university meets industry calling in real stakeholders

University Meets Industry: Calling in Real Stakeholders Birgit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technische Universitt Mnchen University Meets Industry: Calling in Real Stakeholders Birgit Penzenstadler Martin Mahaux Patrick Heymans CSEE&T May 19th 2013 Motivation Theory Practice 2 Motivation: Case study based learning

  1. Technische Universität München University Meets Industry: Calling in Real Stakeholders Birgit Penzenstadler Martin Mahaux Patrick Heymans CSEE&T May 19th 2013

  2. Motivation Theory à Practice 2

  3. Motivation: Case study based learning § Formal education in RE provides knowledge § How about the skills? – Application of knowledge – Communication – Team skills – Affective attributes 3

  4. Motivation: Case study based learning & research § Recruiters look more for soft skills [Hermann2013] § Practicing in a “safe” learning environment § Chance to perform research 4

  5. Outline § Study Design § Study Implementation & Results § Discussion § Conclusion & Future Work 5

  6. Learning Goals Analysis Reflection Abstraction Target Skills Creativity Phrasing Customer Focus Communication Method 6

  7. Study Design • Initial Lectures • Team Building • Stakeholder Presentation Prepare • Brainstorming • Interviews • Workshops Elicit & • Modelling Analyze • Documentation • Presentation • Examination Finalize 7

  8. Study Implementation University TU München Univ. of Namur Responsible Manfred Broy Patrick Heymans Designer Birgit Penzenstadler Martin Mahaux Trainees 22 MSc students 18 MSc students, Software Engineering 50% Info Systems 50% Mngmt Science Time frame 28 lecture + 4 lecture + 32 case study 46 case study Stakeholder Project manager HR director UN, „DriveNow“ BMW experts in mobility & application design Project Case study for system System possibly already implemented intended to be built 8

  9. Implementation - Artefact Model for Requirements How do you document requirements? Have you ever done that? 9

  10. Implementation - Tooling for Artefact Model Cockburn-Template Cockburn-Template Element Description Element Description Scenarios 10


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