thorcon proposes to solve both energy poverty and the

ThorCon proposes to solve both energy poverty and the climate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ThorCon proposes to solve both energy poverty and the climate problem. service ship Can turbine/generator halls passive cooling underground fission plant ThorCon Powering Up Our World August 21, 2017

  1. ThorCon proposes to solve both energy poverty and the climate problem. service ship Can � turbine/generator halls passive 
 cooling underground fission plant ThorCon Powering Up Our World August 21, 2017

  2. World electricity use of 2300 GW will double. 1500 North America 7200 M people 1509 watts/person x 700 W 350 million people 1250 = 5,000 GW Per capita electricity use (watts) 1000 European Union 701 W 700 W EU lifestyle 528 510 M 750 GW China 397 W 500 Mid East & N Africa 1360 M 321 W Lat Amer & Carib 358 420 M 236 W GW 250 India 630 M Sub S Africa South Asia 540 GW 85 W 58 W 75 W 1300 M 970M 1720 M 0 World population 7200 million people World Bank data

  3. A single 1 GW electric power plant enables $32 billion of GDP in developing nations. $GDP vs kWh/yr $4-6 GDP per capita per 1 kWh each dot a nation Sources electricity-and-the-wealth-of- nations/ Robert Ayres and Benjamin Warr, The Economic Growth Engine: How Energy and Work Drive Material Prosperity 
 (The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

  4. 1400 GW of new power plants will be coal fired, the economic choice of developing nations. p e r y e a E [ r I A 2 0 1 3 ]

  5. As CO 2 emissions accumulate, temperatures rise: IPCC 5000 gigatonnes Temperature rise, °C CO 2 in atmosphere, ppm Business As Usual : adding 1000 ppm (5000 Gt) will add 4°C

  6. Building ThorCons instead of 1400 GW of coal plants will avoid more CO 2 emissions than Paris . 1 GW coal plant emits 8 Mt CO 2 /year x 1400 coal plants = 11 Gt CO 2 /year Current policy 59 Gt/y Paris cuts 4 Gt/y ThorCon cuts 11 Gt/y 2° cuts 18 Gt/y

  7. spent $850 million on RE<C 
 and concluded… What’s needed are reliable Trying to combat climate zero-carbon energy change exclusively with sources so cheap that the today’s renewable operators of power plants energy technologies and industrial facilities alike simply won’t work ; we have an economic need a fundamentally rationale for switching different approach. over. Ross Koningstein & David Fork, in IEEE Spectrum

  8. ThorCon liquid fission is cheaper than coal. Why? Energy density Economics ThorCon Coal 1200 2000 Capital cost, $millions/GW 0.53 2.27 Fuel cost, cents/kWh Electricity, cents/kWh 3.0 5.6 0.006 tons/day uranium • Developing nations already choose 10,000 tons/day coal handling nuclear power. 
 - 50 under construction; 150 planned • They will choose ThorCon liquid fission. 
 - cheaper than today’s nuclear 
 - cheaper than coal 10,000 tons/day coal

  9. ThorCon reactor is contained in a Can. Safer than Fukushima and Chernobyl, because Pump • Safety is intrinsic from physics, not add-on safety systems; overheating stops chain reaction. Heat exchanger • Any break will drain reactor fuel to cold shutdown fuel salt drain tank. Low pressure • Decay heat is removed by silo cooling wall continuous reactor vessel passive water circulation, even in power blackout. Silo cooling wall • Radioactive fuel salt at low , garden-hose pressure can’t disperse in catastrophe. Drain • Fluoride salt chemically locks up hazardous fission tank products iodine-131, cesium-137, strontium-90.

  10. Low cost: from shipyard construction, low pressure, high temperature, liquid fuel. High precision steel fabrication makes World shipyards can build 100 1-GW ships under $1000 per ton. ThorCon power plants a year.

  11. ThorCon CanShip moves Cans and fuel salt casks between power plants and recycling centers. Shipyard builds new power Barge to plant sites Plant sites (1 GW site plants (around 20 barge loads per shown) 
 GW) 1,000-20,000 plants CanShip delivers new Cans and takes old Cans back for recycling. Also transports new fuel and returns spent fuel. One round trip every four years to each 1GWe site. Fuelsalt handling facility does Can recycling facility fluorination and vacuum distillation cleans and inspects Cans, to recover fuel salt. Stores spent replaces graphite, stores fuel. In future re-enriches uranium, offgas and graphite recovers valuable plutonium, recycles wastes.. as future fuel.

  12. Customer Indonesia conducted a ThorCon pre-feasibility study. Lars Jorgensen, CEO, ThorCon; Yudiutomo Imardjoko, CEO, INUKI; Nicke Widyawati, Director, PLN; Rachmad Hardadi, Refinery Director, Pertamina; Dave Devanney, Director, ThorCon

  13. ThorCon prototype will be built on a hull, pretested, towed to Indonesia, settled shoreside, and powered up. Passive Turbine cooling hall Nuclear reactors • Water depth 5-10 m. • Hull version allows changes to prototype at shipyard, provides siting flexibility. • Production versions to be land-based, cheaper.

  14. CanShip servicing 2 x 500 MW ThorCon plants Can � turbine/generator halls underground fission plant


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