Discussion Topics 2 2015 Uniformed Services Caucus Initiatives Ebola Preparedness and Lessons Learned Coast Guard Incident Management Improving the Future Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
2015 Uniformed Services Caucus Initiatives 3 Emergency Manager of the Year Award Pentagon Engagement with DASD Robert “Bob” Salesses Membership Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 4 Preparedness Stood up EVD Crisis Action Team in Washington D.C. Reviewed existing Policy and Plans to identify potential shortcomings Analyzed current resources available for response, developed guidance for use (PPE, etc.) Importance of interagency coordination Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 5 Response Ebola was different. Need for revised field level operational guidance and response cards. Using established processes. Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center, National Command Center resources for response and monitoring, including US Government Senior Leadership Briefs and Data Calls; Maritime Operational Threat Response. Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Ebola Preparedness & Lessons Learned 6 Response PPE for Clinical conditions is different than PPE needs in the Dynamic operational environment. PIU development Operational testing of PPE Document lessons learned. AARs on EVD related incidents (M/V Puppis Ocean, M/V Cape Bird, Carnival Magic), as well as AAR on EVD CAT. Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Coast Guard Incident Management Outreach Efforts 7 Canadian Coast Guard Norwegian Coastal Administration Brazil, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, possibly Mexico Centers for Disease Control and Prevention DHS Office of Health and Administration Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 8 Expansion of Incident Management role for CG Reserves Developing Job Aids and PQS for new Intelligence & Investigations Section Creation of ICS Area Command Guide 3 June 2015 Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy
Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 9 Mobile IMH App Displays the IMH without need for wireless connection Searchable by keyword Includes CG Job Aids and ICS Forms Personalized bookmarking and note taking Weblinks to useful external sites For IOS and Android Operating Systems Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Improving the Future of Coast Guard Incident Management 10 Incident Action Plan System ICS Software to develop Incident Action Plans The Response Group (TRG) is developing IAPS specifically for Coast Guard use Anticipate Coast Guard-wide FOC Hurricane Season 2016 Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
ICS Competencies 11 Revised 60 + ICS Competencies National Qualification Board - Type 1 / 2 Certifications Developed Currency and Recertification Requirements Revised unit (Sector) WQSB requirements Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
Questions 12 Captain Joseph Gleason Chief, Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy Phone: 202-372-2141 Email: Joseph.J.Gleason@uscg.mil Office of Contingency Preparedness and Exercise Policy 3 June 2015
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