transverse impedance and transverse instabilities in the

Transverse Impedance and Transverse Instabilities in the Fermilab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transverse Impedance and Transverse Instabilities in the Fermilab Booster A. Macridin, J. Amundson, P. Spentzouris, V. Lebedev, T. Zolkin Fermilab Outline Introduction and motivation Synergia code Wake fields in laminated magnets

  1. Transverse Impedance and Transverse Instabilities in the Fermilab Booster A. Macridin, J. Amundson, P. Spentzouris, V. Lebedev, T. Zolkin Fermilab

  2. Outline ● Introduction and motivation ● Synergia code ● Wake fields in laminated magnets ● Simulation results ● Conclusions

  3. Fermilab Booster ● Intensity ≈ 4.5 x 10 12 p per batch ● Instability and beam loss at high intensity ● Requirement to increase intensity

  4. Combined function magnets ● 60 % of the machine length consists of combined-function (dipole & quadrupole) magnets ● Almost parallel-plane geometry defocusing focusing ● Beam exposed to laminations ● Large wake field ● Non-ultrarelativistic effects are important, injection energy 0.4GeV ( γ =1.42) ● Large space charge effects

  5. Coherent tune shift measurement Evolution of V. ● Data at injection and H. tune monitored over time for ● Large decrease of intensities the vertical tune from 2 to 15 injected turns ● Small increase of Daniel McCarron, PhD thesis the horizontal tune ● Large wake field ● Chamber geometry is important

  6. Horizontal instability near injection ● Stability achieved after the increase of the horizontal chromaticity to ● Horizontal instability at injection for ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.023 m − 1 ) ( β c , β c )= 2 π×( 0.091 m ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.025 m − 1 ) chromaticity ( β c )= 2 π×( 0.06 m β c , Y. Alexahin, et al., IPAC-2012

  7. Outline ● Introduction and motivation ● Synergia code ● Wake fields in laminated magnets ● Simulation results ● Conclusions

  8. Synergia Accelerator simulation package ● Single-particle physics (provided by CHEF) ● linear or nonlinear ● direct symplectic tracking (magnets, cavities, drifts, etc.) ● (and/or) arbitrary-order polynomial maps ● many advanced analysis features ● Apertures (circular, elliptical, polygon, Lamberston, phase space) ● Collective effects (single and multiple bunches) ● space charge (3D, 2.5D, semi-analytic, multiple boundary conditions) ● wake fields (can accommodate arbitrary wake functions) URL for download , building instructions and tutorial

  9. Synergia A simulation consists of propagating a Bunch (or Bunches ) through a Lattice . ● Inputs: machine lattice, initial bunch parameters, wake fields, ... ● Outputs: user-selected Diagnostics (means, emittances, particle tracking, ... ) Designed for range of computing resources: laptops and desktops, clusters, supercomputers Scalability: multibunch Synergia simulations have been shown to scale to 131,072 cores on Intrepid, a BlueGene/P supercomputer

  10. Outline ● Introduction and motivation ● Synergia code ● Wake fields in laminated magnets ● Simulation results ● Conclusions

  11. Wake field Induced currents - - - - - - +q b z +Q y Y witness source particle particle β c Δ p z =− qQW ∥ ( z ) ⊥ ( z ) X + W x ⊥ ( z ) x ) β c Δ p x =− qQ ( W X ⊥ ( z ) Y + ⊥ ( z ) y ) β c Δ p y =− qQ ( W Y W y • q,Q - charge of the source and witness particle • X,Y - displacements of the source particle • x,y - displacements of the witness particle • z - distance between the source and the witness particles For simulations we need: W | | (z), W X ┴ (z),W x ┴ (z), W Y ┴ (z), W y ┴ (z)

  12. Wake field and impedance calculation ● Solve the Maxwell's equations in the frequency domain for a point source moving with speed β c. ● The impedance Z( ω ) is proportional to the force acting on the witness particle. ● The wakes are obtain via Fourier transforms. − i ω z ∥ ( z )= 1 2 π ∫ d ω Z ∥ (ω) e β c W − i ω z ⊥ ( z )= i 2 π ∫ d ω Z x , y (ω) e β c W x , y A. Macridin, et al., PRST-AB 14, 061003 (2011) A. Macridin, et al., FERMILAB-PUB-13-390-CD, accepted to PRST-AB

  13. Wake field and impedance in the Booster F magnet ● Impedance in the laminated magnets ● Vertical wake ≈ 2 times larger than horizontal is much larger (10 3 ~10 4 times) than in wake at small distance << 1 bucket length ● Horizontal wake is larger ( ≈ 2.5 times) at larger the straight section distance

  14. Outline ● Introduction and motivation ● Synergia code ● Wake fields in laminated magnets ● Simulation results ● Conclusions

  15. Computing resources ● Simulations done on the Intrepid (Bluegene/P) and Mira (Bluegene/Q) supercomputers at Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ● Multi-bunch simulations are computationally expensive: 200 turns require 12 hours on 16000 cores on Intrepid Computing time provided by a 2013 INCITE Award

  16. Lattice model Orbit Response Measurement fitting (M. McAteer, A. Petrenko) ● dipole and quadrupole correctors to ensure agreement with the measured lattice functions ● note β x >> β y

  17. Coherent tune shift ω ξ x ω ξ y 4 x 10 10 p per bunch − 1 , 0.023 m − 1 ) ( β c )= 2 π×( 0.091 m β c , ● Fourier transform of the bare bare v tune h tune centroid displacement ● Wide spectral features ∆ν x ● Large negative shift of the vertical tune ● Small positive shift of the horizontal tune ∆ν y

  18. Coherent tune shift ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.023 m − 1 ) ( β c , β c )= 2 π×( 0.091 m ● The simulation shows slightly larger tune shift than the measurement

  19. Single bunch simulations ω ξ x 5 x 10 10 p per bunch − 1 red β c = 2 π× 0.009 m ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 blue β c = 2 π× 0.023 m − 1 β c = 2 π× 0.023 m ω ξ x − 1 green β c = 2 π× 0.091 m ω ξ x − 1 magenta β c = 2 π× 0.12 m ● Beam loss increases with increasing chromaticity due to the increase in the transverse size ● Small chromaticities are most favorable for non-interacting bunches, ω ξ x − 1 ≤ ≈ 2 π× 0.023 m β c

  20. 84 bunch simulation, horizontal instability simulation ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.023 m − 1 ) 5 x 10 10 p per bunch ( β c , β c )= 2 π×( 0.023 m ● strong horizontal instability experiment, Y. Alexahin, et al. IPAC 2012 ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.025 m − 1 ) ( β c , β c )= 2 π×( 0.06 m

  21. Horizontal instability 84 bunch simulation, the 14 th bunch ω ξ y − 1 5 x 10 10 p per bunch β c = 2 π× 0.023 m ω ξ x − 1 red β c = 2 π× 0.023 m ω ξ x − 1 blue β c = 2 π× 0.046 m ω ξ x − 1 green β c = 2 π× 0.069 m ω ξ x − 1 black β c = 2 π× 0.091 m ● Large horizontal chromaticity ( similar value to that observed in the experiment) needed to stabilize the beam

  22. 14 bunch simulation The subsequent buckets are populated, the 0 th bunch leads bunch 13 th bunch 12 th ● Horizontal instability bunch 9 th bunch 4 th ● The instability is bunch 0 th caused by short range bunch-bunch interaction rather than by a coupling to 5 x 10 10 p per bunch a resonant element

  23. Simulations with modified wakes ● direct space-charge neglected ● red - original wake, 1 x W X , 1 x W Y ● blue - increased horizontal wake, 1.5 x W X , 1 x W Y ● green - increased vertical wake, 1 x W X , 2 x W Y ⊥ ( z ) X + ⊥ ( z ) x ) β c Δ p x =− qQ ( W X W x ⊥ ( z ) Y + ⊥ ( z ) y ) β c Δ p y =− qQ ( W Y W y responsible for the instability The instability is caused by the dipole horizontal wake

  24. Simulations with modified wakes ● The dipole horizontal wake at the location of the F magnets is enough to cause instability. − 1 ∝ ∫ ds β( s ) ∫ dz W ⊥ ( s − z ) τ - instability growth rate 〈β x 〉 F = 27.758 〈β y 〉 D = 16.78 〈β x 〉 D = 12.784 〈β y 〉 F = 8.15 The lattice beta function is largest at the F magnets location in the horizontal plane

  25. Simulations with short wakes 1 bucket length=5.654 m ● only the dipole horizontal wake at the F magnets is turned on ● instability is seen for wakes longer than 2 bucket length At the relevant distance for the instability the horizontal wake is larger than the vertical wake

  26. Kick decoherence ω ξ x ω ξ y − 1 , 0.023 m − 1 ) ( β c )= 2 π×( 0.091 m β c , ● Experiment show very strong kick ● Simulation shows strong kick decoherence in both horizontal and vertical planes decoherence ● The decoherence increases with intensity ● Not a direct comparison with experiment, just an observation ● Future investigations planned

  27. Conclusions ● The presence of the laminations causes large and non-conventional wake fields in Booster. ● We ran single and multi-bunch Synergia simulations with realistic lattice model, space charge and wake fields. ● The simulation results regarding coherent tune shift and transverse instabilities are in good agreement with measurements. ● The instability is caused by short range bunch-bunch interaction rather than by a coupling to a resonant element. ● The relevant wake length for the instability is [ 2, 5] bucket length. ● We found two reasons for the horizontal instability: ➢ large horizontal lattice beta function at F magnets locations. ➢ larger horizontal wake field at the relevant interaction range.


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