treating metadata in agriculture treating metadata in

Treating metadata in agriculture Treating metadata in agriculture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Treating metadata in agriculture Treating metadata in agriculture using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki Takuji Kiura

  1. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Treating metadata in agriculture Treating metadata in agriculture using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki using Semantic MediaWiki Takuji Kiura ( M Masayoshi Omine hi O i Tomokazu Yoshida Food and Agriculture for the Future

  2. Contents • Background & Objectives • MediaWiki with Semantic MediaWiki Extension M di Wiki ith S ti M di Wiki E t i • Experiments p • Sensor Network • Future Plan 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 2 (New Delhi)

  3. Background & Objective 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 3 (New Delhi)

  4. Agricultural Software Agriculture Software Software 2,280,000 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 4 (New Delhi)

  5. Agricultural Software PMS PMS 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 5 (New Delhi)

  6. Issues • Using terms without standards g • Using their own data models A A Migrate Migrate Difficult 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 6 (New Delhi)

  7. Issues • Using terms without standards g • Using their own data models A A Not Not Comparable Compare Compare Farmer B Farmer A F A 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 7 (New Delhi)

  8. Issues • Using terms without standards g • Using their own data models Integrate A A Difficult 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 8 (New Delhi)

  9. Objectives • Collect Japanese terms and meanings used in p g Japanese agricultural application programs for farmers and define the standard terms and farmers, and define the standard terms and meanings (similar to FAO AGROVOC Concept S Server) ) • Define XML schema using standard terms to e e sc e a us g s a da d e s o exchange data • Define an interface to access agricultural data D fi i t f t i lt l d t for farming 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 9 (New Delhi)

  10. MediaWiki with Semantic MediaWiki Extension 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 10 (New Delhi)

  11. MediaWiki 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 11 (New Delhi)

  12. Wikipedia 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 12 (New Delhi)

  13. Semantic MediaWiki 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 13 (New Delhi)

  14. Experiments 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 14 (New Delhi)

  15. Java like naming • MetBroker (Meteorological Data Virtual ( g Integration System) written in Java. We use net agmodel MetBroker name space for net.agmodel.MetBroker name space for MetBroker Objects • is another name space. 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 15 (New Delhi)

  16. Properties for RDBMS Property name Meaning has table Page, corresponding database or system, has a table name of another page table name of another page is a table of Page is a table name of page corresponding to database or system. Reverse relation of “has y table”. has column Page, corresponding table, has a column name of another page. is a column of Page, corresponding to column, appears in the t bl table has value Page corresponding to column has value of other page page is a value of Page corresponding to value appears in another page corresponding column of a table Reverse page corresponding column of a table. Reverse relation of “has value” 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 16 (New Delhi) refers to Foreign key

  17. Properties for XML Property name Meaning has element Page, corresponding to XSD file, has a element page page is a element of Reverse relation of “has element”. has simpleType has simpleType Page corresponding to XSD file has a simpleType Page, corresponding to XSD file, has a simpleType page is a simpleType is a simpleType Reverse relation of “has simpleType” Reverse relation of has simpleType of has Page, corresponding to XSD file, has a g , p g , complexType complexType page is a Reverse relation of “has complexType” complexType of xsd:ref Refers another element page xsd:base Element is extended from another 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 17 (New Delhi)

  18. PMS 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 18 (New Delhi)

  19. Result (PMS) 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 19 (New Delhi)

  20. Result (PMS) • jp.aginfo.pms.m_crop. jp aginfo pms m crop 品種名 is used in several meaning • Variety name & cropping methods i th d • Cropping methods 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 20 (New Delhi)

  21. BIX-pp 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 21 (New Delhi)

  22. Result (BIX-pp) elements without unit <xsd:element name="Area" type="xsd:double"/> / <xsd:element name="Altitude" type="xsd:double"/> yp <xsd:element name="Latitude" type="xsd:double"/> <xsd:element name="Longitude" type="xsd:double"/> Farmer B Farmer A <Area>1.0</Area> <Area>1 0</Area> <Area>1 0</Area> <Area>1.0</Area> 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 22 (New Delhi)

  23. Result (BIX-pp) DataItem without predefined IDs and Names <DataItem> <Index>1</Index> <Name>Daily Average of Air Temperature</Name> N D il A f Ai T t /N <Unit>C</Unit> </DataItem> <DataItem> <Index>2</Index> <Name>Daily Average of Air Temperature</Name> <Unit>C</Unit> <Unit>C</Unit> 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 23 (New Delhi) </DataItem>

  24. Sensor Network 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 24 (New Delhi)

  25. Field Server & Metbroker アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション Client APP 気象 DB 気象 DB 気象 DB W DB Weather DB アプリケ アプリケ アプリケ アプリケ アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション ション ション ション ション Client APP Client APP 気象 DB 気象 DB 気象 DB 気象 DB Weather DB MetBroker MetBroker MetBroker MetBroker MetBroker アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション アプリケーション Client APP 気象 DB 気象 DB 気象 DB 気象 DB Weather DB Loader oade Field Server FS Data Archive Weather Data XML Database Station Conf. XML 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 25 (New Delhi)

  26. Profile of Field Server <Temp> p <Air-Temp.> p <Unit>C</Unit> <Form>$RA0$*0 1635 <Form>$RA0$*0.1635 -26.63</Form> <Form>$ADS1258ch1$/7864320* $ $ 2.5*100-10</Form> <Unit>C</Unit> <Decimal>1</Decimal> <Decimal>1</Decimal> <Decimal>1</Decimal <U limit></U limit> _ _ > <D_limit></D_limit> <Comment/> C / <Display>On</Display </Temp> /Temp > > 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 26 <Humidity> (New Delhi)

  27. Integration to MetBroker 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 27 (New Delhi)

  28. Indian-Japanese Project Temperature sensors Same Term Same Term But meaning are different 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 28 (New Delhi)

  29. Future Plan 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 29 (New Delhi)

  30. Future Plan • Add terms used in other programs. p g • Open our wiki site • Link to “AGROVOC Concept Server” • Collaborate with AgroXML Collaborate with AgroXML • XML scheme import/export tool • Develop Interface to exchange data 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 30 (New Delhi)

  31. Future Plan System A System B Standard ・・・ Term A.a Term B.b 1. Collecting Term 1. 1. . Query using each term 6 2. If and only if A.a = B.b, define Term API.c Term API.c S Semantic ti MediaWiki A.aand B.b are synonyms of API.c API 3. Define API using the namespace “API” Cli Client t Internet 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 31 (New Delhi)

  32. Thank you!! 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 32 (New Delhi)

  33. Acknowledgement • This Research is done as a part of “Nosho Navi” p Project (2010-2014), and financially supported by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Japan. • The ward “ 農匠 (Nosho)” means the farmer who has high skill to make agricultural products. as g s o a e ag cu u a p oduc s • “Nosho Navi” try to clear their skills by observing Nosho's activities, and develop an agricultural N h ' ti iti d d l i lt l education system for new comers • Dr. Teruaki Nanseki, professor of Kyusyu U. Japan leads “Nosho Navi” Japan, leads Nosho Navi . 2011-08-24 T Kiura, M Omine, T Yoshida/ APAN 32 33 (New Delhi)


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