14.9.2015 User and Client Satisfaction Agile Development Marta Lárusdóttir Åsa Cajander Effie Law Reykjavik University Uppsala University University of Leicester INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop Agile Manifesto INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 1
14.9.2015 What is a Customer? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop What is a Customer? Customer: Organization or person that receives a product or service (ISO 12207, 2008) INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 2
14.9.2015 What is a User? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop What is a User? A person who interacts with a product (ISO 9241-210, 2010) INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 3
14.9.2015 The Study 1. What do professionals state as their emphasis or values when developing software? 2. Do they gather feedback from various stakeholders? 3. If they gather feedback, how frequently is that done? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop Research Method and Participants • Survey • 48 questions, 40 closed and 8 open ended • Sent to 393 graduated students from Computer Science at Reykjavik University • Respondents • 73 to some of the questions • 42 answered the questions analyzed in this paper • 74% males, 14% female, 12% did not answer • 86% had a BS degree and 14% Master or PhD • 36% had worked less than a year, 40% 1 -3 years, 24% longer • Types of software • Business/Finance and Data management - 26% each, games 14% INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 4
14.9.2015 Development Process and Job Roles • Development processes • 76% using agile processes • Scrum only 40%, Kanban only, 12% Scrum and Kanban 14%, agile other than Scrum and Kanban, 10% • 24% using other processes • Job roles • 83% programming, 53% design, 31% requirement gathering, 31% testing INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop Placing Emphasis Where do you place the most emphasis in the projects you are working on now? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 5
14.9.2015 Gathering Feedback Do you gather feedback from [users, clients, customers, colleagues and friends]? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop Frequency of Feedback Gathering How often do you gather feedback from [users, clients, customers, colleagues and friends]? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 6
14.9.2015 Main Conclusions • Client and User satisfaction emphasised in Agile • Only user satisfaction mentioned when using other processes • Feedback is gathered from users and colleagues and friends – both Agile and other • Not much from customers even though interacting with customers is one of the main values in Agile • The most frequent feedback gathering is with colleagues and friends in Agile • Even though client and user satisfaction is the most important values • Why is this?? INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop More Reading Law, E. L. C., & Larusdottir, M. K. Whose Experience Do We Care About? Analysis of the Fitness of Scrum and Kanban to User Experience (UX). International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, (just-accepted 2015) Larusdottir, M. K., Cajander, A, Gulliksen, J: Informal Feedback Rather Than Performance Measurements – User Centred Evaluation in Scrum Projects , Behavior and Information Technology, Vol 33, issue 11, Nov., 2014. Larusdottir, M.K., Cajander, A, Simader, M.: Continuous Improvement in Agile Development Practice - The Case of Value and Non-Value Adding Activities, Proc. of the HCSE 2014 conference in Paderborn, Sept., 2014. Cajander, A., Larusdottir, M. K., Gulliksen, J: Existing but not Explicit - The User Perspective in Scrum Projects in Practice, Proc. of the INTERACT 2013 conference in Cape Town, South Africa. INTERACT 2015 – WG13.2 workshop 7
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