trends in the teen national immunization survey 2010 2014

Trends in the Teen National Immunization Survey 2010-2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brian Sandoval Cody L. Phinney, MPH Governor Administrator Richard Whitley, MS Tracey D. Green, MD Director Chief Medical Officer Trends in the Teen National Immunization Survey 2010-2014 presented by: Karissa Loper, MPH Department of

  1. Brian Sandoval Cody L. Phinney, MPH Governor Administrator Richard Whitley, MS Tracey D. Green, MD Director Chief Medical Officer Trends in the Teen National Immunization Survey 2010-2014 presented by: Karissa Loper, MPH Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public and Behavioral Health HPV Free NV Summit Nevada State Immunization Program 09/11/2015 – Las Vegas

  2. The HPV Vaccine & Best Practices • Today I will discuss: – NIS-Teen 2014 updates – NIS-Teen data trends – HPV rates more in-depth • Additional discussion on progress throughout the grant period – Data Quality in NV WebIZ Karissa Loper, MPH. (09/10/15). NIS-Teen, HPV Free NV Summit. 2 of [total slides] Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  3. An Overall Look at 2014 NIS-Teen, 2014, Nevada Rates 88% US Rate = 88% 66% US Rate = 79% 54% HPV rates here are for girls only US Rate = 60% 32% US Rate = 40% 2014 ≥ 1 dose Tdap ≥ 1 dose MCV4 ≥ 1 dose HPV ≥ 3 doses HPV 3 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  4. 2014 Overall Continued 2010-2014 NIS-Teen Rates, Nevada ≥ 1 Tdap ≥ 1 MCV4 ≥ 1 HPV girls ≥ 3 HPV girls ≥ 1 HPV boys ≥ 3 HPV boys 100% 90% 88% HP 2020 Goal 80% TDaP 70% 68% 66% Teen Immunization Rate 60% MCV4 54% 54% 50% 47% 1 HPV-girls 43% 40% 32% 30% 26% 3 HPV-girls 20% 16% 12% 10% 7% 0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 4 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  5. 2014 Ranking for NIS-Teen 2010-2014 Nevada Ranking for Teen NIS ≥ 1 Tdap ≥ 1 MCV4 ≥ 1 HPV girls ≥ 3 HPV girls 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 5 9th 10 15th 15 20th 20 Ranking 25 25th 27th 29th 30 30th 35 37th 40th 40 42nd 43rd 45 50 5 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  6. HPV Rankings – Females Only 2011–2014 Teen NIS: HPV-Girls' Ranking, Nevada 2011 2012 2013 2014 9th Nevada Ranking 22nd 27th 34th 36th 40th 41st 43rd 43rd 43rd 45th ≥ 1 dose HPV Female ≥ 2 doses HPV Female ≥ 3 doses HPV Female 6 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  7. HPV Vaccine Rate Comparison 2011-2014 Teen NIS: 1-dose HPV Comparison 77% 76% 76% 74% 69% 68% 65% 65% 63% 60% 57% 55% 54% 54% 53% 53% 2011 2012 2013 2014 ≥ 1 dose -U.S. ≥ 1 dose -NV ≥ 1 dose -CA ≥ 1 dose -RI 7 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  8. HPV Vaccine Rate Breakdowns 2011-2014 Teen NIS: HPV Rates by Gender, Nevada 70% 64% 63% 61% 60% 55% 54% 53% 50% 45% 43% 44% 40% 37% 33% 31% 28% 30% 27% 20% 20% 16% 12% 10% 7% 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 ≥ 1 dose HPV Female ≥ 2 doses HPV Female ≥ 3 doses HPV Female ≥ 1 dose HPV Male ≥ 2 doses HPV Male ≥ 3 doses HPV Male 8 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  9. Immunization Assessment at the Provider Level • The purpose of AFIX is to assist and support health care providers by identifying low immunization rates, opportunities for improving immunization delivery practices, and ensuring that providers are: – Aware of and knowledgeable about their immunization rates and missed opportunities to vaccinate; – Motivated to incorporate changes to their current practices; – Ready to try new immunization service strategies; and – Capable of sustaining these new behaviors. 9 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  10. DATA QUALITY Ensuring that individuals receive all vaccines due, but no duplicative or unnecessary doses, requires that complete immunization data, that is accurate and timely be available to the vaccine provider. Likewise complete, non- duplicative demographic data is vital to several NV WebIZ functions, including vaccine accountability and patient follow-up activities. Finally, locating such information in a comprehensive, accessible system enables the analysis necessary to achieve population-wide protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. ( 10 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  11. Nevada WebIZ NV WebIZ helps improve the quality of health care for Nevadans by providing a critical tool to ensure that everyone can receive recommended immunizations at the right time. By using NV WebIZ, healthcare providers, hospitals, schools and local public health can identify persons who are at the highest risk in the event of a disease outbreak or other emergencies such as earthquakes or floods. NV WebIZ is also used to locate communities with low coverage rates so that we can best target resources and interventions to those most underserved areas. The result is that more Nevadans are protected from debilitating or potentially fatal diseases at a lower cost by targeting funds to the areas where they are most needed. 11 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  12. NV WebIZ Training • Policy states that all new users who will add or modify data in NV WebIZ must attend a training session before they will be given a username and password to log in. If you only need to view data (e.g., child care facility or those that report data via HL7 interface), a special User Confidentiality Agreement is available. • NV WebIZ offers training sessions in locations around the state. All training sessions are offered at no cost. – Continuing education units are available for Nevada-licensed nurses, pharmacists, child care providers and medical assistants that attend NV WebIZ trainings! Contact our trainers for more details. – _Training___Education/ 12 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  13. NV WebIZ Contacts • Southern Nevada • NV WebIZ Help Desk – Joseph Aylsworth – Victor Lamas • (702) 486-0579 • (877) 689-3249 Toll-Free • • (775) 684-5954 – Janice Salazar • • (702) 486-0580 – Allen Whitenack • • (775) 684-4221 • Northern/Rural Nevada • – Tami Smith • (775) 684-5996 • 13 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  14. 14 Division of Public and Behavioral Health

  15. Thank you! Karissa Loper, MPH Immunization Program Manager Division of Public and Behavioral Health (775) 684-3209 Recommended citation: “Karissa Loper, MPH. (2015). Trends in the Teen National Immunization Survey, 2010-2014. Division of Public and Behavioral Health, State of Nevada . Carson City, Nevada.” 15 of [total slides] Division of Public and Behavioral Health

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