uk all commodity field day

UK All-Commodity Field Day Number of Participants Attending UK All - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UK All-Commodity Field Day Number of Participants Attending UK All Commodity Field Day 3000 2500 2500 2300 Participants 2000 2000 1850 2000 1600 1500 1200 Number of participants 1000 that attended 500 * Plus 400 participants at

  1. UK All-Commodity Field Day

  2. Number of Participants Attending UK All Commodity Field Day 3000 2500 2500 2300 Participants 2000 2000 1850 2000 1600 1500 1200 Number of participants 1000 that attended 500 * Plus 400 participants at previous day event 0 1998* 2000* 2002 2005 2007 2009 2011 Year

  3. Field Day Participation by Tour Comparisons for 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011 Tour 2005 2007 2009 2011 Overview 187 279 266 117 Vegetable Crops 72 90 101 22 Forages 150 217 171 140 Weed Management in Grain Crops 115 139 172 107 Grain Crops Management 148 179 188 113 Tobacco 96 105 154 85 Orchard/Vineyard/Small Fruits 110 75 154 75 Ornamental Crops 107 146 87 47 Beef 285 285 239 126 Family and Consumer Sciences 350 355 221 222 Youth 300+ 350 300+ 369

  4. UK All-Commodity Field Day Advantages Disadvantages  One Big Event  Choosing a time that works for everyone  Everyone works  Entire station must be together presentable  Non-commodity group participation

  5. Wheat Field Day Attended 2010 - 135 2011 - 130

  6. Beef Bash 2008 and 2010 nearly 500 people attended each year

  7. Beef Bash Schedule Location Back Corral Hay Storage Facility Pasture Steer Barn Outside Steer Barn Inside Shop Corral Walk Wagons Wagons or Walk Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 2 10:00 AM Carcass Trait Research Hay Quality (Sampling, By Product Feeding & Freeze Branding & Forage Systems Testing, Feeding) Storage & Animal ID Jim Randolph Dr. Les Anderson, Tom Keene, Kim Field, Don Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler Dr. Darrh Bullock Sorrell 11:00 AM BQA/Handling Vaccines Managing Fall Pasture Dead Animal Disposal & Current Research Dr. Michelle Bilderback, Dr. Ray Smith, Nutrient Dr. Jim Boling, Blair Knight Kevin Laurent Management Dr. Jamie Matthews, Dr. Steve Higgins Dr. Glen Aiken 12:00 PM Carcass Trait Research Hay Quality (Sampling, By Product Feeding & Freeze Branding & Forage Systems Testing, Feeding) Storage & Animal ID Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler Jim Randolph Dr. Les Anderson, Tom Keene, Kim Field, Dr. Darrh Bullock Don Sorrell 1:00 PM BQA/Handling Vaccines Managing Fall Pasture Dead Animal Disposal & Current Research Dr. Michelle Bilderback, Dr. Ray Smith, Nutrient Dr. Jim Boling, Blair Knight Kevin Laurent Management Dr. Jamie Matthews, Dr. Steve Higgins Dr. Glen Aiken 2:00 PM Carcass Trait Research Hay Quality (Sampling, By Product Feeding & Freeze Branding & Forage Systems Testing, Feeding) Storage & Animal ID Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler Jim Randolph Dr. Les Anderson, Tom Keene, Kim Field, Dr. Darrh Bullock Don Sorrell 3:00 PM BQA/Handling Vaccines Managing Fall Pasture Dead Animal Disposal & Current Research Dr. Michelle Bilderback, Dr. Ray Smith, Nutrient Dr. Jim Boling, Blair Knight Kevin Laurent Management Dr. Jamie Matthews, Dr. Steve Higgins Dr. Glen Aiken 4:00 PM Q & A With UK Beef Hay Quality (Sampling, Freeze Branding Specialists (Anderson, Testing, Feeding) & Animal ID Bullock, Lehmkuhler) Jim Randolph Tom Keene, Kim Field, Don Sorrell Funded by commercial exhibitors

  8. Number of Participants Attending Beef Tour 600 506 Beef Tour Participants 500 500 500 400 365 Number of participants that attended the Beef 300 Tour 285 285 239 Beef Bash 200 126 100 0 2000 2002 2005 2007 2009 2011 Year

  9. 2012 Individual Commodity Field Days  Wheat Field Day  Beef Bash  Tobacco Planned for the same day  Grain Crops


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