us epa western brownfields workshop

US EPA Western Brownfields Workshop Overcoming Petroleum Challenges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

US EPA Western Brownfields Workshop Overcoming Petroleum Challenges Rosalia Texaco 2005 EPA Phoenix Award Winner T ho mas Middle to n WA State De pt. o f E c o lo gy Source: WA State Wikipedia All Sites (Waiting, In Cleanup Process, or

  1. US EPA Western Brownfields Workshop Overcoming Petroleum Challenges

  2. Rosalia Texaco 2005 EPA Phoenix Award Winner T ho mas Middle to n WA State De pt. o f E c o lo gy

  3. Source: WA State Wikipedia

  4. All Sites (Waiting, In Cleanup Process, or Completed [NFA]): 11,926 sites (of these Sites, approximately 6600 are LUST Sites ‐ 2016) December 2014

  5. Whitman County

  6. Rolling Hills of Whitman County

  7. Rosalia, Washington

  8. Rosalia Texaco circa 1923 Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  9. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  10. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  11. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  12. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  13. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  14. Rosalia Visitor Resource & Interpretive Center (2004) Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  15. Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  16. National Partners • Environmental Protection Agency • National Park Service • Wildlife Habitat Council State Partners Department of Ecology Senator Larry Sheahan • • Department of Transportation Eastern Washington University • • Department of Corrections Washington State University • • Washington State Parks Washington State Tourism Office • • Local Tribal Councils Historic Preservation Office • • Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  17. Corporate/Regional Partners NW Museum of Arts & Culture – Spokane • ElJay Oil of Spokane • Inland Empire Porsche Club • Crankers Car Club of Cheney • Huli ‐ Huli Chicken – Spokane • Hawg’s Grill – Moscow, ID • Washington Photo ‐ Spokane • Whitman County Partners 08 Grant Commission Whitman County Library • • Office of Economic Development Town of Palouse • • Port of Whitman Pullman Chamber of Commerce • • Palouse Partners • Historical Society • Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  18. Local Partners Town of Rosalia • Rosalia Chamber of Commerce • Rosalia Planning Commission • Rosalia Historical Commission • Daughters of American Revolution • Rosalia Gifted Grannies Club • Rosalia Library • Rosalia Lions Club • Rosalia Garden Club • Rosalia School District • Bank of Whitman • Inland Structures, Inc. • K&S Engineering • Bank of Fairfield • Rosalia AIA Insurance • Longhorn Café and Lounge • Budding Rose Art Gallery • Pinewood Cottage Industries • Cardon Computer Services • Local Volunteers • Jim and Diane Nebel 2005 Phoenix Award Presentation

  19. Why did this project work? • $$$$$ Money $$$$$ 1. EPA ‐ $33,000 2. Ecology ‐ $54,000 3. Whitman County ‐ $45,000 Leveraging • 1. Cooperation of “Partners” at all levels (National, State, Regional, Local)

  20. Why did this project work? “Local passion and vision” 2013


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