transportation demand

Transportation Demand Chris Arabia Management (TDM) Manager of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transportation Demand Chris Arabia Management (TDM) Manager of Mobility Programs Gabe Ortiz Grant Workshops NOVA Mobility Fall 2017 Projects Manager TDM Operating Assistance Transportation Management Projects Assistance Intern

  1. Transportation Demand Chris Arabia Management (TDM) Manager of Mobility Programs Gabe Ortiz Grant Workshops NOVA Mobility Fall 2017 Projects Manager

  2.  TDM Operating Assistance  Transportation Management Projects Assistance  Intern TDM Grant  Demonstration Programs  Technical Assistance  Studies  Research  Planning 2

  3.  Use expense categories  Look at all expense categories before using “Other” Changes to  Do NOT enter the match amount Line Item Budget Categories 3

  4.  Salaries and Wages  Fringe Benefits  Education & Training Changes to  Travel Line Item  Communication Services Budget  Printing & Reproduction Categories  Advertising & Promotion Media  Dues & Subscriptions  Guaranteed/Emergency Ride Trips 4

  5.  Professional Services (Staff Time Only) Changes to  Promotional Items Line Item  Vanpool Subsidies/Stipends/Incentives Budget  Incentives for Transit Categories  Incentives for Bikeshare  Incentives for Carpool 5

  6.  Application Requirements  What is the need? Application  Why? Guidance  Authorized Signature for Agreements  Master Agreement  RFP/procurement – DRPT must review RFPs prior to issue 6

  7. TDM Operating Assistance Final Certification 7

  8. Collaboration Opportunities  Try Transit Week  Telework!VA and Telework Week  Bike to Work Week 8

  9. Annual Work Plan  Modifications to template  Six Year TDMP 9

  10.  Goals  Increase person throughput on roadways  Data collection for NTD and inventory purposes  Assistance (80/20 match ratio) is available for: Vanpool!VA  Start new vanpools (VanStart) Guidance  Keep vanpools operating when more than one vanpool rider leaves the vanpool (VanSave)  Sustain vanpools  Increase vanpool ridership (free rides/try it)  All vanpool programs funded through TMP Assistance, not TDM Operating 10

  11. TDM  Review of process to date Performance  Discussion of draft measurements Evaluation  OLGA Framework  Next Steps 11

  12.  System Users  Advisory Group  Needs requirements Update on New Ridematching System 12

  13. Virginia  What can VTA do for you? Transit  Training Association  Conference (VTA)  How often do you correspond with VTA? Membership  How often do you attend meetings or conferences? 13

  14. Keep Up with DRPT 14

  15. Questions and Discussion 15


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