v i t s w e l l

V I T S W E L L L o o k f o r a N e w A n g l - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

V I T S W E L L L o o k f o r a N e w A n g l e The New Standard of PDLC Technology PDLC FI FILM Te Technolo ology gy PDLC(Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal) is smart window film technology, based on material which mixes

  1. V I T S W E L L L o o k f o r a N e w A n g l e The New Standard of PDLC Technology

  2. PDLC FI FILM Te Technolo ology gy PDLC(Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal) is smart window film technology, based on material which mixes Polymer and Liquid Crystal. When electricity is powered on PDLC film, the film becomes transparent, hence users can control its opacity / clarity by simple switchable device. Power ON Power OFF ▶ Power er Off : Irregular arrangement of crystal polymer makes scattering of light phenomenon ▶ Power er On : Regular arrangement of crystal polymer makes light transmission phenomenon

  3. Devel eloping oping Polyme ymer & & Liquid uid Crystal func nction tion 99 99% UV Block ck PDLC + PDLC + 86% IR Block 86 Become me availa lable le for sha hadi ding ng Tech chnolo logy Specifica cificatio tions products cts by enhanci cing UV & Operation Power On: Clear/ Power Off: Opaque Mode Powe wer r On: Sectio ction Divisi ision IR block k functi ction on and Operation - 20℃~100℃ Technology durability bility

  4. New Product Line-Up from Vitswell PDLC 1. PDLC Standard 2. PDLC ⁺ HT (High-Transmittance) 3. PDLC ⁺ HR (Heat-Resistant)

  5. 0 PDL PDLC C Standar Standard 1.0 ▶ Due to our constant development, we have made our PDLC film thiner than the other PDLC film. ▶ This thin film characteristic helps easy cutting and convenient installation for PDLC film operation. Protective Film Protective Film ITO(pet) Film ITO(pet) Film 0.225mm 0.5mm Polymer Mixture Polymer Mixture 0.325mm ITO(pet) Film ITO(pet) Film Protective Film 0.225mm for Normal Type Protective Film 0.325mm for Stic icky Type Rigid Flex exib ible le

  6. 0 PDL PDLC + 2.0 + HT (High-Transmittance) ※ Film State: ON Side Side Side Side Front Front DLC + HT PDL DLC Standard PDL ➢ Reduced Haze level as 2 2 during ON state ➢ Haze level 5~6 6 during ON state ➢ PDLC standard viewing angle issue: impro proved ed ➢ PDLC standard viewing angle issue: exsis isten ent ➢ Side visibility: Good od ➢ Side visibility: Bad Bad

  7. 0 PDL PDLC + 2.0 + HT (High-Transmittance) Side Front Side ※ Film State: ON PDLC + + HT LC+ : PD PD PDLC LC : PD PDLC LC Stan Standa dard d PD PDLC

  8. 0 PDL PDLC + 3.0 + HR (Heat-Resistant) 90℃ ▶ PDL PDLC becomes clear in spite of OFF state as temperature rises since it’s weak for temperature durability. ▶ PDLC + keeps OFF state until 100 00 ℃ so it is able to work for more variable application including outdoor area . ※ Film State: OFF PDLC + + HR LC+ : PD PDLC PD LC : PD PDLC LC Stan Standa dard d PD PDLC

  9. Key Te Techno nolog logy 1. Discol olor oring ng Test, t, caused ed by UV expos osur ure PDLC + other PDLC Film QUV Test conditions Exposure time : 500 hours / Level of Irradiance : 700mw/ ㎡ / UV LAMP : UVA -320nm Cylcle : 8 hours under UV irradiation at 60 ° , 4 hours condensation at 50 ° / Test standard : ASTM G 154:2012

  10. Key Te Techno nolog logy 2. High Transmitt 2. ttance ance Due to Polymer & Liquid Crystal development, we reduced haze level for the front view and side view as well. • Users are able to enjoy much more clear view, compared to other PDLC film. • ※ Power : ON PDLC+ : Vitswell PDLC PDLC : Other PDLC Film Division Haze(OFF) Haze(ON) LC + 90 ± 1 2 ± 1 PDLC PDLC 91 ± 1 5 ± 1

  11. Key Te Techno nolog logy 3. Temperat 3. erature ure Durability ty The other PDLC film becomes clear in spite of OFF state as temperature rises with poor temperature durability. • PDLC + keeps OFF state until 100℃ hence is able to work for outdoor application as well. • ※ Power : OFF Japan A** 71 ° Korea D** 63 ° PDLC : Other PDLC Film PDLC+ : Vitswell PDLC

  12. Key Te Techno nolog logy 4. 4. IR IR-Bloc ock Rate: : More than n 86% Othe her PDLC PDLC + Othe her PDLC PDLC+ <Tes est Report port about out IR-Blo lock Rate> e> 2015 년 미국 Glass Build 전시회 Glass ss Buil ild America ica in Atlan lanta ta, , USA in 2015

  13. Te Techni nical cal Data ta Sheet t of V f Vits tswel ell l PDLC Fi Film Descri scriptio tion Standard rd HT (High-Tra ransm smitta ittance ce) HR (Heat-Re Resista sistant) Para rall llel l light t 80  1 (on) 84  1 (on) 82  1 (on) tran ansm smitta ittance ce (550 50 nm) 1.0  0.5 (off) 1.5  0.5 (off) 1.0  0.5 (off) 81  1 (on) 84  1 (on) 83  1 (on) Tota tal l light t transm smit itta tance ce 77  1 (off) 79  1 (off) 76  1 (off) 5  1 (on) 2  1 (on) 3  1 (on) Haze ze 89  1 (off) 87  1 (off) 91  1 (off) Opera eratin ting Tempe perat ature - 20℃ ~ 70℃ - 20℃ ~ 100℃ UV Block lock >99% Opera ratin ting volta ltage 100 ~ 110 VAC Normal Type 225 ㎛ Film Thickn ickness ss sticky Type 325 ㎛ Frequency cy range 50 ~ 60 Hz Powe wer r Consu sumptio tion 5W/ ㎡ Film Max. x. width th 1500mm

  14. Weak points ts fo for oth ther PDLC Other PDLC Disadvantages IR Block UV UV ck Unavai ailabl able Discol oloring oring Phenom enomenon enon Ot Other PDLCs are ON ONLY able e to be applied ed for indoor oor partition on Weak for Unavai ailable able high h for light ht area temper eratur ature contr trol ol

  15. Specifi ficat catio ions ns Comparison rison with th Competi tito tors rs VITSWELL VS OTHERS Vitsw swell ll P*** ** E*** ** C*** ** A*** ** Note te Kore rea USA UK UK Japan Chin ina Haze ze(ON/Cl ON/Clear) r) ≤ 2 2 ± 1% 1% <7% <7% 5 ± 1% 1% 8% 8% Haze ze(OFF OFF/O /Opaque) ≥ 96 96 ± 1% 1% >75% 90% 92 92 ± 2% 2% 90% Visibl sible Angle le 145 ° 150 ° - - - Worki king g -20 20 ° C ~ Una nava vail ilable ble -20 20 ° C C ~ 1 100 ° C -20 20 ° C C ~ 6 60 ° C 0 ° C C ~ 70 ° C 0 ° C C ~ 50 ° C Temperatu rature re 70 70 ° C for Shades! s! Peeli ling Strength th 120g/in /in ± 10 75g/in /in 75g/in /in 80g/in /in 75g/in /in UV Block lock Rate te 99% 98% 99% 98% 98% Unava vail ilable le IR Block ck Rate te 86% ± 20% N/A ± 20% ± 20% for Shades! s! Resp sponse nse Spe peed 0.1se 1sec <1se sec <1sec sec <1sec sec <1sec sec Powe wer r Consu sumptio tion 5w/1 /1 ㎡ 6w/1 /1 ㎡ 10w/1 w/1 ㎡ ~7w/1 w/1 ㎡ 5w/1 /1 ㎡ AC 70~110V ~110V AC≤65V AC≤36V AC100~ 0~11 110V 0V AC AC Workin king Volta ltage /50~ 0~60 60Hz /50~ 0~60 60Hz /50~ 0~60 60Hz /50~ 0~60 60Hz 60V/50 50~60 60Hz ON/OF OFF, F, Ligh ight Area Contro trol up&down, wn, ON/OF OFF ON/OF OFF ON/OF OFF ON/OF OFF left& ft&rig ight ht Touch ch panel, l, mobil ile, , PC, Contro troll ller - - - - remote te, smart t home netwo twork rk

  16. PDLC+ Applica icati tion on Sector tor Temperature Temperature   Temperature  CR(Contrast Range)  Visible Angle(145 ° ) UV(99%), IR(86%)   Visible Angle(145 ° )  Visible Angle(95 ° )  Low Voltage UV   Low Voltage(DC)  Power Consumption  IR Visible Angle(145 ° )   UV  Low Voltage(DC)  Light Area Control  IR  Automobi omobile Adver erti tising ng Construc uction on Elec ectroni onic Device ATM Frid idge Wearable le Devic ice

  17. Project name Vitswe well Showroom Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Section / Milky-White

  18. Project name Trimage Apartment t Building Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Section / Light Gray Client’s demand Section Control

  19. Project name Incheon Interna nati tional Airport t situati tion room Jung-gu, Incheon, Korea Type / Color Basic / Milky White Client’s demand Entire On /Off

  20. Project name HOSIG IGI TOWER Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Basic & Section / Milky White Client’s demand Opening door Applicati tion

  21. Project name Pensi sion Bathroom Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Type / Color Basic / Grey Client’s demand Bathroom Application

  22. Project name Canada Silveroak k Vanco couve ver Turnberry Lane, Coquitlam, Canada Type / Color Basic / Milky White Client’s demand Group Control / Individual Control

  23. Project name FLEXA Children Funrnitu ture Store Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Basic / Milky White Client’s demand Adverti tising function

  24. Project name Huxley ley Cosmeti tics Store Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Basic / Milky White Client’s demand Rooftop Display

  25. Project name Aspen INC Offi fice window Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Type / Color Basic / Milky White

  26. Proejct name CJ Onlyo yone R& R&D Cente ter Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Type / Color Basic / Dark Gray Client’s demand Outdoor Skylight t

  27. Aw Awards s & & Certif tific icati ation ons
