three kings quarry

Three Kings Quarry Excellence in Environmental Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Three Kings Quarry Excellence in Environmental Management Presented by Gordon Laing 1 Quarry Manager (MIQ) Winstone Aggregates Environmental Management Background: Winstone Aggregates has a formal Environmental Policy. Proactive

  1. Three Kings Quarry Excellence in Environmental Management Presented by Gordon Laing 1 Quarry Manager (MIQ)

  2. Winstone Aggregates Environmental Management Background:  Winstone Aggregates has a formal Environmental Policy.  Proactive approach to implementing a high standard of performance at all quarries.  Implementation of environment policy led through Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001.  Records & procedure manuals at all sites.  Internal site inspections, external audits and monthly 2 reporting.

  3. Winstone Aggregates Contribution to the Aggregate and Quarrying Industry  Winstone Aggregates is an industry leader: – Promoting the need for quarries and aggregates in the community  Site environmental management & public relations efforts: – Lead by example  Environmental Management: – Employment of best practice  Compliance levels: 3 – Often exceeded

  4. Three Kings Quarry 4

  5. Location Auckland Approximately 6km from Central Auckland Three Kings Quarry (Approximate boundary only) 5 0 1 2 Scale (kms)

  6. Surrounding the site  Mainly residential.  Some business development.  Auckland City Council Reserve to the north-west . 6

  7. Operational Issues  Environmental management decisions often based on discussion with local residents.  Most residents reasonable, happy to work together for mutually agreeable results. 7

  8. Operational Issues  Another group refuses to accept the existence of any quarry in Three Kings’ urban setting.  Campaigns to close the quarry down.  Group creates obstacles to effective environmental management.  Disseminates misinformation and causes delays. 8

  9. 9

  10. New neighbours satisfactory outcome all parties 10

  11. Originality and Innovation in Environmental Management Initiatives 11

  12.  Community Liaison  Public Relations  Other Initiatives 12

  13. Community Liaison  Initiatives began in 1995.  Has evolved into the Three Kings Quarry Site Liaison Group.  Quarry Management Plan developed in 2001 in conjunction with the Site Liaison Group.  Three Kings Quarry continues to operate in accordance with this Quarry Management Plan. 13

  14. Public Relations  Work with public relations advisers to develop communications strategy.  Public open days and Consultation at an open day special information open days have been held. 14

  15. Environmental Management is both Voluntary and Mandatory Consultation itself is mandatory  Voluntary processes of consultation  – e.g. both mediation and public meetings evolve by agreement into mandatory inclusions in the District Plan or consent conditions. Environmental management initiatives  – Evolved from consultation and Site Liaison Group meetings. – Became voluntary actions – Included later in District Plan or consent conditions to become mandatory. Most management initiatives outlined in “Originality and  Innovation” section discussed – Were voluntary – Now mandatory 15

  16. Open & transparent Site visit invitations to:  Commissioners  Community board representatives  Journalists  Special interest group – e.g.Resource Management & Law Association 16

  17. Persistence and patience  Applied to the public relations process: – has kept it functional.  Some sectors appreciate the effort applied: – eg. Auckland City Council confirmed in writing that all previous environmental effects had been mitigated or removed . 17

  18. Other initiatives  Current site information in a folder at the local public library.  Current site info on the Winstone Aggregates’ website:  Resources and funding for local primary school projects.  Provision of an educational CD (“The Earth Beneath Us”) for primary schools.  Provision of information for primary, secondary and tertiary students. 18

  19. Environmental Management Practices deployed at Three Kings Quarry 19

  20. Noise  Compliance for many years.  Rockbreakers no longer in use.  Quarry gate opened before start of business for trucks to wait inside the site.  Ongoing upgrade and maintenance of mobile site equipment.  Right to refuse loading of poorly maintained trucks (e.g. no muffler). 20

  21. Vibration / Airblast  No Blasting at Three Kings (currently).  Procedure in place in Quarry Management Plan should blasting be required. 21

  22. Dust monitoring  Total Suspended Particulate samplers: – Monitor the site – Three locations  Wind and weather monitoring: – Record rain, wind speed and direction  Backup: – Minivol monitoring is carried out during summer months  Reporting: – Update Site Liaison Group at liaison meetings with quarterly results 22

  23. Dust suppression Water sprinkler system:  set up around perimeter of working site  wets faces and working area Water cart:  dampens areas as a back up to the sprinkler system 23

  24. Dust supression Haul roads and stockpiles are 24  wetted to minimise dust.

  25. Emissions  Time lapse video monitoring  Maintenance procedure for all mobile plant, reduce exhaust emissions  Exhaust pipes of site and Winstone transport trucks and machines not directed downwards 25

  26. Traffic Management  Hours of operation – 7am to 8pm daily – load out 7am to 5pm only.  Covering of loads – Notice located next to weighbridge speaker phone  Clean trailer drawbars – Drivers asked to do this before leaving site  Routine checks at gateway – Any aggregate spills are cleaned up immediately – No questions asked 26

  27. Caring for the Community 27  Installation of a wheel wash

  28. Ground Water Purpose of dewatering – Maximise extraction of scoria – Scarce & valuable resource. – Extending life of Three Kings operation preferable to removal of one of few remaining scoria cones. 28

  29. Ground Water Comprehensive Monitoring  and Contingency Plan: – to track behaviour of groundwater Depth measurement:  – Wide network of groundwater monitoring bores Surface level:  – Network of ground surface monitoring points – Precise level survey network Regular reporting of data:  – Required under Monitoring and Contigency plan Drill rig in action preparing – To Council and groundwater monitoring bores – To Site Liaison Group 29

  30. Partnerships  Implementation of residential property indemnity scheme  Partnership sought during consenting process to provide water for Auckland Municipal supply through dewatering 30

  31. Landscape / Visual Residential properties looking to the east from Big King Reserve 31

  32. Landscape / Visual  Quarry workings now below street level 32

  33. Landscape / Visual 33 View from elevated residential properties to the north-east .

  34. Landscape / Visual Construction of 2-3m high earth bund 34 on Mt Eden Road frontage

  35. Landscape / Visual Boundary Fencing between quarry and reserve Upgrade of perimeter safety fence – provides more aesthetic barrier to the 35 Big King reserve.

  36. Landscape / Visual  Demolition and removal of unnecessary unsightly structures.  Removal and replacement of workshop to a less obtrusive location.  Clean up and remove surplus machinery and scrap.  Planting native vegetation along the northern boundary. 36

  37. Landscape / Visual Exposed faces not worked in the lower pit are hydroseeded Exposed faces worked out in the upper pit are revegetated 37

  38. Landscape / Visual  Preparation and implementation of site revegetation management plan  Hydroseeding and watering of quarry faces not currently being worked  Hydroseeding and revegetation of completed faces. 38

  39. Three Kings site 39 1989

  40. Three Kings site 40 1997

  41. Three Kings site 2003 41

  42. Three Kings site 42 2005

  43. Quarry End Use 43

  44. End Uses ?  Options have been explored with Site Liaison Group and incorporated into the Quarry Management Plan.  Currently preferred option: – Cleanfill to road level. – obtain planning approval for mixed residential / commercial / light-industrial development.  Conceptual work started and discussed with Site Liaison Group. 44

  45. Overall Environmental Impact Majority of the community not aware of  quarry’s presence. Standard of performance at Three Kings is  consistent with what many communities now expect of our industry . 45

  46. Conclusion  Three Kings Quarry – An excellent example of “sound environmental management for the aggregate and quarrying industry.” 0 1 2 Scale (kms) 46

  47. Acknowledgements Alan Happy  – Resource and Environmental Manager, (FIQ) Michael Harris  – Engineering Geologist, (AMIQ) Arsini Hanna  Northern Region Environmental Co-ordinator (AMIQ) – Christina Renhart  – Project Leader, Projects 47

  48. Thank you 48


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