various things

Various things... Yves-Laurent Kom Samo Ibrahim Almosallam Stephen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Various things... Yves-Laurent Kom Samo Ibrahim Almosallam Stephen Roberts University of Oxford String & membrane GPs Easy to consider a GP over a function and its derivative String GPs easy to construct each GP is conditionally

  1. Various things... Yves-Laurent Kom Samo Ibrahim Almosallam Stephen Roberts University of Oxford

  2. String & membrane GPs Easy to consider a GP over a function and its derivative String GPs easy to construct – each GP is conditionally independent given the boundary values for the function and its derivative – so string GPs are C1 continuous (Joint work with Yves-Laurent Kom Samo)

  3. String GPs are (often) just GPs...

  4. Inference Can place boundary points arbitrarily, or can infer – using eg Pitman-Yor etc We use MCMC for this What we gain is that each string can be inferred independently subject to message passing at boundaries

  5. Scaling Airline delay data set GP* - no inferred break points (r)BCM – (robust) Bayesian Committee Machine (Marc D) SVIGP – James H & Neil L big data GP Darn... SVIGP does better, but we are 10x faster 6 million data points in < 1 CPU day (scales as 1/cores)

  6. Pipeline for string GPs

  7. (Joint work with Yves-Laurent Kom Samo) Generalized Spectral Kernels Lebesgue decomposition theorem Stationary GSK e.g. Spectral mixture kernels Sparse spectrum kernels Random Fourier features or Matérn GSK

  8. Examples

  9. Non-stationary Extensions recover Bochner Generalized non-stationary spectral kernels

  10. Sparse spectrum Spectral mixture

  11. Sparse GP things (joint work with Ibrahim Almosallam) Galactic redshift inference

  12. TPZ: random forest

  13. ANNz: (deep) net

  14. GPz: sparse GP

  15. Rejection Performance

  16. Input & output uncertainty

  17. Without input uncertainty

  18. With input uncertainty

  19. (Joint work with Yves-Laurent Kom Samo) Deep nets, kernels etc.

  20. Deep nets, kernels etc.

  21. Deep nets, kernels etc.


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