towards probabilistic acceptors and transducers for

Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures Daniel Quernheim Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart Kevin Knight Information Sciences Institute, University of

  1. Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures Daniel Quernheim Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart Kevin Knight Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-6) July 12, 2012 Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 1 / 21

  2. Linguistic structures Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 2 / 21

  3. Linguistic structures Strings surface forms, phonology, morphology Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 2 / 21

  4. Linguistic structures Strings surface forms, phonology, morphology Trees syntax Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 2 / 21

  5. Linguistic structures Strings surface forms, phonology, morphology Trees syntax Feature structures (= directed acyclic graphs) deep syntax (LFG etc.) semantics (abstract meaning representations) Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 2 / 21

  6. Feature structures   charge INSTANCE � �   person INSTANCE   THEME 1   “Pascale”  NAME          and INSTANCE           resist INSTANCE             AGENT 1         OP 1     � �    arrest   INSTANCE        THEME        THEME 1  PRED                 intoxicate  INSTANCE            THEME  1  OP 2            � �      public LOCATION INSTANCE     Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 3 / 21

  7. Directed acyclic graphs CHARGE CHARGE �→ charge ( theme , pred ) AND �→ and ( op1 , op2 ) AND RESIST �→ resist ( agent , theme ) ARREST �→ arrest ( theme ) RESIST INTOXICATE INTOXICATE �→ intoxicate ( theme , location ) ARREST PUBLIC �→ public () PERSON �→ person ( name ) PERSON PUBLIC PASCALE �→ "Pascale" PASCALE Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 4 / 21

  8. Translation pipelines Syntax-based MT pipeline fstring → translate → etree → language model → estring Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 5 / 21

  9. Translation pipelines Syntax-based MT pipeline fstring → translate → etree → language model → estring ◮ The individual components are efficiently represented as weighted tree acceptors and transducers . Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 5 / 21

  10. Translation pipelines Syntax-based MT pipeline nl-XTOPs − 1 FSA FSA RTG FSA fstring → translate → etree → language model → estring ◮ The individual components are efficiently represented as weighted tree acceptors and transducers . estring = B EST P ATH ( I NTERSECT ( language model , Y IELD ( B ACKWARDS ( translate , fstring )))) . Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 5 / 21

  11. Translation pipelines (2) Semantics-based MT pipeline fstring → understand → AMR → rank → AMR → generate → etree → rank → estring Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 6 / 21

  12. Translation pipelines (2) Semantics-based MT pipeline fstring → understand → AMR → rank → AMR → generate → etree → rank → estring ◮ No suitable automaton framework is known! Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 6 / 21

  13. Algorithms and automata string automata tree automata graph automata k -best paths through a trees in a weighted WFSA forest EM training Forward-backward Tree transducer EM EM training Determinization of weighted string ac- of weighted tree ac- ceptors ceptors Transducer WFST composition Many transducers not composition closed under compo- sition General tools AT&T FSM, Carmel, Tiburon OpenFST Table: General-purpose algorithms for strings, trees and feature structures. Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 7 / 21

  14. Algorithms and automata string automata tree automata graph automata ? k -best paths through a trees in a weighted WFSA forest EM training Forward-backward Tree transducer EM ? EM training Determinization of weighted string ac- of weighted tree ac- ? ceptors ceptors Transducer WFST composition Many transducers not ? composition closed under compo- sition General tools AT&T FSM, Carmel, Tiburon ? OpenFST Table: General-purpose algorithms for strings, trees and feature structures. Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 7 / 21

  15. Algorithms and automata (2) Our goal ◮ Find an adequate automaton model for the pipeline parts ◮ Investigate algorithms and fill all the blanks! Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 8 / 21

  16. Algorithms and automata (2) Our goal ◮ Find an adequate automaton model for the pipeline parts ◮ Investigate algorithms and fill all the blanks! Candidates ◮ Treating everything as a tree (too weak?) ◮ Unification grammars (HPSG, LFG) (too powerful?) ◮ Hyperedge replacement grammar (too powerful?) Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 8 / 21

  17. Algorithms and automata (2) Our goal ◮ Find an adequate automaton model for the pipeline parts ◮ Investigate algorithms and fill all the blanks! Candidates ◮ Treating everything as a tree (too weak?) ◮ Unification grammars (HPSG, LFG) (too powerful?) ◮ Hyperedge replacement grammar (too powerful?) Some straightforward extension of string/tree automata? ◮ Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 8 / 21

  18. Dag automata finite string automaton: (FSA) one input state, one input symbol, one output state . . . . . . p q σ Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 9 / 21

  19. Dag automata finite string automaton: (FSA) one input state, one input symbol, one output state . . . . . . p q σ finite tree automaton: (FTA) one input state, one input symbol, many output states q 1 . . . . . . p q 2 σ q 3 Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 9 / 21

  20. Dag automata finite string automaton: (FSA) one input state, one input symbol, one output state . . . . . . p q σ finite tree automaton: (FTA) one input state, one input symbol, many output states q 1 . . . . . . p q 2 σ q 3 finite dag automaton: (FDA?) many input states, one input symbol, many output states p 1 q 1 . . . . . . q 2 σ p 2 q 3 Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 9 / 21

  21. Dag automata (2) K AMIMURA and S LUTZKI (1981, 1982) ◮ Dag acceptors and dag-to-tree transducers ◮ They proved a couple of technical properties, no algorithms Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 10 / 21

  22. Dag automata (2) K AMIMURA and S LUTZKI (1981, 1982) ◮ Dag acceptors and dag-to-tree transducers ◮ They proved a couple of technical properties, no algorithms ◮ We investigate their model with some adjustments: ◮ not only adjacent leaves can be connected Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 10 / 21

  23. Dag automata (2) K AMIMURA and S LUTZKI (1981, 1982) ◮ Dag acceptors and dag-to-tree transducers ◮ They proved a couple of technical properties, no algorithms ◮ We investigate their model with some adjustments: WANT ◮ not only adjacent leaves can be connected BELIEVE BOY GIRL Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 10 / 21

  24. Dag automata (2) K AMIMURA and S LUTZKI (1981, 1982) ◮ Dag acceptors and dag-to-tree transducers ◮ They proved a couple of technical properties, no algorithms ◮ We investigate their model with some adjustments: WANT ◮ not only adjacent leaves can be connected BELIEVE ◮ top-down transducers instead of bottom-up ◮ we introduce weights (probabilities) BOY GIRL Quernheim and Knight Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures July 12, 2012 10 / 21


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