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UL Engage How to set up a UL Practicum What is a UL Practicum? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UL Engage How to set up a UL Practicum What is a UL Practicum? For communities, UL Practicum projects are established in response to community identified needs and are designed and implemented by collaborative teams comprising UL staff,

  1. UL Engage How to set up a UL Practicum

  2. What is a UL Practicum? • For communities, UL Practicum projects are established in response to community identified needs and are designed and implemented by collaborative teams comprising UL staff, Community Partners and Students. • For students, the UL Practicum provides curriculum based accredited learning in community projects, combining applied academic work with the development of UL Graduate Attributes. • For academics, the UL Practicum is essentially a project shell. It provides a pre- approved module code that enables your students to work with you on collaborative community projects and as part of their credited academic curriculum. • For the university, the UL Practicum raises the profile of staff / student engagement with communities and applies consistent criteria for best practice community engagement.

  3. 1. Identifying a Practicum Project Practicum projects come from a variety of sources: • You may have your own project work with collaborative community partners • UL Engage community workshops may have identified you as a possible Practicum partner for a community with an existing project need • You might consult the UL Engage data base to create a project or address an identified project need

  4. 2. Identify the academic learning and community collaboration project elements • Community collaborators who have attended a UL Engage Community workshop may already have a project proposal – if not you will need to develop one with them. • UL Practicum module requirements and information for Academics supervisors can be found at: www.ul.ie/engage/

  5. 3. Profile your project on the UL Engage website • Complete the UL Engage Project submission form – making sure that you fill in all required details: • On the project (green boxes) • On the practicum (orange boxes) • Include details of project evaluation and contact and logo details of project partners

  6. 4. Attend to student administration • Practicum codes are available for each faculty • UL Practicums may be 3, 6, 9 or 12 ECTS • If you are planning a Practicum elective, seek course board approval. • If you are supervising a Practicum FYP, inform the Course Director • Alert the student status committee in order to register the module with Student Administration. • Ensure that your Practicum module code is included in the list for your department’s external examiner.

  7. 5. Ensure that your Practicum Project includes: • Clear identification of all roles and responsibilities between community, staff and student collaborators. This might entail an MOU, service agreements, student learning contracts etc – resources for all of these can be found at www.ul.ie/engage • A mechanism to develop the UL Graduate Attributes (this might be done in a workshop, a tutorial, or a one- to-one supervision session) • Practicum project evaluation from all partners to the project. You may wish to develop a UL Engage Report (see: www.ul.ie/engage)

  8. Feel to contact UL Engage for shared resources, workshops and help ULEngage@ul.ie

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