trustworthy technologies for wide area monitoring and

Trustworthy Technologies for Wide Area Monitoring and Control Carl - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Trustworthy Technologies for Wide Area Monitoring and Control Carl Hauser Number of Activities: 9 2012 Industry Workshop October 30, 2012 | 1 TCIPG Technical Clusters and Threads Trustworthy Technologies Trustworthy Technologies Responding

  1. Trustworthy Technologies for Wide Area Monitoring and Control Carl Hauser Number of Activities: 9 2012 Industry Workshop October 30, 2012 | 1

  2. TCIPG Technical Clusters and Threads Trustworthy Technologies Trustworthy Technologies Responding To and for Wide Area Monitoring for Local Area Management, Trust Assessment Managing Cyber Events and Control Monitoring, and Control Design of Semi-automated Communication and Data Active Demand Management Intrusion Detection and Model-based Assessment Delivery Response Techniques (3 activities) (6 activities) (4 activities) (6 activities) Applications Distribution Networks Experiment-based Assessment (2 activities) (2 activities) (5 activities) Component Technologies (3 activities) | 2

  3. Cluster Overview • Smart Grid vision for the wide area (primarily transmission) is: – Vastly more sensing at high, synchronous rates (example: PMUs) – New applications that use these data to improve • Reliability • Efficiency • Ability to integrate renewables • Security • Achieving the vision requires secure and reliable communications between sensors , control devices , and monitoring and control applications all owned and operated by the many entities that make up the grid | 3

  4. Cluster Approach • What is the relationship between security (or lack of security) of communications for wide-area monitoring and control and the power-system’s behavior? • What kinds of hardware and software components will provide a secure foundation on which to build the wide-area monitoring and control infrastructure? | 4

  5. Cluster Approach • Smart grid technologies bring new vulnerabilities along with benefits – Need improvements in security of wide-area technologies – Need ways to understand and mitigate the impacts of vulnerabilities • What cyber infrastructure designs will provide the integrity , confidentiality, availability , and real-time performance needed for wide-area smart grid operations | 5

  6. Activity Highlights: Communication and Data Delivery • Functional Security Enhancements for Existing SCADA Systems – can machine learning applied to SCADA information flows and historical data reveal patterns to improve security? • GridStat Middleware Communication Framework: Management Security and Trust - robust key storage service, improved multi-cast authentication, and new trust assessment methods for power grid data dissemination • GridStat Middleware Communication Framework: Systematic Adaptation – instrumenting the data communication infrastructure to detect and respond to failures | 6

  7. Activity Highlights: Applications • GridStat Middleware Communication Framework: Application Requirements - establishing cyber-physical standard test systems • PMU Enhanced Power System Operations - improving situational awareness by estimating system parameters and assessing stability in real time | 7

  8. Activity Highlights: Component Technologies • Real-time Streaming Data Processing Engine for Embedded Systems - hardware support for Information Flow Monitoring to detect and mitigate attacks at hardware level • State-Aware Decentralized Database Systems for Smart Grid - collecting PMU data at one location isn’t practical. How can we split data among locations to enhance application performance, robustness, and availability? | 8

  9. Activity Highlights: Component Technologies • Cryptographic Scalability in the Smart Grid - PKI for the Smart Grid requires scales orders of magnitude larger than previous PKI. Can it work? • Lossless Compression of Synchrophasor Measurement Unit Archives* - PMU data are highly correlated. How can that be exploited to save storage space? | 9

  10. Cluster Impact • Influence from GridStat and previous CONES work on NASPI PMU data collection and dissemination architecture (NASPInet) • Patents filed: – Robust, distributed key storage with pro-active recovery – Systematic adaptation of data delivery • Grid Protection Alliance SIEGate product builds on CONES research | 10

  11. Planned Research for Coming Year • Systematic adaptation of communications to power and cyber conditions • Crypto infrastructure scalability • Model-predictive control to choose control actions based on where the grid state is headed rather than just where it is • Physical impacts of cybersecurity events (expect testbed enhancements) • Securing processing nodes and storage nodes as well as the communications in the grid’s wide-area cyber infrastructure | 11

  12. Questions? | 12


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