ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURITANIA NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators, Tunis, Tunisia 4–15 May 2015 By: Mr Mohamed Mahmoud ELMOUNJI 2017-04-06 1
MUARITANIA PROFIL OF COUNTRY 2017-04-06 2 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
MUARITANIA PROFIL OF COUNTRY TOTAL AREA: 1,030,700 km² LAND AREA: 1,030,400 km² REFERENCE AREA: about twice the size of France BORDER TOWNS: 5074 km; Algeria 463km, 2237km Mali, Sénégal 813km, Morocco1561km Length of coastline: 754 km Administrative organization: 13 regions (wilaya) administered by a Governor (Wali) 53 departments (Moughataa) headed by a prefect (Hakim) 40 districts 216 municipalities supervised by Secretaries General 3 500 to 3 800 localities electoral organization • 56 senators (including 3 designated) • 95 members (including 14 national) • 216 mayors Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) PRESENTATION The ARSN has been created by the Law 2010-09 on Nuclear Energy which was enacted in January 2010. The ARSN is the national regulatory authority for radiation protection, nuclear safety and security and to implement safeguards. The organization and operation of the ARSN are fixed by Decree 2010-082 dated 31 March 2010 that the Authority attaches directly to the Prime Minister. The Authority Chairman is appointed by order of the Prime Minister on 7 September 2010. 2017-04-06 4 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) Organization of ARSN 2017-04-06 5 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) Implementation of regulatory authority It appears from the schedule that we have 4 years to adopt the law and established authority 2017-04-06 6 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
HUMAN RESOURCES Staff consists of 21 elements (managers and support staff) including • 4 Inspectors + Department Head Inspectors are sworn. There are allowed to have free access to • sites, facilities and transportation to house or supposed to contain radiation sources or other radioactive material in order to verify compliance with requirements the Act, The regulations thereunder and the terms of authorization. Equipement : 3 radiation meters • 5 operational dosimeters and 3 inspector 1000, a spectrometer, an • analysis apparatus of the contamination Internet and soon a computer network with the RAIS system • 2017-04-06 7
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) CONTROL OF IMPORT / EXPORT SOURCES • The ARSN adopted in cooperation with relevant institutions all necessary measures, including the creation of a licensing system, to control the export and import, re-export, transit and transshipment of material, material and nuclear technology which the Authority has held that they should be monitored to ensure safety and protect the strategic interests of the state. (Law on nuclear energy, including provision of Chapter 15). In this context the ARSN consider: • Develop memoranda of understanding with all concerned departments including the customs, border police, the example of one that was signed with the ministry of health; • It plans to organ builder training on radiation protection for staff of the customs, police, and all agents of border security; • It also plans to mobilize equipment for detecting nuclear materials for customs and border police. 2017-04-06 8 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY AUTORISATION SERVICE The ARSN has already issued 27 licenses: - Authorization to possess and use a radiotherapy facility equipped with a particle accelerator. - Authorization to possess and use of radionuclides in brachytherapy. - Import authorization of sealed sources (IR192) used in brachytherapy - Import authorization of sealed sources for non-destructive testing (radiography). 2017-04-06 9 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) The application using ionizing radioactive source in Mauritania 16 radiology units used in public hospitals. 10 radiology units used in private hospitals. 1 radiotherapy unit used in the National Oncology Centre (NOC). 1 unit of brachytherapy used in (NOC). 1 unit of nuclear medicine (NOC). 8 scanners used (public and private hospitals). 7 Oil and Gas processing 5 Mining companys ALL the applications and the activities using ionizing radioactive sources are registered in RAIS soft ware (web version). 2017-04-06 10 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) INSPECTION ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT FOR MEDICAL SECTOR National authority of radiation, safety and nuclear security (ARSN) has a monthly program for the inspection of institutions that use radioactive sources including public and privacy facilities of medical and industrial. The Inspection Service has already conducted four inspections for the National Centre of Oncology (NCO): - A general inspection of the various units of the Centre (Radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and nuclear medicine) - An inspection before the establishment of a particle accelerator VARIAN brand type CLINAC 2100 C, Used in external radiotherapy. - 3 inspections after the starting of the accelerator All these activities were conducted with the assistance of IAEA agency 2017-04-06 11 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) Emergency Preparedness and Response National Council for Emergency consists of representatives from several ministries and bodies. 2017-04-06 12 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) Cooperation Cooperation between Mauritania and the IAEA Agency is relatively recent. The program started in 2004 by the country's accession to the Agency. This cooperation covers a range of activities and places special emphasis on the peaceful use of nuclear Mauritania expressed support for the Code of Conduct in 2010. At the regional level Our Authority is a member of the FNRBA and ANNUR 2017-04-06 13 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators,
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION Among the main tasks of the ARSN, that of making available to the public and users all relevant information relating to radiation safety. Public information: the ARSN is being set up a website In order to give all information deemed useful on tasks assigned to it and the results achieved or expected. Communication with users : The ARSN has been organizing training for users (radiologists) on radiation protection. An awareness seminar on the role and activities of the ARSN was organized in 2011 for the Government. It also organized awareness days for users on dosimetry and its activities. The Legal Advisor also supports further cooperation, communication and public information. 2017-04-06 14 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators, Amman, Jordan 01 to 05 2013
NATIONAL AUTHORITY OF RADIATION, SAFETY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY (ARSN) Challenges The ARSN is a young structure that lack of experience enabling it to play its full role where certain weaknesses that can be summarized as follows: - Human resources: lack of training and experience in the radiation protection and nuclear safety fields - equipment : lack of equipment and training on the use of these materials 2017-04-06 15 Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety for Regulators, Amman, Jordan 01 to 05 2013
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