urdu and the modular architecture of pargram

Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram Tina B ogel, Miriam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram Tina B ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit at Konstanz CLT 2009, Lahore

  1. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz CLT 2009, Lahore Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  2. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion 1 Introduction 2 Overall Architecture 3 Morphology 4 Syntax 5 Prosody 6 Semantics 7 Conclusion Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  3. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Introduction ParGram: NLP project based on Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) building large-scale, robust grammars larger grammars: English, French, German, Japanese, Norwegian, Turkish smaller grammars: Arabic, Chinese, Georgian, Malagasy, Urdu, Welsh LFG parsing and generation using a modular type of architecture this talk: description of the modules used for the grammar; short demos of two of the modules Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  4. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Introduction modules of the grammar: tokenizer, morphological analyzer, syntactic rules, prosodic projection, semantics interface modules are connected using development platform XLE ParGram architecture design allows for robust, large-scale parsing and generation and satisfactory treatment of language-specific phenomena Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  5. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Overall Architecture tokenizer and morphological analyzer: finite-state machines using the Xerox Finite-State Calculus (xfst) morphological analyzer feeds into syntactic rules component morphological tagging interacts with syntactic rules syntactic analyses are informed by theoretical work within LFG c(onstituent)-structure and f(unctional)-structure are produced by the XLE platform phonological rules, built in the syntactic module, rephrase prosody (result: p-structure) syntactic structures provide basis for semantic analysis Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  6. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Overall Architecture tokenizer & morphology ( fst ) ↓ syntax (f- and c-structure) → prosody (p-structure) ↓ semantics ( xfr ordered rewriting) Overall modular architecture of ParGram Urdu grammar Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  7. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Morphology implemented using a finite-state machine functions as “black box” usable tag output for XLE - but could be replaced by other morphological resources morphology is a stand-alone resource - may be used for other applications connected up to the syntax using a morphology-syntax interface morphological information can easily be extracted from the finite-state machine system allows broad vocabulary coverage system allows description of language-specific morphological phenomena like reduplication, future formation, etc. Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  8. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Morphology sample output of morphology lexicon: MORPHOLOGY laRk+Noun+Fem+Sg tags are used as input for syntax component: INTERFACE +Fem GEND xle @(GEND fem) +Sg NUM xle @(NUM sg) features are displayed in c- and f-structure: SYNTAX "laRkI" CS 1: N PRED 'laRk ' NSEM COMMON count NOUN-S_BASE N-T_BASE GEND_BASE NUM_BASE NTYPE NSYN common 1 GEND fem , NUM sg, PERS 3 laRk +Noun +Fem +Sg Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  9. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Syntax syntax component is at the core of Urdu grammar theoretical background: LFG well-studied ( ∼ 30 years) framework with computational usability c- and f-structures used for syntactic representation c-structure: basic constituent structure (“tree”) and linear precedence ( ∼ what parts belong together) f-structure: encodes syntactic functions and properties Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  10. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Syntax ROOT CS 1: S "nAdyA hasI" PRED 'has <[1:nAdyA] >' KP VCmain PRED 'nAdyA ' NSEM PROPER PROPER-TYPE name NTYPE SUBJ NSYN proper NP Vmain SEM-PROP SPECIFIC + 1 CASE nom , GEND fem , NUM sg, PERS 3 _VMORPH _MTYPE infl N V CHECK _RESTRICTED - ASPECT IMPF -, PERF +, PROG - TNS-ASP MOOD indicative nAdyA hasI 16 CLAUSE-TYPE decl , LEX-SEM unerg , PASSIVE -, VFORM perf , VTYPE main size: 40 phrase-structure rules, annotated for syntactic function coverage: basic clauses with free word order, verbal complex, tense and aspect, causative verbs, complex predicates Demo: Complex Predicates Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  11. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Prosody LFG architecture allows for additional projections prosody implemented as additional layer on top of syntax prosodic information important for correct understanding/disambiguation of a sentence experimental p(rosodic)-structure in order to model complex phonological properties of clitics, especially Urdu Ezafe Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  12. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Prosody - Urdu Ezafe Urdu Ezafe: loan construction from Persian calls for modifier (adjective or noun) to the right of head noun: not in line with usual Urdu head-final pattern example: a. sher=e panjAb b. sadA=e buland lion=Ez Punjab voice=Ez high ‘A/The lion of Punjab’ ‘high voice’ Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  13. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Prosody - Urdu Ezafe modifier is licenced by Ezafe Ezafe is head of Ezafe phrase constituent complement of Ezafe modifies head noun Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  14. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Prosody - Urdu Ezafe Ezafe is clitic: it attaches to the end of a constituent, which is not possible for inflectional morphology example shows clitic status of Ezafe: [maal o daulat]=e dunyaa material and wealth=Ez world ‘the material and wealth of the world’ within prosody, the clitic Ezafe is integrated in the prosodic phrase to its left - not modeled at level of syntax additional level: p-structure Ezafe is coded as part of the head noun within p-structure: Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  15. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Semantics f-structures within XLE are coded in Prolog for semantics, we take Prolog code and apply ordered rewrite rules (XFR) on it reasonable approach, as f-structures are equivalent to quasi-logical forms input f-structure is consumed step by step by the rewrite rules XLE produces output semantic form world knowledge may also be included (English ParGram grammar uses WordNet as knowledge base) Demo: Semantics module Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram

  16. Preview Introduction Overall Architecture Morphology Syntax Prosody Semantics Conclusion Conclusion Urdu ParGram project devoted to developing a large-scale, broad-coverage LFG parsing and generation grammar using XLE pipeline architecture: single components may be used in other contexts informed by well-studied linguistic insights from LFG theory currently experimenting with additional annotation using p-structure (prosody) and XFR rewriting (semantics) LFG/XLE methodology: powerful, effective, proven and tested Tina B¨ ogel, Miriam Butt, Annette Hautli, Sebastian Sulger Universit¨ at Konstanz Urdu and the Modular Architecture of ParGram


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