towards a language for multi model cps integration

Towards a Language for Multi-Model CPS Integration Properties Ivan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Towards a Language for Multi-Model CPS Integration Properties Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan Institute for Software Research Carnegie Mellon University CPS V&V I&F Workshop May 12, 2017 Semantic Gaps in CPS Models

  1. Towards a Language for Multi-Model CPS Integration Properties Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan Institute for Software Research Carnegie Mellon University CPS V&V I&F Workshop May 12, 2017

  2. Semantic Gaps in CPS Models Models of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Diverse engineering disciplines Heterogeneous formalisms Disparate levels of abstraction Partial overlap of referents 2

  3. Semantic Gaps in CPS Models Models of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Diverse engineering disciplines Heterogeneous formalisms Disparate levels of abstraction Partial overlap of referents Challenge: semantic gaps Difgerences in meaning Implicit overlaps How to express properties of both models? 3

  4. System Example Mission: navigate to the goal Multiple ways to reach the goal Limited battery capacity Can recharge at power stations 4

  5. System Example 5

  6. System Example 6

  7. System Example 7

  8. System Example 8

  9. System Example 9

  10. System Example Property: “Robot does not run out of power between charging stations” 10

  11. Relating with architectural views A. Bhave, B.H. Krogh, D. Garlan, and B. Schmerl. “View Consistency in Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems.” In ICCPS 2011. 11

  12. Problem How do we specify and check properties of several CPS models? Requirements for solution Expressiveness: mixed-model properties, “natural” syntax Decidability: procedure for automated verifjcation of properties Semantic modularity: models not dependent on each other 12

  13. Our Approach In a Nutshell 13

  14. Our Approach In a Nutshell 14

  15. Our Approach In a Nutshell First-order quantifcation Linear temporal modalities 15

  16. Integration Property 16

  17. Integration Property 17

  18. Integration Property Language (IPL) Syntax Declarative, one formula = one property Scope: one (dynamic) model and n (static) views Combines symbols from views and the model 18

  19. Integration Property Language (IPL) Syntax Declarative, one formula = one property Scope: one (dynamic) model and n (static) views Combines symbols from views and the model Semantics Gives meaning to formulas allowed by the syntax Reduces subformulas to either view or model semantics Enables a verifjcation algorithm 19

  20. Verifcation of IPL Formulas IPL verifcation: views, model ⊨ formula 20

  21. Verifcation of IPL Formulas IPL verifcation: views, model ⊨ formula Model checking: for all traces ω in a model, determine if ω ⊨ model_formula 21

  22. Verifcation of IPL Formulas IPL verifcation: views, model ⊨ formula SMT solving: determine all values of variables μ s.t. views, μ ⊨ view_formula(μ) Model checking: for all traces ω in a model, determine if ω ⊨ model_formula 22

  23. Verifcation of IPL Formulas IPL verifcation: views, model ⊨ formula Y/N SMT solving: determine all values of variables μ s.t. views, μ ⊨ view_formula(μ) Model checking: for all traces ω in a model, determine if ω ⊨ model_formula 23

  24. Technique: Rigid & Flexible Flexible terms/formulas – can change with time E.g., current position of robot curPos Only interpretable at model level 24

  25. Technique: Rigid & Flexible Flexible terms/formulas – can change with time E.g., current position of robot curPos Only interpretable at model level Rigid terms/formulas – cannot change with time E.g., map of the location map Interpretable at view level (and sometimes at model level) 25

  26. Technique: Rigid & Flexible Flexible terms/formulas – can change with time E.g., current position of robot curPos Only interpretable at model level Rigid terms/formulas – cannot change with time E.g., map of the location map Interpretable at view level (and sometimes at model level) Syntactic constraint on interleaving models/views Contributes to semantic modularity 26

  27. IPL Syntax Rigid terms 27

  28. IPL Syntax T erms Rigid terms 28

  29. IPL Syntax Atomic rigid Atomic formulas formulas T erms Rigid terms 29

  30. IPL Syntax IPL formulas Atomic rigid Atomic formulas formulas T erms Rigid terms 30

  31. Application of IPL Encoding of property Verifjcation algorithm SMT solver Model checker 31

  32. Requirements Revisited Expressiveness – provided: IPL expresses behavioral properties of one model Multiple views give “shallow” semantics of other models Decidability – guaranteed: Decision procedure reduces to other decidable problems Semantic modularity – preserved: Models are completely oblivious of views & each other Views have no behavioral semantics 32

  33. When IPL Works Well When models are implicitly related 33

  34. When IPL Works Well When models are implicitly related When models & views are available 34

  35. When IPL Works Well When models are implicitly related When models & views are available With behavioral models equivalent to automata Anything that can be verifjed against a modal formula 35

  36. Limitations Fundamental: reliant on existing formal methods Satisfjability solvers Model checkers Theorem provers 36

  37. Limitations Fundamental: reliant on existing formal methods Satisfjability solvers Model checkers Theorem provers Fundamental: reliant on the model-view fwk Soundness and completeness of model-view abstraction Soundness of view-view mappings Quality of integration with IPL ≤ quality of models 37

  38. Limitations Fundamental: reliant on existing formal methods Satisfjability solvers Model checkers Theorem provers Fundamental: reliant on the model-view fwk Soundness and completeness of model-view abstraction Soundness of view-view mappings Quality of integration with IPL ≤ quality of models Incidental: reliant on linear temporal logic Other temporal logics possible (e.g., metric, signal, comp. tree) Other models possible 38

  39. What is Next? More expressive behavioral properties Integrals, difgerential/difgerence equations Hybrid/probabilistic models Implementation for IPL Parser Verifjcation engine Application to other systems Expressiveness Compare performance of verifjcation to other approaches Pointers to properties & models welcome! 39

  40. Summary 40


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