university of california berkeley

University of California, Berkeley Position Management Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University of California, Berkeley Position Management Training November 2012 Todays Objectives Understand Position Management Manage Hires Using Positions Add an Academic Employment Instance Using Position Create a TAM Job Posting for a

  1. University of California, Berkeley Position Management Training November 2012

  2. Today’s Objectives Understand Position Management Manage Hires Using Positions Add an Academic Employment Instance Using Position Create a TAM Job Posting for a Position Create a New Position Update Filled Positions Perform a Job Reclassification 2

  3. Topic Map CONCEPTS The Position What is Position Position Attributes Management Management? and Relationships Process TASKS Update Employee’s Workforce Creating New Administration Positions Position Information 3

  4. What is Position What is Position Management? Management? The roof to the right represents a department. The figures represent people in the department .  How many people are in this department?  How many vacant positions are there? 4

  5. What is Position What is Position Management? Management? Let’s have these people take their seats. The chairs represent all the positions in this department.  How many people are in this department?  How many vacant positions are there? 5

  6. What is Position Using Position Management Management? 00050001 00050002 00050003 00050004 00050005 00050006 Position Management tracks positions by assigning them position numbers . A person holding a position is an Incumbent . 6

  7. What is Position What is Position Management? Management?  A new module within the Human Capital Management (HCM) system  The framework to manage all positions in one central location  Filled, vacant, active, or inactive  A tool for making more informed Human Resources and Budgeting decisions  Coordinates 3 components: Person: Position: Job: An employee A job independent The union of a of an employee position and person “Chris” “Chris” having the position of Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant II 7

  8. What is changing and what is staying the same? With Position Management, a job is a union of the Person and a Position. Current Future Position : Person: Job: Job: “Chris,” Administrative The union of “Chris” Assistant II an employee a position and Administrative Assistant II person   A Job cannot exist without A Job cannot exist without a Person a Position and a Person   No Vacant Positions can A Position can exist without be tracked in HCM a Job or a Person (a Vacancy ) 8

  9. How is Position Data Different from Job Data? Where we used to have only Job Data, we now use Job Data and Position Data. Current Future Position Data  Job Code Job Data  Location  Job Code  Standard Hours  Location  Position Number (NEW!)   Standard Hours Headcount (NEW!)  Position FTE (NEW!)  Budgeting Chartstring (NEW!)  Salary Job Data  FTE  Salary   Pay schedule Job FTE  Pay Schedule  Funding Chartstring  Funding Chartstring  Position Number (NEW!) 9

  10. Benefits of Position Management HCM CalPlanning Position Data PRT Management Warehouse BAIRS Ad Hoc Tools  Single, central repository for ALL UC Berkeley institution approved positions across all fund types/sources  Track all positions  Identify vacancies  View historic position data  Provide Position and Position Funding data for reporting  Reduction or elimination of redundant data entry in Budget, HCM, and ancillary systems  Building a bridge between Human Resources and Budgeting 10

  11. What is Position Position Management – A Review Management?  A position is a job in the organization, independent of any particular employee.  When an employee (incumbent) leaves a position, the position remains (vacancy) to be filled again.  Employees in a position share the following attributes : Business Unit, Job Code, Department, Reports To, FTE, and Position Funding.  An employee in a job has specific attributes: Salary, Pay Schedule, and Payroll Funding. Job: Person: Position: The union of a An employee A job independent position and person of an employee 11

  12. What is Position Summary of Changes Management?  Similar to current WFA work procedures – Position number is required to hire a person in WFA – Position number is recommended to post a position in TAM, or may be required by your department  Some new terminology  Funding chartstring(s) will exist in position data and job data – Position chartstring: chartstring for budgeting (on-going) – Job chartstring: chartstring for payroll (change to in-year funding) 12

  13. Position Attributes A Change in Relationships And Relationships When Position Management goes live, all active jobs will be converted to positions at a 1:1 ratio. Current Future Position Job Code 00050001 6800U Person Person Job Code Empl Empl 013333331 6800U 013333331 13

  14. Position Attributes Relationship Functionality in Position And Relationships A position can have multiple incumbents . When could this be useful? A position’s Headcount indicates the planned maximum number of incumbents for a position. Assistant III Job Code 4722C Position 50002 Step-based Salary Headcount = 3 Empl ID 013333331 Step 3 Position Empl ID 013333332 Incumbents Step 6 Empl ID 013333333 Step 2 14

  15. Position Attributes Position Attributes And Relationships Navigation in HCM for Position Management: 15

  16. Position Attributes Position Attributes And Relationships Positions are created and viewed from the Add/Update Position page in the Position Management module. Required fields:  Effective Date  Reason (Reason Code)  Job Code  Department  Location  LVL 7 Dept (Dept ID)  Standard Hours 16

  17. Position Attributes Position Attributes - Funding And Relationships Use the Position Funding tab to enter the funding chartstrings:  The Effective Date (populated from the effective date on the Description tab)  GL Business Unit  Account is filled in from Job Code  Fund  DeptID  Program  Chartfields 1-2 (optional)  Distrb %  ERNCD 17

  18. Position Attributes Viewing a Position And Relationships Viewing a Position 18

  19. The Position Management Position Management Process Process 1. Enter approved positions in HCM which automatically creates a Position Number 2. Create job postings for vacant positions in TAM using the Position Number 3. Hire a person by entering a Position Number in the Job Data page  Automatically pulls position and funding data into the employee record 4. Some updates made to Position Data automatically flow to Workforce Administration Job Data  Updates to position funding data are not automatically pushed to a person’s job data (Explained in detail later) 19

  20. The Position Where does Position Management fit Management Process in our current process? Create Position Enter Budgeted and Enter Funding Data in Position Data Position Data HCM HCM Submit PAWS Ticket, Hire Person Create YES Create or other Dept request into Job Job Job Posting (Include Position (Include Position Posting? in TAM Number) Number) HCM HCM NO Enter Position Enter Additional Incumbent Number in Job Job Data and Created Data Other Funding HCM HCM 20

  21. Most Common Position Management Actions Day-to-Day Operations  Hire a person into a position  Rehire, Transfer, Promotion, Additional Jobs, Reappointments, etc. using Position  Enter a termination, creating a position vacancy  Update Job Data chartstring (change from budgeted)  Update a Job Data Supervisor ID  Reclassify a position Transitional Actions Due to Conversion  Update a position’s Reports To Position Number  Update a position’s Level 7 Dept (DeptID) 21

  22. Workforce Administration In this section, we will cover the following topics:  New Hire from a TAM Posting  Add an Academic POI (Person of Interest) as an Employment Instance  Rehire a Former Employee  Transfer an employee into a department 22

  23. Workforce Hiring a New Employee Administration Similar to our current process, begin by entering personal information. 23

  24. Workforce Hiring a New Employee Administration When hiring, entering the Position Number links a person to a job and populates Job Data with Position Data. Personal Data Job Data 24

  25. Workforce Hiring a New Employee Administration The Reports To Position Number displays if entered on Position. The Supervisor ID field will be populated from the employee’s position if two conditions are met: This position’s Reports To field was completed. 1. 2. The position indicated in the Reports To field has an incumbent. 25

  26. Workforce Hiring a New Employee Administration All chartstrings are populated from Position, but you must enter the Distrb %. 26

  27. Workforce Hiring a New Employee Administration Hands On - Managing Hires: New Hire from TAM Job Posting Hire Rebecca WellsXXX into Position 00000698 27

  28. Workforce Academic Employment Instance Administration To add an employment instance with Position Number to an academic POI, you begin with the Person Organizational Summary link. 28

  29. Workforce Academic Employment Instance Administration Demo - Add an Academic Employment Instance Hire Elisabeth BurgessXXX into Position 00000699 29

  30. Workforce Create a TAM Staff Job Posting Administration Enter the Position Number to create a TAM job posting 30


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