variation margins fire sales and information constrained

Variation margins, fire sales, and information-constrained - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Variation margins, fire sales, and information-constrained optimality Bruno Biais Florian Heider Marie Hoerova HEC ECB ECB Workshop on CCPs, LSE-FMG May 24, 2019 The views expressed are solely those of the authors. Research question

  1. Variation margins, fire sales, and information-constrained optimality Bruno Biais Florian Heider Marie Hoerova HEC ECB ECB Workshop on CCPs, LSE-FMG May 24, 2019 The views expressed are solely those of the authors.

  2. Research question Counterparty risk in derivatives contracts (e.g., Lehman bankruptcy) Call for higher margin/collateral requirements (Dodd-Frank, EMIR) But margin calls can trigger inefficient fire sales (BIS, 2010; ESRB 2017; Gromb & Vayanos, 2002)

  3. Research question Counterparty risk in derivatives contracts (e.g., Lehman bankruptcy) Call for higher margin/collateral requirements (Dodd-Frank, EMIR) But margin calls can trigger inefficient fire sales (BIS, 2010; ESRB 2017; Gromb & Vayanos, 2002) Are privately optimal variation margins also socially optimal?

  4. What we do: General equilibrium with optimal contracting Risk-averse agents with risky endowment (protection buyers) Interim public signal about future value of endowment

  5. What we do: General equilibrium with optimal contracting Risk-averse agents with risky endowment (protection buyers) Interim public signal about future value of endowment Risk-neutral protection sellers with limited liability Unobservable effort to limit downside risk of own assets Extension: Unobservable risk-shifting on own assets

  6. What we do: General equilibrium with optimal contracting Risk-averse agents with risky endowment (protection buyers) Interim public signal about future value of endowment Risk-neutral protection sellers with limited liability Unobservable effort to limit downside risk of own assets Extension: Unobservable risk-shifting on own assets Risk-averse investors with safe asset Can hold protection-seller asset But are less efficient

  7. Results 1 Characterize information-constrained optimum (second best) Imperfect risk-sharing (unequal marginal rates of substitution) Possible asset transfer from protection sellers to investors

  8. Results 1 Characterize information-constrained optimum (second best) Imperfect risk-sharing (unequal marginal rates of substitution) Possible asset transfer from protection sellers to investors 2 Analyze market equilibrium (write & trade optimal contracts) Unobservable effort → endogenous market incompleteness Derivative contracts with possible variation margin calls Protection sellers sell own asset to investors

  9. Results 3 Market equilibrium is information-constrained efficient Despite asset sale reducing cash proceeds for everyone Protection buyers share fire-sale risk with investors

  10. Outline Model First best Second best Market equilibrium [Implementation] Pecuniary externality and constrained efficiency [Regulatory and empirical implications]

  11. Model

  12. Agents Risk-averse protection buyers with utility u Risk-neutral protection and risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset (e.g., commercial bank (e.g., investment bank) with mortgages) Risk-averse investors with utility v and safe endowment (e.g., sov. wealth fund)

  13. θ -asset (protection buyers) Risky payoff ¯ π θ 1 − π θ ¯ (aggregate shock to all protection buyers)

  14. R -asset (protection sellers) Shirking on unobservable costly effort → more risk effort R R µ no effort 1 − µ 0 Constant per-unit cost of effort ψ

  15. R -asset (protection sellers) Shirking on unobservable costly effort → more risk effort R R µ no effort 1 − µ 0 Constant per-unit cost of effort ψ Pledgeable return (Holmstr¨ om & Tirole, 1997) ψ P ≡ R − 1 − µ > 0

  16. Time line t=0 t=1 t=2 ✲ Agents receive endow- Informative signal ˜ s ∈ { s , ¯ s } Asset payoffs occur, ments ( ˜ θ , ˜ about ˜ ( ¯ θ , θ ) , ( R , 0 ) R , m ) θ Transfer of fraction α of R - Agents consume asset from protection sell- ers to investors who are less efficient at running them, ψ I ( α ) > ψ Protection sellers decide to exert effort

  17. First Best

  18. Planner’s problem Planner imposes effort and solves ω B E [ u ( c B ( θ , s ))] max c B ( θ , s ) , c S ( θ , s ) + ω I E [ v ( c I ( θ , s ) − α ( s ) ψ I ( α ))] c I ( θ , s ) , α ( s ) subject to participant and resource constraints ( ω S = 0 corresponds to zero bargaining power in market setup)

  19. First best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and costly risk management Fully insured Full insurance Keep all of R -asset Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset Do not participate

  20. First best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and costly risk management Fully insured Full insurance Keep all of R -asset Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset Do not participate All marginal rates of substitution equal (=1)

  21. Second best

  22. Second-best problem Induce effort via incentive constraints

  23. Second-best problem Induce effort via incentive constraints Only the constraint after a bad signal binds ψ E [ c S ( θ , s ) | s ] ≥ ( 1 − α ( s )) 1 − µ

  24. Second-best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and moral hazard Exposed to signal risk (only) Moral hazard limits Keep only part of R -asset insurance after bad signal

  25. Second-best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and moral hazard Exposed to signal risk only Moral hazard limits Keep only part of R -asset insurance after bad signal Asset transfer after bad signal Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset Exposed to signal risk

  26. Second-best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and moral hazard Exposed to signal risk (only) Moral hazard limits Keep only part of R -asset insurance after bad signal Perfect sharing Asset transfer of signal risk after bad signal Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset Exposed to signal risk

  27. Second-best Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset and moral hazard Exposed to signal risk (only) Moral hazard limits Keep only part of R -asset insurance after bad signal Unequal MRS Perfect sharing Asset transfer of signal risk after bad signal Equal MRS Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset Exposed to signal risk

  28. Market equilbrium

  29. Optimal contracting Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset Contract and moral hazard τ ( ˜ s , ˜ θ , ˜ R ) , α S

  30. Asset market Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset Contract and moral hazard τ ( ˜ s , ˜ θ , ˜ R ) , α S Market for R -asset α S = α I , price p (fire sale) Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset

  31. Insurance market Risk-averse protection Risk-neutral protection buyers with risky θ -asset sellers with risky R -asset Contract and moral hazard τ ( ˜ s , ˜ θ , ˜ R ) , α S Market for contracts Market for R -asset α S = α I , price p conditional on ˜ s x B = x I , price q (fire sale) Risk-averse investors with safe endowment, less good at managing R -asset

  32. Variation margin (McDonald & Paulson, 2015, “’AIG in Hindsight’) Many derivatives contracts have zero market value at inception... As time passes and prices move... [derivatives’] fair value [becomes] positive for one counterparty and negative ... for the other . In such cases it is common for the negative value party to make a compensating payment to the positive value counterparty. Such a payment is referred to as variation margin

  33. Variation margin (McDonald & Paulson, 2015, “’AIG in Hindsight’) ... this transfer of funds based on a market value change is classified as a change in collateral and not as a payment... collateral is held by one party against the prospect of a loss at the future date when the contract matures or makes payment on a loss. If the contract ultimately does not generate the loss implied by the market value change, the collateral is returned .

  34. Variation margin in the model Derivative contract: τ ( ˜ s , ˜ R ) θ , ˜

  35. Variation margin in the model Derivative contract: τ ( ˜ s , ˜ R ) θ , ˜ Positive value for protection buyer after bad signal E [ τ ( ˜ θ , s , R ) | s ] > 0 → negative value for protection seller

  36. Variation margin in the model Derivative contract: τ ( ˜ s , ˜ R ) θ , ˜ Positive value for protection buyer after bad signal E [ τ ( ˜ θ , s , R ) | s ] > 0 → negative value for protection seller Asset sale + using proceeds as collateral Optimal to set τ ( ˜ θ , s , 0 ) = α S p


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