uncertainty quantification in linear interpolation for

Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface Extraction Tushar Athawale and Alireza Entezari Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering University of Florida Isosurface Visualization Figure:

  1. Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface Extraction Tushar Athawale and Alireza Entezari Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering University of Florida

  2. Isosurface Visualization Figure: Isosurface representing the isovalue of 0 ◦ C in a temperature field. Temperature dataset is courtesy of DEMETER project [Palmer et al., 2004]

  3. Isosurface Extraction from Uncertain Data (a) Isosurface Visualization (b) Positional Uncertainties

  4. Uncertainty Visualization ◮ Uncertainties or errors are introduced in various phases of the visualization pipeline (from data acquisition until the final visualization), e.g., measurement errors.

  5. Uncertainty Visualization ◮ Uncertainties or errors are introduced in various phases of the visualization pipeline (from data acquisition until the final visualization), e.g., measurement errors. ◮ Quantification and visualization of the uncertainties has become an important reasearch direction.

  6. Uncertainty Visualization ◮ Uncertainties or errors are introduced in various phases of the visualization pipeline (from data acquisition until the final visualization), e.g., measurement errors. ◮ Quantification and visualization of the uncertainties - important reasearch direction. ◮ We study the effect of uncertain data on the marching cubes algorithm (MCA) used for isosurface visualization [Lorensen and Cline, 1987]. ◮ Cell Configuration Uncertainties. ◮ Geometric Uncertainties.

  7. Cell Configuration Uncertainty isovalue = 30

  8. Geometric Uncertainty isovalue = 30

  9. Related Work and Contribution

  10. Uncertainty Visualization Techniques ◮ Glyphs for flow field uncertainty visualization [Wittenbrink et al., 1996]. ◮ Color and opacity mapping [Rhodes et al., 2003]. ◮ Primitive displacement in the surface normal direction proportional to the uncertainty [Grigoryan and Rheingans, 2004]. ◮ Animation techniques, e.g., animated visual vibrations [Brown, 2004], probabilistic animation [Lundstrom et al., 2007].

  11. Uncertainty Quantification Techniques ◮ Isosurface condition analysis to visualize the regions of isosurface, which are sensitive to small data changes [P¨ othkow and Hege, 2011]. ◮ Visualization of anisotropic correlation structures to study structural variability in level sets [Pfaffelmoser and Westermann, 2012]. ◮ Choice of Gaussian process regression over trilinear interpolation when data uncertainty is modeled using additive Gaussian noise [Schlegel et al., 2012].

  12. Probabilistic Marching Cubes [P¨ othkow et al., 2011] Direct volume rendering of the probabilities of the level set crossing the cells, aka, level-crossing probabilities (LCP).

  13. Probabilistic Marching Cubes [P¨ othkow et al., 2011] ◮ Monte-Carlo sampling from Gaussian, non-parametric distributions [P¨ othkow and Hege, 2013]. # samples that cross the isosurface Approximate level-crossing probability (LCP) = . # samples ◮ derived using Monte-Carlo approach

  14. Contribution ◮ Motivated by the work of P¨ othkow and Hege, we study the edge-crossing probability density function.

  15. Contribution ◮ Motivated by the work of P¨ othkow and Hege, we study the edge-crossing probability density function.

  16. Contribution ◮ Motivated by the work of P¨ othkow and Hege, we study the edge-crossing probability density function.

  17. Contribution ◮ Motivated by the work of P¨ othkow and Hege, we study the edge-crossing probability density function. ◮ We obtain analytic density function when data uncertainty is modeled using uniform or kernel-based non-parametric distributions.

  18. Contribution ◮ Motivated by the work of P¨ othkow and Hege, we study the edge-crossing probability density function. ◮ We obtain analytic density function when data uncertainty is modeled using uniform or kernel-based non-parametric distributions. ◮ Closed-form characterization is efficient.

  19. Problem Description

  20. Inverse Linear Interpolation The level-crossing location for isovalue c, v c , is approximated using the inverse linear interpolation formula, z = c − x 1 v c = (1 − z ) v 1 + z v 2 , where . x 2 − x 1

  21. Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation Aim : Closed-form characterization of the ratio random variable, c − X 1 Z = X 2 − X 1 , assuming X 1 and X 2 have uniform distributions. µ i and δ i represent mean and width, respectively, of a random variable X i . c is the isovalue. v 1 and v 2 represent the grid vertices.

  22. Approach

  23. Joint Distribution Find the joint distribution of the dependent random variables Z 1 = c − X 1 and Z 2 = X 2 − X 1 , where Z = Z 1 Z 2 = c − X 1 X 2 − X 1 .

  24. Joint Distribution ◮ Determine the range of c − X 1 . ◮ X 1 assumes values in the range [ µ 1 − δ 1 , µ 1 + δ 1 ]. ◮ Random variables Z 1 and Z 2 are dependent. µ i and δ i represent mean and width, respectively, of a random variable X i .

  25. Joint Distribution ◮ Determine the range of X 2 − X 1 . ◮ X 2 assumes values in the range [ µ 2 − δ 2 , µ 2 + δ 2 ]. ◮ Random variables Z 1 and Z 2 are dependent. µ i and δ i represent mean and width, respectively, of a random variable X i .

  26. Joint Distribution ◮ Determine the range of X 2 − X 1 . ◮ X 2 assumes values in the range [ µ 2 − δ 2 , µ 2 + δ 2 ]. ◮ Random variables Z 1 and Z 2 are dependent. µ i and δ i represent mean and width, respectively, of a random variable X i .

  27. Joint Distribution ◮ Parallelogram represents the joint distribution of the dependent random variables Z 1 = c − X 1 and Z 2 = X 2 − X 1 .

  28. Joint Distribution ◮ Parallelogram represents the joint distribution of the dependent random variables Z 1 = c − X 1 and Z 2 = X 2 − X 1 . ◮ Uniform kernel: parallelogram with constant height.

  29. Joint Distribution ◮ Parallelogram represents the joint distribution of the dependent random variables Z 1 = c − X 1 and Z 2 = X 2 − X 1 . ◮ Uniform kernel: parallelogram with constant height. ◮ Parzen window, triangular kernels: parallelogram with height described by a polynomial function.

  30. Joint Distribution Shape and position of the joint distribution is impacted by the relative configurations for X 1 and X 2 and the isovalue c. (a) Non-overlapping (b) Overlapping (c) Contained

  31. Probability Density Function What is Pr( Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m )?

  32. Probability Density Function ◮ What is Pr( Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m )? ◮ cdf Z ( m ) = Pr ( −∞ ≤ Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m ) (orange region). cdf Z ( m ) represents cumulative density function of a random variable Z .

  33. Probability Density Function ◮ What is Pr( Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m )? ◮ cdf Z ( m ) = Pr ( −∞ ≤ Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m ) (orange region). ◮ Obtain pdf Z ( m ) by differentiating cdf Z ( m ) with respect to m. pdf Z ( m ) represents probability density function of a random variable Z .

  34. Probability Density Function ◮ What is Pr( Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m )? ◮ cdf Z ( m ) = Pr ( −∞ ≤ Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m ) (orange region). ◮ Obtain pdf Z ( m ) by differentiating cdf Z ( m ) with respect to m. ◮ A piecewise function.

  35. Probability Density Function ◮ What is Pr( Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m )? ◮ cdf Z ( m ) = Pr ( −∞ ≤ Z 1 Z 2 ≤ m ) (orange region). ◮ Obtain pdf Z ( m ) by differentiating cdf Z ( m ) with respect to m. ◮ A piecewise function. ◮ Each piece is an inverse polynomial.

  36. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( c − µ 2 ) 2 + δ 2 2 4 δ 1 δ 2 (1 − m ) 2

  37. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( c − µ 2 ) 2 + δ 2 2 4 δ 1 δ 2 (1 − m ) 2

  38. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 + δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2 8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2

  39. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 + δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2 8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2

  40. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( c − µ 1 ) 2 + δ 2 1 4 δ 1 δ 2 m 2

  41. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( c − µ 1 ) 2 + δ 2 1 4 δ 1 δ 2 m 2

  42. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 − δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2 8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2

  43. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 − δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2 8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2

  44. Probability Density Function pdf Z ( m ) = ( c − µ 2 ) 2 + δ 2 2 4 δ 1 δ 2 (1 − m ) 2

  45. Probability Density Function We get a piecewise density function as follows, where each piece is an inverse polynomial: ( c − µ 2 ) 2 + δ 2  −∞ < m ≤ slope S . 4 δ 1 δ 2 (1 − m ) 2 , 2    ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 + δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2   , slope S < m ≤ slope Q .  8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2    ( c − µ 1 ) 2 + δ 2 pdf Z ( m ) = slope Q < m ≤ slope P . 1 , 4 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 ( µ 2 + δ 2 − c ) 2 m 2 +( µ 1 − δ 1 − c ) 2 (1 − m ) 2   , slope P < m ≤ slope R .  8 δ 1 δ 2 m 2 (1 − m ) 2    ( c − µ 2 ) 2 + δ 2  4 δ 1 δ 2 (1 − m ) 2 , 2 slope R < m < ∞ .  

  46. Application to Marching Cubes Algorithm

  47. Marching Uncertain Cubes ◮ Determine cell edges that are getting crossed by the isosurface using MCA [Lorensen and Cline, 1987].


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