Trinity test
2000+ nuclear explosions
Over 60 nuclear test sites
15 kt 50.000 kt Tsar Bomba
Scale comparison U.S. B83 bomb Chinese DF-5A warhead Soviet Tzar Bomba 1200 kt 4,5 mt 50 mt Hiroshima 15 kt
4630 kg 23 kg
W87 warhead – 300 kt
Thermonuclear test, French 'Licorne „, Mururoa Atoll, 1970, 914 kilotons
Underwater test U.S. 'Hardtack Umbrella' Eniwetok Atoll 1958 8 kilotons
Baneberry, Underground explosion Nevada Test Site 1 9 7 0
Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Sedan Explosion Nevada Test Site
Hiroshima / Nagasaki
Effects of Radiation
Effects of Radiation
“The total yield of all nuclear tests conducted between 1945 and 1980 is estimated to 510 megatons (mt). Atmospheric tests alone accounted for 428 mt, equivalent to over 29,000 Hiroshima size bombs.”
“Radiation and radioactive materials from atmospheric testing taken in by people up until the year 2000 would cause 430,000 cancer deaths”
Nuclear Tests 1945 - today
„Castle Bravo‟, Bikini Atoll, 1954, 15 megatons
Jawaharlal Nehru 1954 Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru proposes a “standstill agreement” on testing
Peace movement 1958 March from Aldermaston to London Michael Foote (centre) leads an anniversary march from Aldermaston to London
Peace movement 1982 Manhattan, New York March against nuclear arms
Cuban missile crisis The Cuban missile crisis October 1962
1963: the Partial Test Ban Treaty President Kennedy ratifies the PTBT, 7 October 1963.
preamble of the NPT: “to seek to achieve the discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons for all time” (NPT, 1968)
Atmospheric and Underground Nuclear Testing
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