the whitten group p a 607 highland colony pkwy ridgeland

The Whitten Group, P. A. 607 Highland Colony Pkwy Ridgeland, MS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Whitten Group, P. A. 607 Highland Colony Pkwy Ridgeland, MS 39157 Blogs Linkedn My Twitter Space You Tube Texting Facebook 38 years 13 years 4 years 100 million in first 9 months Social Media as

  1. The Whitten Group, P. A. 607 Highland Colony Pkwy Ridgeland, MS 39157

  2. Blogs Linkedn My Twitter Space You Tube Texting Facebook

  3. 38 years 13 years 4 years

  4. 100 million in first 9 months

  5. Social Media as Workplace Harassment By Day By Night

  6. “ Sexting ” Offensive posts Offensive pictures Offensive language

  7. A word to the wise: If you are a cop, it's probably not a good idea to allow photos of bikini- clad women draped over your official police vehicle to wind up on Facebook.

  8.  79% use social media at work for personal purposes  48% use employer ’ s resources to access social media for personal purposes

  9.  Proprietary Information  Privileged Information  Posting from secure locations

  10.  Disparaging your employer  Improper use of business sanctioned social media  Reaction to social media “ explosions ”

  11.  Slander and Libel  Violation of organizational policy  Staying on the “ mother ship ”  Assorted civil claims

  12.  Set boundaries between life and work  Know your organization ’ s rules  Be very careful what you share  Be very selection about your “ friends ”  Assume everything you post is permanent  Respect the on line community

  13. “ I am pushing for a National Unfriend Day. I think it may be the only way to manage Facebook. ’ - Jimmy Kimmel  Check and manage your sites.  Change your passwords.

  14. Get a Filter

  15. Thank You for Your Participation!


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