transactional memory

Transactional Memory Gokarna Sharma and Costas Busch Louisiana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards Load Balanced Distributed Transactional Memory Gokarna Sharma and Costas Busch Louisiana State University Euro- Par12, August 31, 2012 Distributed Transactional Memory (DTM) Transactions run on network nodes They ask for

  1. Towards Load Balanced Distributed Transactional Memory Gokarna Sharma and Costas Busch Louisiana State University Euro- Par’12, August 31, 2012

  2. Distributed Transactional Memory (DTM) • Transactions run on network nodes • They ask for shared objects distributed over the network for either read or write • The reads and writes on shared objects are supported through three operations:  Publish  Lookup  Move

  3. Suppose the object ξ is at node and is a requesting node Requesting node Predecessor node ξ Data-flow model: transactions are immobile and the objects are mobile

  4. Lookup operation Read-only copy Main copy ξ ξ Replicates the object to the requesting node

  5. Lookup operation Read-only copy ξ Read-only copy Main copy ξ ξ Replicates the object to the requesting nodes

  6. Move operation Main copy Invalidated ξ ξ Relocates the object explicitly to the requesting node

  7. Move operation Main copy ξ Invalidated Invalidated ξ ξ - Relocates the object explicitly to the requesting node - Invalidates also the read-only copies (if available)

  8. General routing: choose paths from sources to destinations v 3 u u 1 v 2 2 u 3 v 1 Routing in DTM: source node of the predecessor request in the total order is the destination of a successor request

  9. Edge congestion Node congestion C C edge node maximum number of maximum number of paths that use any node paths that use any edge

  10. Length of chosen path Stretch = Length of shortest path 12  stretch 1 . 5  8 shortest path u v chosen path

  11. Oblivious Routing Each request path choice is independent of other request path choices

  12. Problem Statement • Given a d -dimensional mesh and a finite set of operations R = { r 0 ,r 1 ,…, r l } on an object ξ • Design a DTM algorithm that: – Minimizes congestion C = max e | { i : 𝑞 𝑗 ϶ e } | on any edge e 𝑚 – Minimizes total communication cost A( R ) = σ 𝑗=1 |𝑞𝑗| for all the operations

  13. Related Work Protocol Stretch Network Kind Runs on Arrow O( S ST )=O( D ) General Spanning tree [DISC’98] Relay O( S ST )=O( D ) General Spanning tree [OPODIS’09] Combine General Overlay tree O( S OT )=O( D ) [SSS’10] Ballistic Constant-doubling Hierarchical directory with O(log D ) [DISC’05] dimension independent sets O(log 2 n log D ) Spiral General Hierarchical directory with [IPDPS’12] sparse covers ➢ D is the diameter of the network kind ➢ S * is the stretch of the tree used

  14. Limitations and Motivations • These protocols only minimize stretch and they cannot control congestion • Congestion can also be a major bottleneck – may affect the overall performance of the algorithm • A natural question is whether stretch and congestion can be controlled simultaneously • Congestion and stretch can not be minimized simultaneously in arbitrary networks

  15. Our Contributions • MultiBend DTM algorithm for mesh networks • For 2-dimensional mesh, MultiBend has both stretch and (edge) congestion O ( log n) • For d -dimensional mesh, MultiBend has stretch O( d log n ) and (edge) congestion O( d 2 log n ) • For fixed d , – stretch is within O(log log n ) factor and – congestion is within O(1) factor far from optimal

  16. In the Remaining… • Model • General Approach • Analogy to a Distributed Queue • Hierarchical decomposition for MultiBend • MultiBend Analysis • Stretch • Congestion • Discussion

  17. Model • Mesh network G = ( V,E ) of n reliable nodes • One shared object • Nodes receive-compute-send atomically • Nodes are uniquely identified • Node u can send to node v if it knows v • One node executes one request at a time

  18. General Approach

  19. Hierarchical clustering Network graph

  20. Hierarchical clustering Alternative representation as a hierarchy tree with leader nodes

  21. At the lowest level (level 0) every node is a cluster Directories at each level cluster, downward pointer if object locality known

  22. A Publish operation root Owner node ξ ➢ Assume that is the creator of which invokes the Publish operation ξ ➢ Nodes know their parent in the hierarchy

  23. Send request to the leader root

  24. Continue up phase root Sets downward pointer while going up

  25. Continue up phase root Sets downward pointer while going up

  26. Root node found, stop up phase root

  27. root Predecessor node ξ A successful Publish operation

  28. Supporting a Move operation root Requesting node Predecessor node ξ ➢ Initially, nodes point downward to object owner (predecessor node) due to Publish operation ➢ Nodes know their parent in the hierarchy

  29. Send request to leader node of the cluster upward in hierarchy root

  30. Continue up phase until downward pointer found root Sets downward path while going up

  31. Continue up phase root Sets downward path while going up

  32. Continue up phase root Sets downward path while going up

  33. Downward pointer found, start down phase root Discards path while going down

  34. Continue down phase root Discards path while going down

  35. Continue down phase root Discards path while going down

  36. Predecessor reached, object is moved from node to node root Lookup is similar without change in the directory structure and only a read-only copy of the object is sent

  37. Distributed Queue Analogy

  38. Distributed Queue root u tail head u

  39. Distributed Queue root u v tail head v u

  40. Distributed Queue root u v w tail head u w v

  41. Distributed Queue root v w tail head u w v

  42. Distributed Queue root w tail head u w v

  43. Results on Mesh Networks

  44. Type-1 Mesh Decomposition 2-dimensional mesh

  45. Type-1 Mesh Decomposition

  46. Type-1 Mesh Decomposition

  47. Type-2 Mesh Decomposition

  48. Type-2 Mesh Decomposition

  49. Decomposition for 2 3 x2 3 2-dimensional mesh (i+1,2) (i+1,1) (i,2) (i,1) Hierarchy levels

  50. MultiBend Hierarchy • Find a predecessor node via multi-bend paths for each leaf node u – by visiting leaders of all the clusters that contain u from level 0 to the root level root u v p(u) p(v)

  51. MultiBend Hierarchy (2) • The hierarchy guarantees: (1) For any two nodes u,v , their multi-bend paths p ( u ) and p ( v ) meet at root level min{h, log(dist( u,v ))+2} (2) length(p i ( u )) is at most 2 i+3 u v p(u) p(v)

  52. (Canonical) downward Paths root root u u v p(v) p(u) p(u) p(v) is a (canonical) downward path

  53. Load Balancing • Through a leader election procedure – Every time we access the leader of a sub-mesh, we replace it with another leader chosen uniformly at random among its nodes • The directory is updated appropriately by updating parent and child leaders – Locking may needed in concurrent executions • The update cost is low in comparison to the cost of serving requests • This step is necessary to control congestion – With fixed leader, edge congestion can be O( l ), the number of requests • If congestion requirement can be relaxed by a factor of ρ , the leader change is needed after every ρ requests

  54. Analysis of MultiBend

  55. Analysis on (move) Stretch Level Assume a sequential execution R of l +1 Move requests, where r 0 is an initial Publish r 0 h request. . . r 2 . . . . . r 2 . A*( R ) ≥ max 1≤k≤h (S k -1) 2 k-1 r 0 k r 2 r l . . r 1 r 2 . ℎ (Sk−1) 2 k+3 . A( R ) ≥ σ k=1 . . . . . . . . . r 0 r l-1 2 r 1 r 2 r l r 0 . . . r l-1 1 r 1 r 2 r l r 0 r l-1 0 r 1 r 2 r l y w x u v Thus, request ℎ (Sk−1) 2 k+3 / max 1≤k≤h (S k -1) 2 k-1 C( R )/C*( R ) = σ k=1 = 16 h max 1≤k≤h (S k -1) 2 k-1 / max 1≤k≤h (S k -1) 2 k-1 = O(log n )

  56. Analysis on (Edge) Congestion • A sub-path uses edge e with probability 2/m l • P’ : set of paths from M 1 to M 2 or vice-versa M 2 • C’(e) : Congestion caused by P’ on e • E[C’(e)] ≤ 2|P’|/m l M 1 • B ≥ |P’|/out(M 1 ) e • out(M 1 ) ≤ 4m l • C* ≥ B m l ==> E[C’(e)] ≤ 8C* Assume M 1 is a type-1 submesh

  57. Analysis on (Edge) Congestion (2) • As M 1 at level ( i ,2) is always completely contained in M 2 at level ( i +1,2) • log n +2 levels • E [ C(e) ] ≤ 8 C* (log n + 2) • Considering type-2 submeshes – exactly one type-2 submesh between every two type-1 submeshes – the type-2 submeshes may not be proper subset of type-1 submeshes – 4 possible type-2 submesh choices (path may bend at most 2 times) – Increases the load by a factor of 4 Thus, using standard Chernoff bound, C = O( C* log n ) , w.h.p.

  58. d -Dimensional Mesh

  59. Extensions to d -dimensional mesh • 2-dimesional decomposition can be directly generalized to a d -dimensional mesh – Problem: the congestion become O(2 d log n ) • Another decomposition is used to control congestion in O( C* d 2 log n ) and stretch O( d log n ) • We set appropriate λ and shift the type-1 submeshes by ( j -1) λ nodes in each dimension to get type - j submeshes


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