using modern c in anger

Using Modern C++ In Anger Todd L. Montgomery @toddlmontgomery Aeron - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

StoneTor Using Modern C++ In Anger Todd L. Montgomery @toddlmontgomery Aeron and C++? What constitutes Modern C++ ? How Aeron Adopts Modern C++? What Lessons were learned? Whats Next ? Aeron and C++? Truly modern

  1. StoneTor Using Modern C++ In Anger Todd L. Montgomery @toddlmontgomery

  2. •Aeron and C++? • What constitutes Modern C++ ? • How Aeron Adopts Modern C++? • What Lessons were learned? • What’s Next ?

  3. Aeron and C++?

  4. Truly modern messaging transport

  5. Feature Bloat & Complexity

  6. Not Fast Enough

  7. Low & Predictable Latency is key

  8. We are in a new world Multi-core, Multi-socket, Cloud...

  9. We are in a new world Multi-core, Multi-socket, Cloud... UDP, IPC, InfiniBand, 

  10. Aeron is trying a new approach

  11. The Team Todd Montgomery Richard Warburton Martin Thompson

  12. Messaging Channel Publishers Subscribers Stream Channel

  13. A library, not a framework, on which other abstractions and applications can be built

  14. Composable Design

  15. OSI layer 4 Transport for message oriented streams

  16. OSI Layer 4 (Transport) Services 1. Connection Oriented Communication 2. Reliability 3. Flow Control 4. Congestion Avoidance/Control 5. Multiplexing

  17. Multi-Everything World!

  18. Multi-Everything World Publishers Subscribers Channel Stream

  19. Design Principles 1. Garbage free in steady state running 2. Smart Batching in the message path 3. Wait-free algos in the message path 4. Non-blocking IO in the message path 5. No exceptional cases in message path 6. Apply the Single Writer Principle 7. Prefer unshared state 8. Avoid unnecessary data copies

  20. Architecture Publisher Subscriber Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer

  21. Architecture Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0)

  22. Architecture Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Admin Events Conductor Conductor Events Admin Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0) Function/Method Call Volatile Fields & Queues

  23. Architecture Client Media Driver Media Driver Client Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Admin Events Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor Events Admin Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0) Function/Method Call Volatile Fields & Queues IPC Ring/Broadcast Buffer

  24. C++?

  25. Architecture Client Media Driver Media Driver Client Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Admin Events Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor Events Admin Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0) Function/Method Call Volatile Fields & Queues IPC Ring/Broadcast Buffer

  26. Architecture Client Media Driver Media Driver Client Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Admin Events Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor Events Admin Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Client Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0) • Application API • Java, C, C++, C#, etc. Function/Method Call Volatile Fields & Queues IPC Ring/Broadcast Buffer

  27. The Media Driver is (currently) Java…

  28. What constitutes Modern C++?

  29. Modern C++

  30. Resource Ownership & Lifetime

  31. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.)

  32. Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII) std::lock_guard std::unique_ptr

  33. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers

  34. Smart Pointers std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr std::weak_ptr

  35. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects

  36. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic )

  37. Atomic Operations std::atomic<bool> std::atomic_flag

  38. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support

  39. Thread Support std::thread std::mutex std::promise std::future

  40. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment

  41. Modern C++ • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment • Toolchain (Build/Test)

  42. Modern Toolchain CMake Google Test Google Mock etc.

  43. How Aeron Adopts Modern C++?

  44. Smart Pointers

  45. Lambda’s & Function Objects

  46. Thread Support

  47. What Lessons were learned?

  48. Lessons - What do you think? • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Stack Allocation • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment • Toolchain (Build/Test)

  49. Lessons • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Stack Allocation • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment • Toolchain (Build/Test)

  50. RAII & Smart Pointers • Give in to Smart Pointers

  51. RAII & Smart Pointers • Give in to Smart Pointers • Explicit Coupling

  52. RAII & Smart Pointers • Give in to Smart Pointers • Explicit Coupling • Explicit Scoping

  53. Stack Allocation (Lack of) [insert excuse Y] … Escape Analysis Value Types …

  54. Lessons • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Stack Allocation • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment • Toolchain (Build/Test)

  55. Move Construction/Assignment • Much more than you think

  56. Move Construction/Assignment • Much more than you think • Sometimes/Often better to copy

  57. Move Construction/Assignment • Much more than you think • Sometimes/Often better to copy • Optimization Interactions

  58. Move Construction/Assignment • Much more than you think • Sometimes/Often better to copy • Optimization Interactions • When you have to do it… why?!?

  59. Lessons • Idioms (RAII, etc.) • Stack Allocation • Smart Pointers • Lambda's & Function Objects • Atomics ( std::atomic ) • Thread Support • Move Construction/Assignment • Toolchain (Build/Test)

  60. Architecture Client Media Driver Media Driver Client Publisher Subscriber Receiver Sender Media Admin Events Conductor Conductor Conductor Conductor Events Admin Receiver Sender Subscriber Publisher IPC Log Buffer Media (UDP, InfiniBand, PCI-e 3.0) Function/Method Call Volatile Fields & Queues IPC Ring/Broadcast Buffer

  61. Data Structures (Shared Memory) • IPC Ring Buffers • IPC Broadcast Buffers • IPC Log Buffers

  62. What Aeron does Creates a 
 replicated persistent log 
 of messages

  63. File Tail

  64. File Header Message 1 Tail

  65. File Header Message 1 Header Message 2 Tail

  66. File Header Message 1 Header Message 2 Tail

  67. File Header Message 1 Header Message 2 Message 3 Tail

  68. File Header Message 1 Header Message 2 Header Message 3 Tail

  69. Log Buffer File Term 0 Term 1 Term 2 Term Meta Data 0 Term Meta Data 1 Term Meta Data 2 Log Meta Data

  70. Log Buffer File Term 0 Atomic & Ordered Operations Term 1 Term 2 Term Meta Data 0 Term Meta Data 1 Term Meta Data 2 Log Meta Data

  71. Position

  72. Unique identification of a byte within each stream

  73. Publishers, Senders, 
 Receivers, and Subscribers 
 all keep position counters

  74. Position counters are the key to 
 flow control and monitoring

  75. Statistics & Position Counters are accessible in shared memory Atomic & Ordered Operations

  76. Multiple Challenges • Size (and Layout) • Memory Models (C++11 to Java)

  77. Size Matters

  78. Size Matters (Atomics) • Not designed for arbitrary memory • Size not the same as the types • Concerned only with operations

  79. Memory Models • Interoperability with JMM • std::memory_order fit for purpose

  80. So… Aeron uses its own atomic operations C/C++ functions (JMM compatible) * gcc x86_64 initially contributed by phaynes (

  81. What’s Next?

  82. Finished a few passes of 
 Profiling and Tuning

  83. IPC, 32-byte Messages C++ to C++ 32+ Million messages per second

  84. IPC, 32-byte Messages C++: 32M msg/sec Java: 30M msg/sec .NET: 15M msg/sec

  85. Persistence Replication Efficient FEC Encryption/Security Services Aeron Core 1.0!! Performance C/C++ Driver Multi Unicast Send

  86. In closing…

  87. Where can I find it?


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