timescales of turbulent relative dispersion

Timescales of Turbulent Relative Dispersion Rehab Bitane, J er - PDF document

Timescales of Turbulent Relative Dispersion Rehab Bitane, J er emie Bec, and Holger Homann Laboratoire Lagrange, UMR7293, Universit e de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la C ote dAzur, BP 4229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4,

  1. Timescales of Turbulent Relative Dispersion Rehab Bitane, J´ er´ emie Bec, and Holger Homann Laboratoire Lagrange, UMR7293, Universit´ e de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Cˆ ote d’Azur, BP 4229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4, France Tracers in a turbulent flow separate according to the celebrated t 3 / 2 Richardson–Obukhov law, which is usually explained by a scale-dependent effective diffusivity. Here, supported by state-of- the-art numerics, we revisit this argument. The Lagrangian correlation time of velocity differences is found to increase too quickly for validating this approach, but acceleration differences decorrelate on dissipative timescales. This results in an asymptotic diffusion ∝ t 1 / 2 of velocity differences, so that the long-time behavior of distances is that of the integral of Brownian motion. The time of convergence to this regime is shown to be that of deviations from Batchelor’s initial ballistic regime, given by a scale-dependent energy dissipation time rather than the usual turnover time. It is finally argued that the fluid flow intermittency should not affect this long-time behavior of relative motion. Turbulence has the feature of strongly enhancing the dis- Planck equation associated to (1) exactly corresponds to persion and mixing of the species it transports. It is that derived by Richardson for the probability density known since the work of Richardson [1] that tracer parti- p ( δx, t ). It predicts in particular that the squared dis- cles separate in an explosive manner ∝ t 3 / 2 that is much tance ⟨| δ x ( t ) | 2 ⟩ r 0 averaged over all pairs that are initially at a distance | δ x (0) | = r 0 has a long-time behavior ∝ t 3 faster and less predictable than in any chaotic system. While little doubt remains about its validity in three- that is independent on r 0 . This memory lost on the initial dimensional homogeneous isotropic turbulence, observa- separation can only occur on time scales longer than the correlation time τ L ( r 0 ) ∼ r 2 / 3 tions of this law in numerics and experiments are dif- of the initial velocity differ- 0 ficult, as they require a huge scale separation between ence. For times t ≪ τ L ( r 0 ), one cannot make use of the the dissipative lengths, the initial separation of tracers, approximation (1) as the velocity difference almost keeps the observation range and the integral scale of the flow its initial value. This corresponds to the ballistic regime [2, 3]. Much effort has been devoted to test the univer- ⟨| δ x ( t ) − δ x (0) | 2 ⟩ r 0 ≃ t 2 S 2 ( r 0 ), where S 2 ( r ) = ⟨| δ u | 2 ⟩ is sality of this law, which was actually retrieved in various the Eulerian second-order structure function over a sep- turbulent settings, such as the two-dimensional inverse aration r , introduced by Batchelor [11]. The diffusive cascade [4], buoyancy-driven flows [5], and magneto- approach (1) can however be modified to account for the hydrodynamics [6]. At the same time, breakthroughs on ballisitic regime [12]. Nevertheless a short-time correla- transport by time-uncorrelated scale-invariant flows have tion of velocity differences can hardly been derived from strenghtened the original idea of Richardson that this first principles and seems to contradict turbulence phe- law originates from the diffusion of tracer separation in a nomenology. Indeed, as stressed in [7], if δx grows like scale-dependent environment [7]. As a result, the physi- t 3 / 2 , the Lagrangian correlation time τ L is of the order of cal mechanisms leading to Richardson–Obukhov t 3 / 2 law δx 2 / 3 ∼ t , so that the velocity difference correlation time are still rather poorly understood and many questions re- is always of the order of the observation time. Despite main open on the nature of subleading terms, the rate of such apparent contradictions, Richardson diffusive ap- convergence and on the effects of the intermittent nature proach might be relevant to describe some intermediate of turbulent velocity fluctuations [8, 9]. regime valid for large-enough times and typical separa- Turbulent relative dispersion consists in understand- tions. Several measurements show that the separations ing the evolution of the separation δ x ( t )= X 1 ( t ) − X 2 ( t ) distribute with a probability that is fairly close to that between two tracers. Richardson’s argument can be obtained from an eddy-diffusivity approach [9, 13, 14]. reinterpreted by assuming that the velocity difference To clarify when and where Richardson’s approach δ u ( t ) = u ( X 1 , t ) − u ( X 2 , t ) has a short correlation time. might be valid, it is important to understand the timescale of convergence to the explosive t 3 law. Much This means that the central-limit theorem applies and that, for sufficiently large timescales, work has recently been devoted to this issue: it was for in- stance proposed to make use of fractional diffusion with d δ x d t = δ u ≃ √ τ L U ( δ x ) ξ ( t ) , (1) memory [15], to introduce random delay times of con- vergence to Richardson scaling [16], or to estimate the where ξ is the standard three-dimensional white noise, influence of extreme events in particle separation [17]. U T U = ⟨ δ u ⊗ δ u ⟩ the Eulerian velocity difference corre- All these approaches consider as granted that the final lation tensor, and τ L the Lagrangian correlation time of behavior of separations is diffusive. As we will see here, velocity differences between pair separated by δx = | δ x | . many aspects of the convergence to Richardson’s law for As stressed by Obukhov [10], when assuming Kolmogorov pair dispersion can be clarified in terms of a diffusive 1941 scaling, τ L ∼ δx 2 / 3 , U ∼ δx 1 / 3 , and the Fokker– behavior of velocity differences.


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