u s coast guard initiatives

U.S. Coast Guard Initiatives CAPT JOSEPH GLEASON CHIEF, USCG OFFICE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

U.S. Coast Guard Initiatives CAPT JOSEPH GLEASON CHIEF, USCG OFFICE OF PREPAREDNESS AND EXERCISE POLICY 3 J U N E 2 0 1 5 Discussion Topics 2 2015 Uniformed Services Caucus Initiatives Ebola Preparedness and Lessons Learned Coast


  2. Discussion Topics 2  2015 Uniformed Services Caucus Initiatives  Ebola Preparedness and Lessons Learned  Coast Guard Incident Management  Improving the Future Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  3. 2015 Uniformed Services Caucus Initiatives 3  Emergency Manager of the Year Award  Pentagon Engagement with DASD Robert “Bob” Salesses  Membership Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  4. Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 4  Preparedness  Stood up EVD Crisis Action Team in Washington D.C.  Reviewed existing Policy and Plans to identify potential shortcomings  Analyzed current resources available for response, developed guidance for use (PPE, etc.)  Importance of interagency coordination Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  5. Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 5  Response  Ebola was different. Need for revised field level operational guidance and response cards.  Using established processes. Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center, National Command Center resources for response and monitoring, including US Government Senior Leadership Briefs and Data Calls; Maritime Operational Threat Response. Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  6. Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 6  Response  PPE for Clinical conditions is different than PPE needs in the Dynamic operational environment.  PIU development  Operational testing of PPE  Document lessons learned. AARs on EVD related incidents (M/V Puppis Ocean, M/V Cape Bird, Carnival Magic), as well as AAR on EVD CAT. Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  7. Coast Guard Incident Management Outreach Efforts 7  Canadian Coast Guard  Norwegian Coastal Administration  Brazil, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, possibly Mexico  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  DHS Office of Health and Administration Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  8. Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 8  Expansion of Incident Management role for CG Reserves  Developing Job Aids and PQS for new Intelligence & Investigations Section  Creation of ICS Area Command Guide 3 June 2015 Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy

  9. Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 9 Mobile IMH App  Displays the IMH without need for wireless connection  Searchable by keyword  Includes CG Job Aids and ICS Forms  Personalized bookmarking and note taking  Weblinks to useful external sites  For IOS and Android Operating Systems Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  10. Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 10 Incident Action Plan System  ICS Software to develop Incident Action Plans  The Response Group (TRG) is developing IAPS specifically for Coast Guard use  Anticipate Coast Guard-wide FOC Hurricane Season 2016 Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  11. ICS Competencies 11  Revised 60 + ICS Competencies  National Qualification Board - Type 1 / 2 Certifications  Developed Currency and Recertification Requirements  Revised unit (Sector) WQSB requirements Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

  12. Questions 12 Captain Joseph Gleason Chief, Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy Phone: 202-372-2141 Email: Joseph.J.Gleason@uscg.mil Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015

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