The Syllabus Boiled Down: Residency to 1 st Class Session Feb. 7
To See Your WPI Info Online Go to Enter WPI folder on left of home page On right you will see: “Already have an Account?” Enter it and type in your email address and password. Explore the “Academic Compatibility” folder
Juan R
Assignments Team Guidelines and Code of January 22 (2 hrs) Conduct Draft; March 15 (2 hrs) Personal Strengths and Career Review: March 29 (1 hrs) Development paper Submission: April 12 (2 hrs) Write a Leadership Code of Draft: March 21 (2) Ethical Conduct Review: March 29 (1hrs) Submission: April 7 (1 hrs0 Lying/Deceiving, Stealing, Harming Present: Feb. 4: (2 hrs) Team Ethical Case Presentation in Class February 7 based on the Johnson text as assigned in syllabus. Be provocative, connect ethics to practical situations executives face.
Your Personal Coach Monique Catoggio (
It Is Show Time For All ELTs MAN 6891 EMBA Residency Ron Gilbert, Professor January 17, 2015
As Part Of The Leading Self Theme For This Course Taking a company public We want to create a Managing executive stress small list of practical How to use a head hunter Leadership challenges What to negotiate when you want to know more taking on a new executive about. level job We can allocate up to Leadership challenges in an hour in class taking a new product learning from a person (innovation ) to market who is an experienced What else? expert (has war stories).
Organizing Your ELT Purpose Activities Plan: 75 minutes Set the ground rules for Multi-Task! Develop a vision & your ELT. code of conduct; create a Prepare you for your first name and logo that assignment. distinguishes your ELT. Create enthusiasm for all Create a way to show us what and who makes your team Build esprit de corps and special. enthusiasm Present in such a way we will Have fun and perform be excited to have you as our effectively for all. partners
Your Team Assignment Look at the requirements in the “Guidelines for Teams” and the “Code of Conduct Example for Class.” You will have 10 minutes to present your team and its code around 11: 10 a.m. Remember: Plan before you perform then execute and at the end, reflect what did we do right, what to we need to do better next time.
Team Assignment Continued Create a process in which you will work together and build on the talents of all and get a great start on the actual assignment that is due January 22. Make a great presentation that brands your team as amazing resource for the program. Make the presentation smart, fun, and profound.
A Great Theme Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends Walt Disney Make this come alive through all that you do as a team in class
Now Go To Work!
Now Continue To Build Your Group Into A High Performing Learning Team Thank You! I will see you in a few weeks!
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