unga s rskilt beg vad barn young gifted children stories


Professor Valerie Margrain 1:e februari 2019 valerie.margrain@kau.se UNGA SRSKILT BEGVAD BARN - YOUNG GIFTED CHILDREN: Stories of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Childrens Rights KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum Session

  1. Professor Valerie Margrain –1:e februari 2019 valerie.margrain@kau.se UNGA SÄRSKILT BEGÅVAD BARN - YOUNG GIFTED CHILDREN: Stories of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Children’s Rights KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  2. Session Overview • How is giftedness relevant to the preschool in Sweden? • What does the curriculum say? • Should we be treating all children equally? • Authentic stories of young children - exclusion and inclusion. KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  3. Kia ora KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  4. 1. Särskild begåvning är ärftlig. 2. Särskild begåvning är inlärd. 3. Särskild begåvning kan vara “drillad” (“hothoused”). 4. Särskild begåvning visar sig kring mellanstadiet (~8-9 års åldern). 5. Individer med särskild begåvning har högt IQ. 6. Barn med särskild begåvning lär sig att läsa tidigt. 7. Pojkar nomineras till program för barn med särskild begåvning oftare än flickor. 8. Föräldrar till barn med särskild begåvning betraktas som “krävande”. 9. Föräldrar till barn med särskild begåvning gör ofta en korrekt bedömining av sitt barns begåvning. KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  5. Broad curriculum Broad view on giftedness KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  6. Xavier age 4 years, 3 months What do you see? Discuss. KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  7. • “ This is a picture of the planets with man-made satellites and some moons. If you start on the right hand side and work your way over to the left, we start with the sun, then Mercury, then Venus – the marshmallow out of those represents Mariner 10, the first space probe to do flybys of the planets. Next the one with heaps out of it is earth, but there wasn’t room to put any more although there are heaps of satellites flying around the earth, but the white one on its own is the moon. Next is Mars and Phobos and Demios and Space Probe Pathfinder, then Jupiter with its four main moons and Voyager, then Saturn with the Saturn Cassini and Voyager 2, then Uranus and Neptune with Voyager 2, and Pluto with Charon.” • “When the model was made Voyager 2 hadn’t reached Pluto yet, but it has now.” (Margrain, 2010) KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  8. Xavier’s Rights as a Child and Learner • The right to grapple with advanced concepts and ideas • The right to be exposed to rich content and knowledge • The right to share learning with others • The right to re-visit learning • The right to be identified • ISSUE: KEEPING INTERESTED KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  9. Henry (4 years, 9 months) • A wide range of practical interests: • Playing with toy cars and trains. Climbing all over me. Bouncing on the trampoline with me. Drawing roads on the concrete with chalk. Helping me work on things in the garage – or getting in the way – playing card games, board games, correcting my spelling on the computer. (H: Parent interview with father) • Lived with mother, father & baby brother. Had a best friend whom he spent a lot of time with. • Described as “A sensitive wee soul” by parents. KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  10. Henry – a Precocious Reader • Chronological age: 4 yrs 9 months • Reading accuracy : 10 yrs 8 months • Reading fluency (speed): 12 yrs 2 months • Reading comprehension : 8 yrs 3 months (understanding) KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  11. Inclusion for Henry • Choosing a school (rejection & partnership) • Antarctic cod (differentiation) • New learning • Social-emotional support (SIDS) • Community & family friendships • ISSUE: RECOGNITION KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  12. David and the Computer Club KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  13. David’s Rights as a Learner • The right of access to opportunities to learn and discover • The right to resources that support learning • The right to play in ways of choice • The right for family to make choices • The right to program differentiation • ISSUE: AGE-RELATED ASSUMPTIONS & ACCESS KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  14. Characteristics of Giftedness - Discuss • reasons well (good thinker) • introvert • learns rapidly •facility with numbers • extensive vocabulary • good at jigsaw puzzles • excellent memory • concerned with justice, fairness • long attention span (if interested) • shows compassion • sensitive (feelings hurt easily) • early language development • shows compassion • enjoyment and speed of problem solving • perfectionist • early use of symbol systems • intense • capacity for symbolic thought • morally sensitive • more complex play patterns • strong curiosity • personal maturity • perseverant in areas of interest • heightened concentration • early interest in time (clocks, etc.) • prefers older companions or adults • wide range of interests • recognition of letters before age 2 • great sense of humour • early ability to count • early or avid reader • early ability to put 20 piece puzzle together by • keen observer age 3) • vivid imagination • ability to read/early reader by age 4 • highly creative • (Silverman, 2013) • tends to question authority KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  15. Characteristics: Xavier, Henry, David • reasons well (good thinker) • introvert • learns rapidly •facility with numbers • extensive vocabulary • good at jigsaw puzzles • excellent memory • concerned with justice, fairness • long attention span (if interested) • shows compassion • sensitive (feelings hurt easily) • early language development • shows compassion • enjoyment and speed of problem solving • perfectionist • early use of symbol systems • intense • capacity for symbolic thought • morally sensitive • more complex play patterns • strong curiosity • personal maturity • perseverant in areas of interest • heightened concentration • early interest in time (clocks, etc.) • prefers older companions or adults • wide range of interests • recognition of letters before age 2 • great sense of humour • early ability to count • early or avid reader • early ability to put 20 piece puzzle • keen observer together by age 3) • vivid imagination • ability to read/early reader by age 4 • highly creative • tends to question authority (Silverman, 2013)

  16. Gifted Children: Qualitative Findings Inclusion, Exclusion & Action (Margrain, 2016) Jenny Jamie Inclusion • Sharing her varied interests • Community mentor (retired with others pilot) • Community involvement • Communicative about his knowledge Exclusion • Alienated if using complex • Blamed for being unruly vocabulary • Lack of interest in his • Family blamed for expertise hothousing Action • Provide books of wide • Encourage others to share his (what can range of complexity, fiction interests EC and non-fiction • Value his capability teachers • Value her capability • Communication with family & do?) • Respect her family mentor – shared KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET documentation Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  17. A glimpse into the future … many kinds of giftedness • https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=0JTgPveGE8o&feat ure=youtu.be • https://youtu.be/0JTgPveGE 8o KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  18. Share and discuss … • What stories can you share about gifted children and talented adults? KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  19. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations, 1989). • Article 28 acknowledges the right of every child to education • Article 29 that this education shall be directed to helping the child achieve to their fullest potential. KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  20. Text term Frequency Count, by Country Australia Estonia New Zealand Norway Sweden Textual Analysis – Gift 0 0 2 0 0 5 country Talent 0 2 0 0 1 curriculum Compet(ant)* 12 0 13 17 0 (frequency Abilit* 14 14 48 23 35 count) Capab* 9 0 18 1 0 Strength* 10 2 18 2 0 Capacit* 12 1 11 0 1 (Margrain & Succe* 20 4 4 0 0 Lundqvist, in Develop* 58 61 142 102 103 press) Learn 370 21 296 125 56 Form* 1 4 4 44 4 Expect* 13 9 28 4 2 Right/s 19 0 18 34 5 Respect 48 1 46 36 14 Stimulat* 2 1 6 7 17 Equal 3 0 3 28 6 Equity 9 0 12 0 0 Challeng* 23 0 21 28 9 Competiti* 0 2 1 0 0 KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum

  21. Mentions in the Swedish Läroplan för Förskolor (rev 2010) • Develop 103 • Learn 56 • Ability 35 • Stimulat* 17 • Respect 14 • Challeng* 9 • Gift* 0 KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET Fakultet | Namn | Datum


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