AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 6-16-2009 Agenda Item # ______ City Manager Approval: TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: PLANNING DEPT. SUBJECT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BRIEFING ON TANC RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: That the City Council receives the presentation of the Planning Department on the TANC Project. SUMMARY: The TANC Transmission Project (TTP) is a proposal to build and upgrade approximately 600 miles of high-voltage electric transmission lines and substations in northern California. The TTP is designed to increase reliability, reduce congestion, and encourage the development and transmit renewable electric in Northern California. It consists of five segments or elements of transmission lines that extend from northeastern California through the Central Valley and split westward to the San Francisco Bay area and eastward to the Sierra Foothills.
TANC is a joint powers agency comprised of 15 publicly-owned (not for profit) electric utilities in northern California, formed to develop, construct, and operate electric transmission infrastructure, in order to provide cost-effective, reliable, and clean energy to our customers. TANC has recently embarked on the Program to improve the overall reliability of the northern California electric system, and to provide increased access to new, clean, California-based renewable energy. The Program also enhances the ability to achieve the Governor's recently ordered 33% renewable energy portfolio standard. DISCUSSION: As the Transmission Line project does not enter the City of Red Bluff City limits, which is the limit of our jurisdiction, staff has prepared an informational only presentation for City Council. Please see the Power Point Presentation. Other opportunities for information: Redding July 8, 2009 Workshop Red Bluff Community Center July 16, 2009 Workshop 6:30 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: A. MAY 15, 2009 Memo B. June 16, 2009 TANC Power Point Presentation
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