National TIM Responder Training Program Implementation Progress - As of May 18, 2020 Train-the-Trainer Sessions • 465 sessions with 12,742 participants • 23% of participants have provided training In-Person Responder Training • 16,991 sessions with 387,809 participants Web-Based Training (WBT) • 75,417 total | 50,796 NHI | 7,543 Other • 17,078 ERSI Responder Safety Learning Network Total Trained: 475,968
TIM Responder Struck-By Fatalities SURVIVAL ALERT UPDATE • 15 fatalities have occurred since Jan 1, 2020. 2 - Firefighters/EMS Personnel 8 - Law Enforcement Officers 5 - Towing & Recovery Personnel 0 - Mobile Mechanics 0 - DOT/SSP 0 – DPW Injuries could be 10 times greater! Call to Action! Web-Based Training Option Links: • • Certificate.aspx Struck-By Line of Duty
TIM Training Program Implementation Progress Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Sessions - As of May 18, 2020 2 WA 2 NH ME VT ND MT 2 MN Canada OR MA NY ID WI 2 4 2 2 SD 4 MI 4 RI WY 2 2 PA CT 2 IA 2 3 NE 2 NJ 3 NV 3 OH 3 2 2 2 2 IL 2 2 DE 2 2 2 2 UT IN 2 3 WV MD CA CO 2 2 2 2 KS VA MO DC KY 2 2 NC 11 TN 3 2 2 17 2 2 FHWA Sponsored AZ 2 2 AR 3 8 SC NM TtT Session Conducted OK 3 2 2 AL 2 GA MS State/Local Led/Funded TtT Session Conducted 2 LA TX 2 FHWA and State/Local AK 2 2 3 Co-Sponsored 4 TtT Session Conducted FL 2 2 TtT Session Planned HI 2 2 PR 465 Number of TtT Sessions Conducted
TIM Training Program Implementation Progress Responder Training: In-Person & WBT - As of May 18, 2020 NH: Canada: 1,176 [228] 2,184 3,314 VT: [91] [1,591] 1,695 1,680 4,373 MA: 1,293 [193] [103] [149] 6,530 [15] 6,772 3,431 [846] [131] [61] 8,584 15,381 878 2,541 RI: [859] [348] [216] [217] 1,163 2,751 7,428 [79] [122] [350] 13,845 7,167 NJ: 9,591 [6,278] 14,718 CT: [190] 4,334 5,933 17,889 [558] [3,301] 931 15,731 [310] 2,021 [207] [746] 5,597 [672] [711] 8,492 [56] 26,711 [227] 4,526 MD: [1,810] 12,276 9,952 DE: [1,405] 17,742 [215] 6,926 [705] [1,844] 394 [7,608] [765] 23,716 [684] [285] 11,998 DC: 6,547 2,832 6,910 974 [2,278] 1,994 [469] [2,778] [857] [108] 8,881 [446] 2,272 4,368 [9,651] [794] 4,572 [181] 24,292 AK: [531] Mexico: 1,231 [19,775] 514 [2] [79] HI: PR: 581 8,002 [415] [34] Number of Responders Trained: In-Person - 387,809 Web-Based Training (WBT) - [75,417]
TIM Training Program Implementation Progress Total Trained - As of May 18, 2020 NH: Canada: 1,446 2,335 5,182 VT: 1,872 4,589 1,931 1,376 MA: 3,573 7,525 7,042 15,925 1,212 RI: 2,898 9,910 7,990 2,935 1,337 20,431 NJ: CT: 7,496 10,308 19,046 1,685 6,291 4,864 18,361 16,725 2,118 DE: 6,008 10,626 MD: 711 28,557 4,997 13,408 12,050 7,985 25,882 24,678 DC: 16,036 2,522 14,764 7,354 5,784 7,970 1,210 19,052 3,310 4,704 5,390 44,954 AK: Mexico: 1,233 649 HI: PR: 1,096 8,270 475,968 Total Trained
TIM Training Program Implementation Progress Percent Trained – Goal of 45% - As of May 18, 2020 NH: 32.5% 24.9% (7,175) (20,777) 24.9% VT: 69.1% 34.5% (7,510) 43.7% 16.6% (2,796) (3,993) MA: 74.7% (10,502) (21,542) 26.7% (10,068) 40.1% (26,350) 10.3% 58.8% 18.2% RI: 71.9% (39,698) (11,781) (4,930) (54,443) 35.5% 24.5% (4,080) (3,770) (32,555) CT: 54.0% 37.5% 37.2% NJ: 57.3% (54,500) (3,120) (20,139) 49.5% 63.9% 59.1% (18,000) 30.6% (29,798) (37,126) (8,224) 27.0% 20.6% DE: 15.1% (54,699) 53.4% (7,831) (30,546) (4,715) 60.2% (19,894) 43.3% 66.3% MD: 34.4% 36.3% (8,300) (31,000) (18,177) (23,218) (71,223) 42.8% (27,357) (57,680) DC: 38.6% 58.6% 56.7% 32.7% 54.4% 55.6% (6,534) 12.2% (26,061) (22,500) (10,627) (14,331) (9,932) 19.4% 25.9% 66.8% 3 0.1 - 14.9% Trained (17,103) (18,172) (28,532) 47.3% 8 15 - 24.9% Trained 57.4% AK: (78,309) (11,394) 13.5% 10 25 - 34.9% Trained (4,797) 10 35 - 44.9% Trained HI: PR: 6 45 - 54.9% Trained 33.5% 65.1% (3,270) 41.1% Percent Trained 15 55+% Trained (12,698) (1,158,265) Total Responders To Be Trained
Traffic Incident Management Research Using Cooperative Automation Research Mobility Application (CARMA) Messenger Platform • Automated Driving Systems (ADS) safe interaction with first responder and motorist vehicles (and future use of ADS) • Lives saved, police, EMS/firefighters, towers, transportation/public works and motorist Project has two parts: • Feature Development and Testing on Real Vehicles • Human Factors Studies
Firefighter Safety Stand Down 2020 Building a Superhighway to Safety – Protecting our Responders on Roadways • Taking place each year during the third week of June, Safety Stand Down highlights critical safety, health, and survival issues for the fire and emergency services. Departments and personnel are asked to suspend all non-emergency activities during the week to focus their attention on safety and health education and training. A week is provided to ensure all duty shifts can participate. • The 2020 Safety Stand Down takes place June 14-20. This year’s theme calls attention to the hazards that responders face while performing their duties on roadways. Operating in roadways continues to be some of the most treacherous incident scenes we respond to. This important initiative encourages everyone to refresh their techniques and learn new skills based on research and nationally recognized best practices. Use the resources and training on this site to participate in this year’s Safety Stand Down. 9
NTIRAW November 8-14, 2020 Safety is a TEAM Effort Traffic Emergency Actions Matter 10
Thank you, be Safe! 11
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