truth discovery in crowdsourced detection of spatial

Truth discovery in crowdsourced detection of spatial events Robin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Truth discovery in crowdsourced detection of spatial events Robin Wentao Ouyang Mani Srivastava Alice Toniolo Timothy J. Norman 2 Mobile crowdsourced event detection Potholes, graffiti, bike racks, flora, 3 Truth discovery Given

  1. Truth discovery in crowdsourced detection of spatial events Robin Wentao Ouyang Mani Srivastava Alice Toniolo Timothy J. Norman

  2. 2 Mobile crowdsourced event detection • Potholes, graffiti, bike racks, flora, …

  3. 3 Truth discovery • Given crowdsourced detection reports with time and loc tags, find which reported events are true and which are false

  4. 4 Challenges • Detection reports are non-conflicting • Uncertainty in both participants’ reliability and mobility ▫ Missing reports are ambiguous • Supervision is difficult

  5. 5 Possible solutions Performance Severe privacy Trivial conclusion degradation and energy issues

  6. 6 Problem Can we design an algorithm that can reliably discover true events in mobile crowdsourced event detection but without location tracking and supervision ?

  7. 7 Proposed model • Graphical model • A participant’s likelihood of reporting an event depends on ▫ 1) whether the participant visited the event location ▫ 2) whether the event at that location is true or false ▫ 3) how reliable the participant is Event label Report Participant reliability Location popularity Location visit indicator

  8. 8 Proposed model • Location popularity ▫ For each event at location  Draw the location’s popularity

  9. 9 Proposed model • Participants Location visit indicators ▫ For participant and event at location  Draw a location visit indicator • A participant has a higher chance to visit more popular locations Location popularity Location visit indicator

  10. 10 Proposed model • Event label ▫ For each event at location  Draw the event’s prior truth probability  Draw the event’s label Event label Location popularity Location visit indicator

  11. 11 Proposed model • Three-way participant reliability ▫ For each participant  Draw her true positive rate while present (TPR)  Draw her false positive rate while present (FPR)  Draw her reporting rate while absent (RRA) • Concerns ▫ A participant’s reliability depends on: whether she visited the event location and whether the event there is true or false ▫ A participant’s TPR and FPR may be asymmetric (reliable vs. conservative participants) ▫ A participant must conform to physical constraints (RRA)

  12. 12 Proposed model • Reports (detection = 1, missing = 0) ▫ For participant and event at location TPR FPR RRA Event label Report Participant Location reliability popularity Location visit indicator

  13. 13 Analysis • 1) Missing reports are well explained • When location popularity , we have Event label & participants’ TPR/FPR • When location popularity , we have Limited mobility & participants’ RRA

  14. 14 Analysis • 2) Location tracking is avoided. ▫ Location popularity is a collective rather than a personal measure. ▫ Its prior counts need to be estimated only once. ▫ It can be jointly learned with other parameters from data. • 3) Different aspects of participant reliability are handled. • 4) Prior belief can be easily incorporated.

  15. 15 Experiments • Methods in comparison ▫ MV (majority voting) ▫ TF (truth finder [1]) ▫ GLAD (generative model of labels, abilities, and difficulties [2]) ▫ LTM (latent truth model [3]) ▫ EM (expectation maximization [4]) ▫ TSE (truth finder for spatial events) – proposed • [1] X. Yin, J. Han, and P. S. Yu. Truth discovery with multiple conflicting information providers on the web. IEEE TKDE, 20(6):796 – 808, 2008. • [2] J. Whitehill et al. Whose vote should count more: Optimal integration of labels from labelers of unknown expertise. In NIPS , pages 2035 – 2043, 2009. • [3] B. Zhao et al. A bayesian approach to discovering truth from conflicting sources for data integration. VLDB Endowment , 5(6):550 – 561, 2012. • [4] D. Wang et al. On truth discovery in social sensing: a maximum likelihood estimation approach. In IPSN , pages 233 – 244. ACM, 2012.

  16. 16 Experiments • Traffic light detection • A mobility dataset containing time-stamped GPS location traces for 536 taxicabs in SF ▫ Spatial area of interest 3.5km x 4.4km – further divided into two subareas ▫ Temporal span 25 days • Detection reports ▫ A participant waits for 15-120 seconds

  17. 17 Experiments • Traffic light detection

  18. 18 Experiments • Traffic light detection (Area 2)

  19. 19 Experiments • Image-based event detection

  20. 20 Experiments • Simulation (F1 score on event labels)

  21. 21 Experiments • Simulation (MAE on TPRs a and FPRs b)

  22. 22 Discussion • Sequential mobility modeling • Dependent sources • Cross-domain truth discovery

  23. 23 Conclusion • Our proposed model integrates location popularity, location visit indicators, truth of events and three- way participant reliability in a unified framework. • It can efficiently handling both unknown participants’ reliability and mobility. • It can efficiently discover true events in mobile crowdsourced event detection without any supervision and location tracking.

  24. 24 Q & A

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