transportation of ae review panel tarp

Transportation of AE Review Panel (TARP) Ammo & Explosives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transportation of AE Review Panel (TARP) Ammo & Explosives Workshop Mr. Will Smith 10 October 2017 Introduction Purpose of TARP Scope of Program Company Outlook Example Board Composition Potential Data Sources TARP

  1. Transportation of AE Review Panel (TARP) Ammo & Explosives Workshop Mr. Will Smith 10 October 2017

  2. Introduction • Purpose of TARP • Scope of Program • Company Outlook Example • Board Composition • Potential Data Sources • TARP Frequency 2

  3. Purpose of TARP • Create a carrier safety and quality review program • Focus specifically on AE Carriers • Capture AE Carrier safety data, performance metrics, and visit results/trends • Present to senior SDDC leaders on a recurring basis • Raise the safety and performance level of all AE Carriers NOTE: TARP will mirror many of the same requirements that currently exist in SDDC's Carrier Performance Regulation (SDDCR 15-1). TARP will outline carrier suspension or non-use actions for AE Carriers. This brief will focus on additional requirements or stipulations in TARP beyond 15-1. 3

  4. Scope of Program • 23 AE carriers registered in our program • Approximately 2,207 Tractors • 4,414 certified drivers • FY16 TSPs account for 56 accidents 4

  5. Company Outlook Example SDDC Logistics’ providers (SAFB) (Founded: 2001) President: Scott Base , USDOT#: 123456, S/B: VOSB, FY17 Revenue: 2.0M, .10% of AE Shipments, 19th of 23 TSPs (Shipments) Enterprise Carrier Performance (AUG 17) CSA Snapshot AUG 17 24-Month CSA Record Reason for Service Failures (2) Non-Use Actions(0) LOW (0) LOC (1) Total - Roadside Inspections: 123 1) G5: DTTS Related Failure, SNS Not Turned On (1) 80% - Roadside Violations: 42 (1) FR: Failure to P/U at Org on Scheduled Time 60% - Crashes: 2 40% 20% Behavior SDDC Quarterly Review Analysis and Safety 0% Improvement Categories Failures Shipments Percentage LOC LOW Nonuse Unsafe Crash Hrs of Veh Cont Haz Dvr Dr Ind Svs Maint Sub/Alc Mat Fitness 1st QTR 2 100 98% 0 0 0 <60% <60% <60% <75% <75% <80% <75% 2nd QTR 5 150 96.7% 0 0 0 Safety DTTS - Total Number of AE Assets: 45 - Total AE Drivers: 90 - Total AE Shipments: 57

  6. Board Composition • Proposed members - (5) Senior civilians SES-2, GS-15, and/or GS-14 or military equivalent • SDDC Deputy to The Commander (DTC) as Chairperson - May include USTRANSCOM representative 6

  7. Potential TARP Data Sources • Carrier Evaluation Visit reports/trends • Enterprise-wide carrier performance actions • DOT and DTTS accident/incident data • DOT roadside inspections 7

  8. TARP Frequency • The Panel will meet not less than two times per year to review the TPS AE program as a whole – Additional sessions to determine carrier suspension or disqualification actions at the SDDC level if required 8

  9. Questions? 9

  10. M I L I T A R Y S U R F A C E D E P L O Y M E N T & D I S T R I B U T I O N C O M M A N D

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