tim berland property tax in texas

Tim berland Property Tax in Texas Yanshu Li Texas Forest Service - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tim berland Property Tax in Texas Yanshu Li Texas Forest Service 1 Outline Timberland property tax State tax incentives for timberland Wildlife management valuation on timberland Landowners rights and remedies 2 Texas

  1. Tim berland Property Tax in Texas Yanshu Li Texas Forest Service 1

  2. Outline  Timberland property tax  State tax incentives for timberland  Wildlife management valuation on timberland  Landowners’ rights and remedies 2

  3. Texas Taxable Property Value by Category, 2 0 1 1 Oil , Gas, Commercial Utilities & Industrial Other Real Personal Other Rural Real Rural Real Timberland, 0.06% Residential 3

  4. Tim berland Property Tax in Texas  Ad valorem tax Timberland = Property Tax Tax Rate X Appraised Value County Appraisal Taxing Units Districts 4

  5. Tim berland Property Tax Suppose a 10-acre pine tract is appraised at $200/acre, and the tax rate set by the TA in the county is $3 per $100 value. Then Property tax = $200 X 10 X 3 /100 = $60 5

  6. Tim berland Property Tax  Local tax, not state tax  Tax on timberland, not timber 6

  7. Tim berland Valuation  Market value  Timber in transition value  Timberland productivity value ◦ Restricted-use value  1978 market value 7

  8. Tim ber in Transition  Agricultural land  timber use  Tax benefit: 15 years as agricultural land  In the 16 th year, timber use applies 8

  9. Tim berland Productivity Value “Equals the average annual net income a prudent manager could earn from growing timber over the 5-year period preceding the appraisal’s effective year, divided by a statuary capitalization rate” — the Manual 9

  10. Tim berland Productivity Value Timber-use Value: Average Annual Net I ncom e Tim berPrice X Tim berGrow th – Managem entCosts = CapRate Capitalization of net annual income Based on productivity, potential income 10

  11.  Currently and actively devoted to timber  Primarily for timber production  Intent to produce income  Degree of intensity  Historical requirement Eligibility 11

  12. Tim berland Productivity Value 1800 1600 Market Value 1400 Productivity Value 1200 $ / acre 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Year 12

  13. 13

  14. Tim berland Productivity Value  Timberland value differs by forest type and soil type  3 Forest Types: Pine, Hardwood, Mixed  4 Soil Types: I, II, III, IV  12 Categories 14

  15. Exam ple Pine Mixed Hardw ood $329 $296 $140 I $204 $190 $65 I I $91 $94 $48 I I I $161 $85 $24 I V Comptroller Office, 2011 15

  16. 16 Restricted Use Tim berland Valuation

  17. Reforested Land ( SB9 7 7 )  Property tax benefit: 50% of regular timber-use appraisal for 10 years  In the 11th year, regular timber-use appraisal applies as long as it qualifies 17

  18. TFS Recom m ended Criteria for Reforested Land Appraisal  Upland site regeneration 300 trees / acre – At least 8 trees/acre well-spaced with 16 inch DBH – Site preparation recommended –  Bottomland site regeneration 300 trees / acre – Natural regeneration by cutting all trees – Planted hardwoods or pines are an option – depending on site conditions 18

  19. Special Forest Zones ( SB9 7 7 ) Aesthetic Management Zone (AMZ)  Critical Wildlife Habitat Zone (CWHZ)  Streamside Management Zone (SMZ)   Property tax benefits: 50% of the regular timber-use appraisal as long as it qualifies 19

  20. Aesthetic Managem ent Zone ( AMZ)  Timberland determined as special or unique for aesthetic purpose  Two types:  Public rights-of-way Highway or other public road, public use area (park, cemetery, school…)  Special or unique area Natural beauty, topography, historic significance 20

  21. TFS Recom m ended Criteria for AMZ Public Rights of W ay  10 years old or 35 ft tall  Zone width: 100-200 ft, within 200 ft from edge  Management plan  Harvest restriction (BA>50 ft 2 /acre) 21

  22. Critical W ildlife Habitat Zone ( CW HZ) Timberland on which timber harvest is restricted to:  protect endangered/threatened species  provide at least 3 of 7 benefits  Erosion control  Habitat control  Predator control  Providing supplemental water supplies  Providing supplemental food supplies  Providing shelters  making census counts to determine population 22

  23. TFS Recom m ended Criteria for CW HZ  Conservation agreement  Endangered or threatened species  Management plan  Harvest restriction (BA>50 ft 2 /acre) 23

  24. Stream side Managem ent Zone ( SMZ) Timberland on which harvest is restricted to:  Protect water quality or  Preserve a waterway (lake, river, stream or creek) 24

  25. TFS Recom m ended Criteria for SMZ  Streams or waterbody  Width: 50 ft from each bank, up to 200 ft  Trees 10 years old or more  300 trees per acre  Minimum 50 ft 2 / acre basal area  Management plan 25

  26. W hen CA Questions an Application, W hen CA Questions an Application, TFS Makes Final Determ ination on: TFS Makes Final Determ ination on: AMZ-Public Critical Wildlife Habitat Streamside Rights of Way Zone Management Zone 26

  27. Before TFS Make Final Decision:  The appraisal office will notify landowner of the request for TFS determination  Landowner should submit evidence to the TFS to support their claims 27

  28. AMZ – Special or Unique  Landowner seeks TFS determination first  Upon approval, apply with appraisal district offices Old-growth forest Historical site 28

  29. Tim berland Special Appraisal ( 7 .6 m illion acres) Timberland Transition to at 1978 Timberland Timber market value at restricted 1% 5% use 13% Timberland at productivity value 81% 29

  30. Landow ner’s Role  File timely application  Notify appraisal districts about ownership changes, eligibility changes  Pay tax 30

  31. Rollback Tax Penalty on Land Use Changes  Up to 5-year rollback taxes plus annual interest @ 7%  Not land use changes: ─ Sale for right of way ─ Condemnation ─ Transferred for public use by government ─ Agricultural use 31

  32. Landow ner’s Rights  Your land should be taxed at timber value if it qualifies  You should be informed about a taxing unit’s proposed tax rate increase and have an opportunity to comment  Protest to ARB (Appraisal Review Board)  Binding arbitration in court 32

  33. 8 1 st Session Legislation and Forest Landow ners  SB 801 Extends wildlife management valuation to timberland 33

  34. SB 8 0 1  Qualified timberland can be converted to wildlife management use directly  Appraised at the same category before conversion  Effect on Jan. 2010 34

  35. SB 8 0 1 — Eligibility  Timber-use before conversion  At least 3 of the 7 management practices for wild animals for human use  Erosion control  Habitat control  Predator control  Providing supplemental water supplies  Providing supplemental food supplies  Providing shelters  Making census counts to determine population 35

  36. SB 8 0 1 — Application  Complete 1-d-1 Open-Space Agricultural Appraisal form and select wildlife management option  Attach a wildlife management plan on a form developed by TPWD  Other documents required by CAD  Submit application 36

  37. New Registration Requirem ent on Sales Tax Exem ption  HB 268, 82 nd session, 2011  Beginning Jan.1, 2012, purchasers wishing to claim an exemption from Texas sales tax on qualifying items used in the commercial production of timber products must have a registration number issued by the Comptroller’s Office 37

  38. New Registration Requirem ent on Sales Tax Exem ption ( con’t)  Changes the process used to claim the timber sales tax exemption  No change to the types of items that qualify for exemption, or who is entitled to claim the exemption 38

  39. You Need A Registration Num ber I f:  You are engaged in the production of timber products for sale in the regular course of business AND  Want to claim an exemption from sales tax on items used in the production 39

  40. W ho Can Obtain A Num ber? Persons engaged in the production of timber products for sale in the regular course of business are eligible for an AgTimber number:  Original producers  Custom loggers  Consulting foresters 40

  41. 41 Eligible I tem s

  42. How to Get A Registration Num ber?  Online registration (GetReadyTexas.org)  Paper application (AP-228 Application for Texas Agricultural and Timber Exemption Registration Number)  Call 800-252-5555 to request a form 42

  43. New Tim ber Operations Sales and Use Tax Exem ption Certificate  Form 01-925  Purchasers claiming an exemption are required to use the new form 43

  44. Yanshu Li Forest Economist Texas Forest Service College Station, TX 77845 Email: YLI@TFS.TAMU.EDU (979) 458-6630 44


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