today warmup a taste for discrete math and computing

(Today) Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing Foundations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

(Today) Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing Foundations of Computer Science Lecture 1 Resources and Rules 1 Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing Storyline 2 Background Disease spread, speed-dating, friendship networks

  1. (Today) Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing Foundations of Computer Science Lecture 1 Resources and Rules 1 Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing Storyline 2 Background Disease spread, speed-dating, friendship networks 3 Challenge Problems Background 3 A Taste of Discrete Math 4 Two-Contact Ebola on a Grid Scheduling Speed Dates Friendship Networks and Ads Modeling Computers Getting Good at Discrete Math 5 Computing is Mathematics Polya’s Mouse 3 Challenge Problems 6 Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 2 / 13 Resources and Rules → Resources and Rules The Storyline 1 Web Page: ∼ magdon/courses/focs.html – course info: ∼ magdon/courses/focs/info.pdf – schedule+reading+slides: ∼ magdon/courses/focs/slides.html 1 Discrete objects. – assignments+exams: ∼ magdon/courses/focs/assign.html 2 Reasoning about discrete objects 2 Text Book: Discrete Mathematics and Computing (Magdon-Ismail). 3 Counting discrete objects 3 TAs, UG-Mentors. concepts/concrete proof/theory/abstract 4 Randomness: probability 4 Recitation Section. theory of computation 5 What can we compute? 5 ALAC Drop-in-tutoring. 6 What can we compute efficiently? 6 Professor. 7 Prerequisites: CS II (data structures) our language will be mathematics . . . Calc I (Calc II STRONGLY recommended) . . . it will be everywhere 8 Rules: No food, no electronics, no cheating. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 3 / 13 The Storyline → Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 4 / 13 Background →

  2. Background Two-Contact Ebola on a Grid A square gets infected if two or more neighbors (N,S,E,W) are infected. Programming, numbers, geometry, algebra, calculus, . . . Given initial gray infections, who ultimately gets infected? Minimum infections to infect everyone? Given few vaccines, who to immunize? What is the minimum element in the set { 8 , 9 , 3 , 10 , 19 } ? Does this set of positive numbers have a minimum element: What were the “entry points”? { 25 , 97 , 107 , 100 , 18 , 33 , 99 , 27 , 2014 , 2200 , 23 , . . . } Answers involve discrete math. Any (non-empty) set containing only positive integers has a minimum element. day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 5 / 13 Ebola → Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 6 / 13 Scheduling Speed Dates → Scheduling Speed Dates Friendship Networks and Ads In each round 4 people “group”-speed-date around a table. (4 rounds in all) People are circles and links are friendships. E M A I B D B H F L J P N A E C G O K D How to organize the rounds so that people meet as many people as possible? C F Do you care about average or minimum number of meetups per person? Can everyone meet at least 10 people? Who would you advertise to? You wish to maximize adoption of your new technology. What happens if you asign tables randomly? Answers involve discrete math. Answers involve discrete math. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 7 / 13 Friendship Networks and Ads → Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 8 / 13 Modeling Computers →

  3. Modeling Computers Computing is Mathematics Desktop, smartphone, fitbit, . . . What is computing? “Too few people recognize that the high technology so celebrated today is es- d 1 d 2 d 3 sentially a mathematical technology.” Dominos: 0 01 110 We have deep questions: 100 00 11 “A programmer must demonstrate that their program has the required proper- 1 What can we compute? 110 0 110 1100110 d 3 d 1 d 3 = ties. If this comes as an afterthought, it is all but certain that they won’t be 2 What can’t we compute? 11 100 11 1110011 able to meet this obligation. Only if this obligation influences the design is there 3 How fast? hope to meet it. . . Domino puzzle: Want same top and bottom. “The required techniques of effective reasoning are pretty formal, but as long as programming is done by people who don’t master them, the software crisis will remain with us and will be considered an incurable disease. And you know what Domino program: incurable diseases do: they invite the quacks and charlatans in, who in this case Input: dominos take the form of Software Engineering Gurus.” Output: sequence that works or – Edsger Dijkstra say it can’t be done Answers involve discrete math. Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 9 / 13 Computing is Mathematics → Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 10 / 13 Polya’s Mouse → Polya’s Mouse Getting Good at Discrete Math The professional ’s workflow in addressing a discrete math problem: “A mouse tries to escape from an old fashioned cage. After many futile 1: Model the problem your are trying to solve using a discrete mathematical object. attempts bouncing back-and-forth, thumping his body against the cage 2: Tinker with easy cases to build an understanding of the model. bars, he finally finds one place where the bars are slightly wider apart. The 3: Based on the tinkering, formulate a conjecture about your problem/model. mouse, bruised and battered escapes through this small opening, and to his 4: Prove the conjecture and make it a theorem. You now know something new. elation, finds freedom.” – Polya Tinker, Tinker, Tinker, Tinker! Connect tiles of the same letter with wires. Wires cannot cross, enter B tiles, or leave the box. How can it be done? If it can’t be done, why not? A Don’t be quick to dismiss either conclusion. Try this and that. Fiddle T˚i‹n˛k`eˇrffl ”w˘i˚t‚hffl `e´a¯sfi‹y `c´a¯sfi`e˙ s T˚i‹n˛k`eˇrffl ”w˘i˚t‚hffl `e´a¯sfi‹y `c´a¯sfi`e˙ s C around until you understand the problem and the difficulty. Patience. ˚t´o ˜b˘u˚i˜l´dffl `a‹nffl ˚u‹n`d`eˇr¯sfi˚t´a‹n`dffl- ˚t´o ˜b˘u˚i˜l´dffl `a‹nffl ˚u‹n`d`eˇr¯sfi˚t´a‹n`dffl- To solve such problems, “ You need brains and good luck. But, you ˚i‹n`g `o˝f ˚t‚h`e ”m`oˆd`e¨l ˚i‹n`g `o˝f ˚t‚h`e ”m`oˆd`e¨l must also sit tight and wait till you get a bright idea. ” – Polya. C B A Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 11 / 13 Getting good at Discrete Math → Creator: Malik Magdon-Ismail Warmup: A Taste for Discrete Math and Computing: 12 / 13 Three Challenge Problems →


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