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Freedom m To Br Breath – 2007 2007 2 nd nd & & 3 rd rd hand smo moke stil ill a l a problem. lem. Tobacco Ind Industry continu inues to create mo more products to i imp mpact our health lth Smo Smokeles less Tobacco, , E- Ciga Cigarettes, , Fla lavored products, , Ch Chewi wing T Tobacco, , etc. The research is is overwhelm lming ing - wit with o over 7,0 7,000 c chemic micals, ls, at l least 70 of of whic ich ar are ca cancer-causing ing, , even br brief ief exposure to secondhand secondhand sm smok oke e is s danger dangerous. ous. Continu Co inued use of ad ads ai aime med to target and attract our AAP AAPI & & other Pr Prior iority ity Popula lation ion comm mmunitie ities. Imp mpact on cu cultu lture & & tradition ition.
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Ref efer erence ences : http http:// ://www.to .toba bacc ccofre freeca.com/su eca.com/succ cces esse ses/ s/hi hist story/ ry/ http:/ p://w /www.h .heal alth.s th.sta tate.m te.mn.u n.us/ s/fre freedo edomto mtobr brea eathe/ the/ https ps:// ://www.quit .quitpla plan. n.com com/ mino inorityh rityheal alth.h th.hhs hs.gov gov blogs.archi gs.archives es.g .gov ov www.aa aafe.o fe.org rg American Lung Association. 2013. What’s in a Cigarette? http:/ p://w /www.lu .lung ngus usa. a.org/s rg/stop top-sm smokin king/ab g/about out-sm smokin king/fa g/facts cts- figures/ gures/wha hats ts-in in-a-ciga cigarette.h ette.htm tml l Access cessed ed on October er 10, , 2013 13
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