the statistics network

The Statistics Network The Statistics Network Statistics network - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Where are my files? The Statistics Network The Statistics Network Statistics network Compute servers Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 1/1 Where are my files? Your local desktop

  1. Where are my files? The Statistics Network The Statistics Network Statistics network Compute servers Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 1/1

  2. Where are my files? Your local desktop The Statistics Network: Where are my files? Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot Desktop PCs host : heron host : wren fs0x: /homes Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 2/1

  3. Where are my files? In the data directory The Statistics Network: Where are my files? Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot /data/parrot Desktop PCs host : heron /data/heron host : wren fs0x: /homes /data/wren Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 3/1

  4. Where are my files? Compute servers The Statistics Network: Where are my files? Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot host : /data/parrot greywagtail Desktop PCs host : heron /data/heron host : wren fs0x: /homes /data/wren Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 4/1

  5. Where are my files? In your group location /data/greywagtail/oxwasp/oxwasp18/flint /data/greywagtail/not-backed-up/oxwasp/oxwasp18/flint Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 5/1

  6. Where are my files? A summary Your desktop computer Host: parrot User: flint Location: /data/parrot/flint Available: on that computer only A grey* compute server Host: greywagtail User: flint Location: /data/greywagtail/oxwasp/oxwasp18/flint and /data/greywagtail/not-backed-up/oxwasp/oxwasp18/flint Available: on that computer The /homes file server Host: fs02 User: flint Location: /homes/flint Available: all Statistics computers Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 6/1

  7. Using compute servers From your desktop computer The Statistics Network: Logging on to a compute server Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot host : ssh greywagtail Desktop PCs host : heron host : wren fs0x: /homes Example command: ssh greywagtail Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 7/1

  8. Using compute servers From your desktop computer The Statistics Network: Logging on to a compute server Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot host : ssh ssh greywagtail Desktop PCs host : host : heron greyheron ssh host : wren fs0x: /homes Example command: ssh greyheron Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 8/1

  9. Using compute servers From your desktop computer The Statistics Network: Logging on to a compute server Statistics network Compute servers host : parrot host : ssh ssh greywagtail Desktop PCs host : host : heron ssh greyheron ssh host : wren fs0x: /homes Example command: ssh greyheron Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 9/1

  10. Using compute servers From Eduroam The Statistics Network: Statistics Logging on via Eduroam network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes Example command from laptop: ssh Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 10/1

  11. Using compute servers Via The Statistics Network: Statistics Logging on via Eduroam network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers Desktop PCs ssh fs0x: /homes Example command from ssh parrot Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 11/1

  12. Using compute servers From anywhere The Statistics Network: Statistics Logging on from anywhere network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes Other Department Home network Example command: ssh Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 12/1

  13. Using compute servers to a compute server The Statistics Network: Statistics Logging on from anywhere network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers Desktop PCs ssh fs0x: /homes Other Department Home network Example command from ssh greywagtail Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 13/1

  14. Using compute servers Using the Statistics VPN The Statistics Network: Statistics Using a VPN network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers Desktop PCs VPN fs0x: /homes Other Department Home network Example command: ssh Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 14/1

  15. Using compute servers Login to a compute server The Statistics Network: Statistics Using a VPN network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers ssh VPN Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes Other Department Home network Example command: ssh Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 15/1

  16. Using compute servers Login to a compute server The Statistics Network: Statistics Using a VPN network Eduroam Compute host : parrot servers ssh VPN Desktop PCs fs0x: /homes ssh ssh VPN Other Department VPN VPN Home network Example command: ssh Susan Hutchinson (Oxford) Computing in Statistics October 2018 16/1


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