update on mbb update on mbb measurements in norway

Update on MBB Update on MBB measurements in Norway Ahmed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update on MBB Update on MBB measurements in Norway Ahmed Elmokashfi Simula Research Laboratory AS y 7-Feb-13 Specialized measurement boxes Five operators p 300 nodes all around Norway Designed with meta-data in mind Operator

  1. Update on MBB Update on MBB measurements in Norway Ahmed Elmokashfi Simula Research Laboratory AS y 7-Feb-13

  2. Specialized measurement boxes Five operators p 300 nodes all around Norway Designed with meta-data in mind  Operator  Cell-ID  Geo-location  …  Visualization

  3. Data sharing policy ? Input from the audience  Sh  Share experiences about visualizing real-time data i b t i li i l ti d t  Feedback on metadata to be stored

  4. Ahmed AT simula.no Questions ?


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