptors-in-Training” • Professional ethics • Expected behaviors • Intentionally structured sequenced “ … purposely integrated into didactic curriculum” IPPEs: Pre-Advanced Pharmacy Experience NAPLEX Blueprint: 2 Areas 14 17 Curriculum P1: Community in S P1: Community in S ummer ummer Ensure S Ensure S afe & Effective Pharmacotherapy & afe & Effective Pharmacotherapy & Outcomes Outcomes P2: Institutional in S P2: Institutional in S ummer ummer S S afe & Accurate Preparation, Compounding, afe & Accurate Preparation, Compounding, P3: Concurrent Transitions of Care 2016 P3: Concurrent Transitions of Care 2016 Dispensing, & Admin of Meds & Provision of Health Dispensing, & Admin of Meds & Provision of Health Care Products Care Products ht t p:/ / / programs/ examinat ion/ naplex/ naplex-blueprint New Postgraduate Y ear One (PGY1) Residency 15 NAPLEX Blueprint 18 Accreditation S tandards • Purpose of revision: • Align standards to current pharmacy practice trends • Global changes: : Ensure Safe & Effective Pharmacotherapy & Outcomes 3

  4. 10/1/2016 NAPLEX Exam November 2016 What are EP As? 19 22 • EP As for New Pharmacy Graduates • discreet, • essential activities & tasks • Increase in length for clinical cases • that ALL new graduates Must be able to • 185 to 250 items • 4.25 to 6 hours time perform without direct supervision upon entering practice or graduation. Which of the following most closely matches Entrustable Professional Activities 20 23 your knowledge of EP As? • I am Well-versed about what EPAs are & how to 1 • Patient Care Provider Domain use them? 2 • Population Health Promoter Domain • I have some understanding of what EPAs are and & how to use 3 • Information Master Domain • I have very minimal understanding of what EPAs 4 • Practice Manager Domain are or how to use them • This is my first time learning about EPAs 5 • Self-Developer Domain What are EP As? 21 EP A Example: Patient Care Provider Domain 24 • Entrustable Professional Activities Collect Collect Analyze info. Analyze info. Establish Establish Implement Implement to determine to determine patient- patient- care plan in care plan in • EP information information As -- units of practice or descriptors of work. effects of effects of centered goals, centered goals, collaboration collaboration to identify a to identify a • Defined as specific task or responsibilities that med therapy, med therapy, create a plan create a plan with the with the patient’s patient’s identify med- identify med- for a patient for a patient patient, patient, trainees are “ trusted” to perform with direct medication medication related related with patient, with patient, caregivers, & caregivers, & supervision related related problems, & problems, & caregiver(s), & caregiver(s), & other health other health other hps that other hps that professionals professionals problem problem prioritize prioritize • Independently executable, observable & health- health- is evidence- is evidence- based & cost- based & cost- measurable in their process & outcome related related needs. needs. effective. effective. 4

  5. 10/1/2016 How many Preceptor roles & Responsibilities Converging Forces 25 28 can you name? Health Care Environment Health Care Environment ACPE 2016 Standards ACPE 2016 Standards ASHP Residency Standards ASHP Residency Standards NABPLEX Blueprint NABPLEX Blueprint EPAs EPAs Organization of Discussion Preceptor Roles & Responsibilities 26 29 Teacher/ educator Teacher/ educator Vision Skilled Communicator Skilled Communicator External Forces Facilitator -- Motivator Facilitator -- Motivator S S ocializer ocializer S trategies Role Model Role Model Expert patient care provider Expert patient care provider Qualified Preceptors 27 Teacher educator roles 30 Demonstrate expertise Demonstrate expertise Assessor Assessor Enthusiastic for Teaching Enthusiastic for Teaching Planner Planner S S trong communication skills trong communication skills Willingness to provide feedback Willingness to provide feedback Implementer Implementer Willingness to receive feedback Willingness to receive feedback Evaluator Evaluator 5

  6. 10/1/2016 Assessor Role Organization of Discussion 31 34 Determine current level Determine current level Vision Determine Determine External Forces Learning needs Learning needs Assess early: Assess early: EDOC EDOC S trategies Listen Listen Assessment Activities Concrete S teps: The preceptor’s role & tasks 32 35 Setting suitable experiences Setting suitable experiences Diagnose Student deficits and strengths Diagnose Student deficits and strengths Posing problems to solve Posing problems to solve Determine what works well or not for you Determine what works well or not for you Setting boundaries Setting boundaries Develop & implement a assessment system for competency Develop & implement a assessment system for competency S S upporting learners upporting learners development over the experiences development over the experiences Chart student progress Chart student progress Insuring physical & emotional safety Insuring physical & emotional safety Facilitating the learning process Facilitating the learning process Gass MA, Gillis HL, Russell KC (2012) Planner: Preventative Care 33 The preceptor’s role & tasks 36 S S triving to be aware of our: triving to be aware of our: Design Orientation Design Orientation Biases Biases Judgments Judgments S S elect learning activities elect learning activities Pre-conceptions & Pre-conceptions & Create learning contract Create learning contract How these influence the learner. How these influence the learner. Gass MA, Gillis HL, Russell KC (2012) 6

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